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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. Completely different to zebra crossings . zebra crossings go cross ways , rather than straight
  2. Could be, the rainbow flag zebra crossing was this design and I haven't yet checked to see what all the colours signify , so maybe it now encompasses more then 5 % of the population
  3. It doesnt bother me either way , the only thing that concerns me is that I don't just walk across the road (Thai style) and that I wait until the pedestrian light turns green and the cars stop
  4. They were wearing lycra swimsuits that became semi transparent when they became wet and with a infra red light shone on them . That is one of the saddest places that I've ever been . Older single western guys sitting along in a small club with a bottle of beer staring at a woman on stage wearing a swimsuit and hoping to get a glimpse of breast or a quick flash of their genitals . Sad, miserable and depressing
  5. Yes, I may not agree with anyone painting a zebra crossings in numerous colours , but I will defend their right to do it . Even if the colours represent every single sexual orientation apart from mine , even if I am ostracised from the group , I will rejoice in THEIR freedoms
  6. I am not bothered about anyone elses sexuality either , I do wish that they would just shut up about it though as I am not interested in the slightest . I was just pointing out that black and white zebra crossings include everyone, whilst the "all inclusive" rainbow coloured zebra crossings are representative of about 5 % of the population
  7. And IMO, those who suggest that other people are "bitter" about not investing in bitcoin, maybe rather bitter themselves that they didn't buy a pocketful of them when they were a $ a piece and they had the opportunity to buy them
  8. I do realise that that's a thinly veiled accusation that I am homophobic and that's the reason I am not absolutely delighted to see the rainbow flag flying everywhere . But the message is spread through fear *Have rainbow zebra crossings and anyone who objects is a homophobe and needs to be punished * kind of thing. But I will happily skip and dance across rainbow zebra crossings and may even blow a whistle as well
  9. Its not pain at all , its now getting rather repetitive , seeing the rainbow flag flying everywhere . Flying from schools , lampposts , zebra crossings and various other places. I do like a bit of variety, rather than seeing the same thing over and over again , its like having the latest fashion item
  10. No, the black and white zebra crossings don't specify any one group and its includes ALL people . The rainbow flag zebra crossings are only representative of a small minority . There are many rainbow flags flying from many lampposts in my town , there have never been flags promoting heterosexuality flying from my towns lampposts . Should there be brown and White zebra crossings which promote people in relationships with Asians ?
  11. Actually thinking about it , here in the UK a friend was telling me that a worse for wear woman was standing outside a supermarket offering to single men to "do anything " for ten quid (400 Baht)
  12. You keep suggesting that people are "bitter" about not buying Bitcoin . Would they also be "bitter" about not buying Microsoft shares which have a similar growth , ot be bitter about not betting on that 100-1 horse that came in first , or be bitter about not picking the winning lottery numbers ?
  13. How many people actually go to Thailand just for prostitution though ? Single men used to go to Thailand for prostitution 30-40 years ago, there's not many go solely for prostitution theses days
  14. They can find prostitution for the same price in their home Country (although the 500 Baht street walkers wouldn't be available)
  15. That is a new bar recently opened . Bars in that area have been regularly closing down for the last five years about 50 bars in that area have closed down in the last ten years and there are just a few bars left . There was also a bar on the same premises that closed down last year . Who had the bright idea that that location would be a great place to open a bar ?
  16. Not sure the actual penalty , but that orange jump suit looks like its a serious offence
  17. Apart from street food and accommodation and public transport, what is cheap about Thailand ?
  18. Just take away the street food and local rice and noodle restaurants and Thailand would nt be cheap anymore . Those are the only things that are cheap , although accommodation is a lot cheaper than in Countries where accommodation is expensive
  19. Never understood why such a big tough guy had to carry a knife around with him or why such a big time gangster would get involved in a street altercation . Maybe hes one of these "Dave Courtney" kind of guys and hes a pantomime villain
  20. Usually find that people who befriend street dogs , do so because Humans dont want to be friends with them, so they become friends with dogs . Street dogs are the only living things that like you , and thats solely because you give them food
  21. You seem to think its admiral and a attribute that people are scared of you . People are usually afraid to approach dangerous wild animals or humans with mental disorders . Other people being scared of you is nothing to be proud about . You may want to be like him, most of us dont want to be like him
  22. I do believe that they are often seen in the bars with one coke and four straws shared between then , I read it "once" on these forums
  23. I dont think that there is a section of the Police that deal with *Hi officer, I have a friend that wants to beat up my other friend" . Police only get involved if an attack takes place . Also, could you give a link to where Johnson makes that claim ?
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