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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. Well yes , if you want to be argumentative , there are always exceptions to the rule . Everyone knows that miscarriages can and do happen , was it really necessary for me to state the obvious ?
  2. He is bound by the same rules as everyone else , he got fined . That is old news anyway , time to move on to the present
  3. It would end up being a person, if it wasnt killed . If you go to a supermarket and buy dinner , you aren't actually buying "dinner" , you are buying the ingredients which will become dinner shortly afterwards
  4. Nothing to do with anyone's gender , one person shouldnt have the right to end another persons life
  5. No, you can write the info down and I can read it myself
  6. I used to enjoy cashew nuts in Thailand because they seemed cheap . Now in the U.K , I noticed that cashew nuts are cheaper in the UK than in Thailand
  7. No, the small survey was carried out on sex workers and people attending sexual health clinics . That would be like going to an alcoholics anonymous meeting and asking the people there whether they have a drinking problem and than saying that 85 % of the population has a drinking problem because 85 % of the people asked said they did
  8. Yes , that is a survey asking people who have "increased sexual risk characteristics" (sex workers ?) and 87 % of then stated that there partner asked whether they could have condom free sex . The survey was carried out on people who often work in the sex industry . If the people surveyed were non sex industry workers , the percentages are very likely to be very lower . The survey was carried out on sex workers /promiscuous people and not the general population, so the figures aren't reflective of society in general
  9. Just for some clarification, who are the people complaining about ten Baht price rises ?
  10. Although that is 32 % of the 5000 people who were questioned at a sexual health clinic and they are likely to have attended the sexual health clinic because they had condom free sex or/and were sex workers and its quite possible that instead of opening admitting to condom free sex , thy just used the excuse that he took the condom off without his/her knowledge . The survey was carried on people who often work in the sex industry . The 32 % figure is not 32 % of the female population as a whole , its 32 % of people who work in the sex industry , and its quite possible that a fair percentage of that 32 % were lying and just using it as an excuse . But 32 % of the non sex worker population has not been stealthed
  11. So 32 % of woman , would be about 1 . 2 Billion woman . You are stating that 1.2 Billion woman have had sex with a man where he removed the condom mid sex ? I am quite sure that isnt correct . 1200000000 Woman have had sex with a man when he removed the condom ?
  12. OK, there are some guys here who have mentioned they've had sex with 1000's of females and some guys have mentioned they don't use condoms , so there may be some people who favour abortions for that reason . Best to leave it there .
  13. If a woman chooses a sexual partner who will take the condom off without her knowledge to impregnate her mid sex, then she needs to take precautions herself to avoid getting pregnant
  14. Do you have any evidence to back that up ? (One report published in three magazines five years ago isn't proof or evidence)
  15. If they want to avoid being destitute single mothers or getting abortions , they they should take measures to avoid getting into that predicament
  16. Another way would be for her to have a responsible partner who wouldn't want to or try to remove the condom during sex , not to have a relationship with a man whose going to have unprotected sex and take the condom off first chance he gets . She needs to find a responsible man to have sex with and if she doesnt fully trust the man, she needs to protect herself by talking the pill
  17. We seem to be talking about knife wielding rapists who get underage girls drunk and then impregnate them and then do a runner because they don't have a job . Those people are the tiny minority and they shouldn't be regarded as the norm
  18. They both need to decide on that BEFORE they carry out the procedure where she may become pregnant . Both decide on whether they want to have a child and THEN have sex
  19. The Females should get to know the guy a bit more before she decides to reproduce with him , get to know him to the extent that she would know whether he is the type of guy to do a runner or not
  20. Its actually a relief that females don't seem attractive anymore . Been there, done that , lost interest
  21. No, if females don't want to get pregnant , they should either take the pill or make sure the male is wearing a condom and they really don't have to hold on to the mans penis at all times
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