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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. They have both given their policies on how to deal with the current situation , and what their intentions are * see below* , you wont get either of them saying "We will give you free wifi, footballs, guitars, holidays" or whatever , other parties will be doing that Policies set out by Truss could see less public spending, Institute for Fiscal Studies reports The tax and spending policies outlined by Tory leadership contender Liz Truss could see higher borrowing or less public spending, the Institute for Fiscal Studies reports. In its latest assessment, the thinktank said the foreign secretary was "proposing something quite different" from Rishi Sunak, with tax cuts worth more than £30bn per year. It went on to say the pledges "will have implications beyond the tax system" and these "remain unclear". The report read: "They will mean higher borrowing or less public spending, or some combination. Without spending reductions, the tax promises would likely lead to the current fiscal rules being broken, and Ms Truss has hinted that the fiscal rules may change. "In this context it is always important to remember that, whatever a chosen set of self-imposed fiscal rules might allow in the short term, in the end lower taxes do mean lower spending. "A fresh spending review has indeed been promised, but without clarity on whether current plans will be adjusted up or down – apart from on defence, where Ms Truss has promised a £23bn budget increase by the end of the decade."
  2. Well of course , its the Conservative Party and Conservative party members elect who they want to be their leader . That is perfectly acceptable, nothing wrong with it and no reason for any complaints . Members of a group electing a leader to lead the group
  3. You missed my point My point was that the more guys that use prostitutes , the less guys available for non prostitutes . Say there are the same amount of males and females , if there are a fair percentage of males banging hookers , they are out the equation in regards to having relationships with non hookers
  4. One could look at the from the other side of the equation . The more amount of guys that use prostitutes means there are less guys available for non prostitutes . If 1000 guys are all banging the same 50 girls regularly , then there's 950 free girls available who occasionally like to indulge in that sort of thing
  5. Thais don't seem to care about anything and thus don't get worried, concerned or depressed
  6. Although having "warm feelings " for Lek from the 69 Bar who charges 500 Baht for an hour short time, is a rather different matter and situation
  7. I would consider that to be beneficiary . It can be detrimental to ones well being , constantly craving sex all the time . Spending your days wandering around like horny soi dog with the constant need to ejaculate and paying others to help you achieve that
  8. Looks like Truss is favourite to win Liz Truss extends lead against Rishi Sunak in latest poll of Tory members By Sam Coates, deputy political editor Liz Truss has extended her lead among Tory members over Rishi Sunak as the final stage of the race for Number 10 gets under way. A YouGov poll taken on Wednesday evening and Thursday morning found the foreign secretary would beat the former chancellor by 62% to 38% among those who would vote. This is a 24 percentage point lead, up from a 20 point lead two days previously. https://news.sky.com/story/tory-leadership-live-updates-another-tory-candidate-facing-elimination-as-truss-responds-to-sunak-barb-12593360
  9. I do believe that is the main cause of the issue . Guys who spent most of their lives being unable to have sex and desperate for sex and spending most of their lives sexually frustrated , make up for lost time when prostitution is cheap and available . Other guys who have had an active sex lives throughout their lives have no desire to make up for lost time . Guys who weren't too successful with females in their younger days cannot believe their luck , now being able to have sex . Its still quite a taboo in the West, about men using prostitutes
  10. Yes, but foreign investors wouldn't decide NOT to invest in the U.K because Conservatives are electing a new leader . All democracies the World over have regular elections and the leaders are regularly replaced ,
  11. Or the bike was stolen and the landlady is just making an excuse in advance , so there's no comebacks to her .
  12. I don't think that sick people should be refused treatment at hospitals , but some aspects of the NHS could be reformed .
  13. This is democracy in progress . For a start , most Foreigners have no interest at all in U.K politics . And anyone who appreciates the democratic process would be aware that democracy involves people disagreeing with each other . I am bewildered that there are so many people who cannot accept or understand how democracy works and cannot fathom that people have differing opinions . I do think that some people will caste a negative aspect on any event
  14. I do disagree , it is rather abnormal for guys over, say 50 years old , to keep feeling sexually aroused to such an extent that they need to pay prostitutes to open their legs for sex on a regular basis . You really should have naturally gotten that out your system by now
  15. So he would have caught the virus whilst in Thailand ?
  16. No one is ashamed of using prostitutes though . I got bored with sex, so its unlikely that I will use prostitutes when I get older
  17. Is that a serious question . M.P's are regularly contacted by ordinary people , they live normal lifes like everyone else . Do you think that they spend 24 hours sitting in Parliament ? Anyone can visit their M.P at his local office . M.P's regularly meet with their constituents
  18. No, not me , I've always felt rather uncomfortable paying to ejaculate . Just doesnt sit right with me
  19. The leader of the Conservative party will be elected by members of the Conservative party .
  20. Everyones concerns need to be addressed , not just the people who go to food banks . Policies that effect the whole Country and all its people are the main concern , rather than just a minority group
  21. Here in the U.K , the media doesn't seem to be concerned about either the race or gender of the two applicants . Although you probably could find one or two articles if you did a specific search for it
  22. Because posters keep stating that the use prostitutes and that is where the direction of the thread goes.
  23. What percentage of your income is spent on prostitution ?
  24. Why not ask her..................shes probably already worked out how to do it ? ????
  25. Yes, but generally, the U.Ks inflation figures are roughly the same as most other E.U Nations , about 70 % of Countries have an inflation figure of between 8 % and 12 & and the UK is in the middle of those . Which shows that Brexit isnt the cause of the U.K's economic problems
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