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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. Your Firi end may encounter numerous problems
  2. Do you mean your actual visa or your visa extensions ?
  3. Marjorie Taylor Greene has promoted anti-Semitism, white supremacy , white genocide , stolen elections and various other similar cause . Why is Joe giving her publicity ? I had never heard of her before Joe mentioned her
  4. Just need the last./fifth anti rabies shot of which they use in Thailand . I am back in the UK now and we don't use those vaccinations here , so , The NHS will probably have some of the Thai vaccinations tucked away somewhere , hopefully anyway
  5. The POTUS or any person with a powerful job really should have a better memory . Like, he cannot even remember going to Ireland , so he wouldn't be able to remember what was spoken about . "Joe, how did the meeting go with the Irish PM" "Which meeting was that , when did I meet him" "When you went to Ireland" "When did I go to Ireland"
  6. TBH, I was being a bit sarcastic , a person going back to the UK after being a foreigner himself for seven years and complaining about all the foreigners in the UK
  7. Although the pubs closed because they are no longer a profitable business and going dahn the pub isn't a popular pastime anymore and ,any of the pubs have been turned into apartments . Its not as if foreign restaurants are talking over the pubs , they are two different separate issues . Pubs close down because they are unprofitable
  8. Seems like joe Biden forgot that he went to Ireland two weeks ago and a three year old boy had to remind him of his last trip abroad When asked by a Child what was the last Country he visited, Joe couldnt remember Joe Biden appears to forget his recent trip to Ireland https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-41127637.html
  9. Was it a Ladyboy ?
  10. If you get a World map and ask a British person to point out where Thailand is , far more would be able to do that than if you ask a Thai to point out where the UK is on a World map
  11. You really can find all the info you require by looking online : For example : Websearch "how long does hiv take to show up" https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/hiv-testing/hiv-window-period.html#:~:text=A rapid antigen%2Fantibody test,to 33 days after exposure.
  12. Driving standards in Thailand are below standard , as are the road rules enforcement , drink driving and many other aspects to road car usage in Thailand . People are not criticising the road safety standards in Thailand because of racism !!!!!!!!!!
  13. The Guardian published an Anti Semitic cartoon about this newstory . The squid in the Goldman Sachs box represents the alleged Jewish hold on certain segments of society , Hollywood, finance etc , are those gold coins in the squids mouth ? https://news.sky.com/story/the-guardian-pulls-cartoon-of-outgoing-bbc-boss-richard-sharp-after-antisemitism-backlash-12869197 "The Guardian pulls cartoon of outgoing BBC boss Richard Sharp after antisemitism backlash The media group apologised and removed Martin Rowson's drawing from its website saying it "does not meet our editorial standards" after it was branded a "repellent explicitly racist cartoon"."
  14. Quite possibly that he took any drugs available and he didnt stick to one drug of choice
  15. That was the offending joke and would you get upset and offended by it if I said it to you ?
  16. Would you be offended if you stated that you had two lesbians living next door to you and I asked whether you "had" both of them . Would you get offended and upset and distraught about that ?
  17. *Deleted post edited out* Oh, I made a joke . I look forward to the day when we can make jokes about homosexuality in the same way we make jokes about heterosexuality . That day seems to be a long way off . And BTW , joking about a person having a sexual relationship with another person isn't "condemning " it , but I will only make jokes about men having relationships with females in the future , so as not to upset anyone
  18. He could get a severe punishment , he could even get the death penalty .
  19. Do explain where and when I condemned you I did nothing of the sort
  20. Tel Aviv and Jerusalem in the Middle East have huge Pride event every year
  21. What about families ? Husband and Wife and two kids who are quiet and not flamboyant at all and just want to watch from the side-lines without partying , are they welcome as well ?
  22. Its 2023 , being gay is no big deal . No one is bothered or cares these days . These days you can just casually mention it and no need to "confess" .Same sex couples walk around holding hands these days and no one notices .
  23. I have to pay 50 pence to read that , as its behind a paywall "Introductory offer: Get unlimited News access for £0.50 a week. £2 £0.50/week Billed as £8 £2 every 4 weeks for the first year. Cancel or pause anytime. Subscribe now"
  24. My friends daughter goes to Rajabhat University in Chiang Mai , I will ask her where to find some cleaners to clean your Daughters room , they have some Uni websites . Shall I ask my friends Daughter to place an advertisement for cleaners for your Daughters rooms on the Uni Websites ?
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