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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. They came from France , they had the choice of staying there . They choose to come to the U.K and could have remained in France
  2. I would like to go to Thailand and live . (Like the people who were going to be deported want to live in the UK) I do not have the correct documents to go to Thailand . (They didnt have the correct documents to go to the UK) Shall I do what they did and enter Thailand illegally ?
  3. It may make more sense if you scroll back a bit ? I don't have the time to explain the context
  4. Oh, you are talking about THAT Human right , the human right human right. I see know , the ECHR projects my human right to have human rights
  5. Maybe it was too clever and subtle for me ?
  6. Specific things, rather than general blanket things . What are the the specific human rights that the ECHR are protecting for me and what is likely to happen if the UK leaves the ECHR ? (Answers : None and Nothing )
  7. Prostitution does exist in Thailand though
  8. Do give me some examples of what the ECHR are protecting me from ?
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