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Everything posted by Tanomazu

  1. In other words the minds stuck on playing Ghost of Tsushima and Halo. They ask important questions like "What is the best hard drive to use with my playstation?".
  2. Story-telling has become a massive problem in global society. Just think of all the billions of people who burn away endless hours a day following the story narratives of video games, Netflix films, Youtube, etc, don't you think if those people had instead done something useful, developed their talents, studied something that can lead to genius, we would not have more geniuses? I predict that thanks to video games, mobile phone games, social media, YouTube, Netflix, BBCiplayer etc those with genius potential will be tempted to waste hours following outlandish story lines, instead of developing their true talents. It's a real problem for the future of humanity.
  3. Bit of a moot point since we know he bought the same exact stones that were used to hide the body. You explain his stone shopping how exactly?
  4. Fundamentally it is correct that women do not need men as much as men need women. This is obvious alone from the overwhelmingly stronger need for sex in men, and the fact that women do most of the housework (still, despite feminism, in the West too). And yes, of course in the much later years, the 70s generally, they spend a few years alone as men die a little earlier. It's also very true that in Asia now there is a trend for some women to live alone, South Korea is another example where feminists are opting out of dating and pair bonding and just want to live alone. And yes, certainly, even mediocre women are like rock stars and can have sex on tap easily. However, women are not fine without men. Every human being wants fulfillment, and every human being wants a connection with the opposite sex, unless they have some psychological issues which most don't have. Whilst the single feminist sitting in her 35 sqm shoe box apartment may tell herself that life is wonderful in the city without the supervision of her strict parents this only lasts a few years. When they turn 40, 50 and 60 they realise they will die alone as at that age, after they hit the wall, they can no longer date so easily and generally realise they will die alone, or the likelihood of that is very great. That is when the desperation, man-hating, anger and bitterness set in. And there is nothing as unhappy, nasty and bitter as a woman who knows she will die alone and no man wants her anymore. You can see that in the West, where middle aged women so openly hate men that "what's wrong with men", "men are pigs" has become a stereotype. Because they want to debase what they cannot have, yet crave. To feel better. You are also right about women entering the media, politics and the law in greater numbers now. However, curiously in law for instance they very rarely achieve the top echelons of partnership, it is still men who become partners more often. No doubt child rearing is still an obstacle and problem for women. Of course this does not mean there are no female partners, there are and many are feminist to the core and have taken active roles in reshaping criminal law, family and even corporate law in favour of women. Some intellectually more capable women, who are also feminists, however realise the gender war is a war they can not win, and want no part of it. Just read Mary Harrington. She knows an all out gender war would be a disaster for women https://unherd.com/2021/05/nobody-wins-the-gender-wars/ It is slowly dawning on the older women that they need men. Witness how Bardot, Deneuve etc slammed the Me-too movement. They know.
  5. That's all true, however, the money to pay the increased salaries has to come from somewhere. If you own a business and suddenly have to pay increased salaries will that not impact your business negatively? Was it not Thailand's low wages that made Thailand attractive for investment, and is it not the lower wages in Vietnam that lead companies to move there?
  6. Freedom for all seems a wonderful idea. Why should vegetarians not have the choice to eat food of their liking? Until you realise it's at your expense, because you can be certain that the time and effort KFC spend on research, development, sale of vegetarian nuggets you'll never eat, will not be spent on them developing products you may actually like. Freedom for vegetarians is clearly at the expense of meat eaters' freedom. Every vegetarian item on any food menu is an item that could have been something delicious for you, but now....isn't. Personally, I'm not loving it.
  7. Why do you think income inequality should be narrowed in Thailand, wouldn't more expensive salaries make Thailand even less competitive?
  8. I think you'll find Bitcoin is not the only coin with limited supply: https://www.statista.com/statistics/802775/worldwide-cryptocurrency-maximum-supply/
  9. You are right to choose a front-loading model, they are almost always better than top-loaders, however, if you choose an all-in-one then there are compromises in terms of quantity of clothes you can dry and a few other things. Since in Thailand the best brands of washing machines are generally not available or too expensive any of the brands you mention would be fine. I used a Samsung and had no issues. Ideally you should look for a separate warming-pump dryer, which are the best option, but all-in-one will do the job. You just can't put as much in it and it won't do the job as well in terms of drying. A dryer is still a must in Thailand, if you don't want the brutal sun to damage the fabric. Tried sun-drying, but the fabric was so dried out that clearly a dryer was a must have option. Not to mention insects in Thailand.
  10. I once tried to change my 41 year old wife back to her sexy happy 19 year old self. Sadly this also was not crowned with success.
  11. The thing is that the existence of the family is the result of the transition from promiscuity to pair-bonding. It was only this transition from a state of promiscuity to one of pair-bonding that allowed the emergence of the family unit as we know it in the first place. Once males were freed from the impact of violent competition for access to females this reduced injuries among men, but above all it reduced the time spent on violent competition. That time could then be channelled into caring for infants. With a faithful female all males could be assured their offspring was theirs, and that their investments on the offspring were not wasted. In return the female obtained provisioning by the male. This is not my theory, this theory was developed by academics and is borne out by observation among primates, where both the original state of total promiscuity and the action of trading provisioning for access to females, by males was observed. https://www.pnas.org/content/109/25/9923 Thus pair-bonding was born as an idea by the male. Pair-bonding, ie the fidelity of the female in return for provisioning is what led to the creation of the family. The female understood that to be faithful to one male brought with it crucial advantages in provisioning that were vital to survival. Now, fast forward thousands of years. Men, in desperation, during war time, for the first time introduce women into the work force in large numbers. They start to earn their own money. To dispose of their own money. They start to develop financial independence. Then the developed nations introduce the welfare state, and women can get money from the state. All this has chipped away at the requirement for male support in terms of provisioning. However, from a male perspective, the issue is that a woman who has no requirement for provisioning by a male, effectively has no requirement to be faithful to a male. This notion of fidelity is then only enforced by custom, religion, culture, media and such, but not by actual necessity. Is there evidence for this? If you look at the emergence of divorce, its increase in numbers emerged just after women entered the workforce in large numbers and started to enjoy financial independence. You are right that the unfulfilled female gender is a major source of unhappiness in the world now, an unfulfillment and unhappiness that can only grow as 45 and 55 year old women realise they will die alone, as 20 and 30 year old feminists propagate the live-alone and never marry option. And of course this unhappiness will not be blamed on feminists, but on men. To say nothing of the unhappiness this causes to men, witness the incel movement and rampages by men who are denied any mating access whatsoever. Me-too, the feminist terrorism of FEMEN and radicalised feminists in newspapers are merely a symptom of this. If you fund gender studies with taxpayer money, allow feminist lawyers to reshape criminal law, family, enforce women only voting lists, of course all of this strengthens and supports feminists. Now, while it is true that in Thailand most women have not chosen the path of feminism yet, there are feminist centres all over Thailand. There is one in Mae Rim, Chiang Mai, I linked to it above, which, like all of them, operates under a disguise of Buddhism, offering workshops, yoga, meditation and such. Obviously only for women. There are other centres like this across the country. I looked into this when I saw a story about a feminist Buddhist based in Chiang Mai. Thailand is a special case however, in Thailand it has always been women that worked, there is a long tradition of this, and of course the financial reward for that work is usually very small. This means that provisioning by a male is still very welcome. So Thailand is a special case. Plus Thai men are among the last defenders of patriarchy. So we will be spared the unhappiness of wide-spread radical feminism for a while, but there is no telling for how long. Already western feminists are flooding into these "meditation" centres run by radical feminists in Thailand, to support their cause.
  12. I think you'll find that Monero is listed on several cryptocurrency exchanges, including Kraken, a US based cryptocurrency exchange, which being US based has to be compliant with US AML/KYC requirements. It's also listed on Litebit, from the Netherlands, so compliant with EU AML/KYC requirements. It's also listed on Bittrex, also located in the US, and therefore compliant with US AML/KYC requirements. And quite a few others. There is actually no difference in the legality status of Bitcoin and Monero in the US for instance. Bitcoin and Monero are both designated as commodities by the CFTC and Treasury in the US, they are both designated as virtual currencies, but neither has legal status as money or currency. Both are legal to use in the US, and transactions for both require the same KYC and AML by the exchanges. Both are listed on exchanges in the US. However, Monero has some advantages over Bitcoin: "Bitcoin has a problem: it's not fungible. One Bitcoin does not equal another Bitcoin. If you receive Bitcoin that's previously been sent through a mixer, or that's been somehow associated with illicit activity, it can make it look like you're associated with the shady transactions. That's the case even if you purchase Bitcoin legitimately and with zero knowledge of its past use." https://www.coinfi.com/how-to-buy-cryptocurrency/monero-xmr
  13. It's called "Hypergamy". The phenomenon of women seeking partners with higher economic means and / or status, primarily to achieve economic security but also upward social mobility, has existed for centuries. If a woman has the opportunity to enter a relationship with a man of higher economic means or status, there is a strong chance she will leave you for him.
  14. Thank you. And yes, that is exactly right. To find that purpose is half the battle. Of course if you are single you can challenge yourself every day, for instance by doing daytime approaches of women, and see how many numbers you get. You can set obstacles for yourself.
  15. Actually all cryptocurrencies are legal to use in most places, you just mean it does not have special legal status as a commodity or money I suppose? It probably won't get it, but then Bitcoin does not have money or currency status in most countries. Doesn't stop either of them from having market capitalization in the billions. The 400 USD level is just one conservative estimate for the end of this year. However, by 2026 the forecast is 1900 USD. A 1000% increase looks pretty good. Of course we'll have to see if it comes to pass. Some predict more, others less, but who knows the future really.
  16. I am on the happy scale, but not in the top numbers right now. But I am on the scale. To hit the top scale you really need to have just overcome a major obstacle. Which I hope to do soon.
  17. You say that, but not every financial transaction involves KYC. For instance if you get to send and receive money instantly a lot of Thai women would be extremely in favour.
  18. I have an LG GBP50NB40 and it is very reliable. Been going for years.
  19. Like you I am a radical believer in freedom. That is why I like Thailand and the USA so much. The feeling of freedom is quantitatively greater. However, even in the USA, in Thailand we are not actually free. Yes, we have more freedoms than in say Japan or Denmark, however, even here our freedoms are curtailed on a daily basis. There are limits to freedom even in the USA and in Thailand. I'll give you an example. Free speech. The USA is rightly perceived as one of the freest countries in the world, where you can say a lot of things you can not say elsewhere. However, in the US too there are limits to freedom of speech. If you scream "fire" in a crowded theatre, that is a potential crime in the US, and is not defended by freedom of speech. For very good reason, to protect society. Now, we have the unfortunate situation that the freedoms of some reduce the freedom of others. So in principle everyone can not be perfectly free. Never. It just is impossible. You have to realise that the freedoms of some are always at the expense of others, in the worst case your own. In law this is acutely recognised, and the principle is generally that freedoms are allowed as long as they are not harmful to others. However, as I have said, the freedoms of some often are at the expense of others' freedom. So it's not a question of should women's freedoms or rights be curtailed. They already are. As are mens' rights and freedoms. Obviously you are very right in that one has to be very careful in curtailing anyone's freedoms. The question is rather, are the rights some feminists claim, to be alone at home and never pair bond, ie not procreate and contribute tax payers to society, is that harmful to men and society at large? Is excessive expenditure on women's health harmful to society at large, male taxpayers for instance? Is a criminal law that allows women who burn their husbands to death and the lets them walk free after 3 years harmful to society, and men? Does a family law, as reshaped by feminist lawyers, which encourages women to extract economic advantage from men and leave them, harm society, harm men? My take on it is this, whilst I am extremely liberal, and in an ideal world would not care what feminists do, when they do something that harms me, and reduces my freedoms I would certainly consider rolling back on some of the excesses they have caused. This is already happening of course, as lawyers in the UK have started to make family law a bit fairer, after feminist excesses made a mockery of family law. The real issue is that pair bonding has created the basis of all civilization, the family unit. And allowing women to work has clearly undermined the family, feminists' decision to live at home alone, and never pair bond, has undermined the principle of family and society. Feminism is a threat to civilization, not just happiness.
  20. My money is on Monero being a star performer. "According to our forecasts, the Monero (XMR) is likely to trade bullishly, and it’s price is expected to surge sharply, like its peer cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum. Currently, the price of the Monero is $ 193.42, but by the end of 2021, the Monero price is expected to soar to the $ 460 level." https://www.fxleaders.com/forecasts/crypto/monero-price-forecast/
  21. When women entered the workforce en masse due to the exceptional calamity that was world war two this opened the door to women flooding into the work world. It looked innocent at first, however, this came at a price. Pair bonding was not invented by women. Before the advent of pair bonding both women and men were wildly promiscuous. You can still see this in chimpanzee and Bonobo society today. Promiscuity was the starting point. However, the problem with this was that only a small select group of men, the victors in male on male competition, then had unlimited access to mating with women. Until the less successful males figured something out, that they could trade provisioning for sexual access. After providing provisioning to a female the male could however find that another male swooped in and "stole" a pregnancy. Obviously that was a wasted investment, so the male required the female to be faithful to him. The female agreed in return for provisioning. This trading provisioning for sexual access can also be witnessed in chimpanzee and Bonobo society. Thus was pair bonding born. https://www.pnas.org/content/109/25/9923 However, with the advent of women entering the work place and the welfare state it was clear that women no longer needed to provide sexual access in return for provisioning. The work place or the welfare state now did that. Finding a male now was no longer a matter of life or death, but merely of decrease or increase of luxuries, a better wardrobe or tv perhaps. Hence the terminal decline of pair bonding in our current time, with some women, usually feminists, now refusing to pair bond altogether and refusing to have children, whilst others merely use it for material gain and swiftly abandon the male once his economic value has been extracted. If we had never introduced women into the workforce the crisis in pair-bonding may have been averted and possibly would never have happened. Women also would be much happier this way, for even if radical feminists who live alone think it's wonderful, if you ask them a few decades later they're just bitter lonely people. However, above all the unhappiness of many men would have been avoided. Now women have very little reason to stay faithful to a man, unless they have kids and economic necessity, which is very often not the case anymore.
  22. Yes, we men fell for the "equality" lie line hook and sinker. We did not understand then that feminism was not about equality. It was about ego. Pankhurst did not want equality to vote, she was a social psyocopath and narcissist with a pathological ego. Feminism is about ego. If in Asia they spoil the boy, in the West they spoil the daughter. We've created a generation of massively entitled feminist monsters. Their preferred work is to lecture in gender studies, newspapers, tv studios, about the insufferable suffering of the poor feminist. The problem is men still take them seriously. Even after they have the vote, childcare at taxpayer expense, more money spent on medical care than men, the criminal and family justice systems tailored to their advantage to the extent that a woman can kill a man by burning him alive and walk away with 3 years because of battered woman syndrome. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiranjit_Ahluwalia This woman who killed her husband by burning him alive is now a media celebrity in feminist circles in the UK. So it is clear. Feminists want to shape society, all our institutions, the law in particular, viciously in their favour, at the expense of men. It is not about equality. It is about an ego-trip and selfish advantage. Whilst it is indeed a part of happiness to avoid feminists in LOS, they do exist here as well, and whilst we can escape the evil of feminism here by and large, we are already seeing an influx of western feminists into Thailand to educate the "sisters" further on how to help the feminist cause succeed in Thailand. Only Thai men and Thai patriarchy can save us.
  23. Feminism indeed appears to be one of the creations of Satan, used to make life miserable and worse for both sexes. I still remember how in my lifetime, only 20 years ago, feminism had not made the break through it has made now, when women were afraid to pronounce they were feminists for fear of the public disapproval. Now things are a bit different, at least among the glitterati. Whilst feminists are rare in Thailand, unfortunately the country is not devoid of them. As we type they are meeting in secret behind closed doors in ostensibly "Buddhist" women-only retreats to debate how to further the feminist cause in Thailand. Meet Ouyporn Khuankaew "Ouyporn is a Buddhist feminist activist and has been a workshop facilitator in Asia since 1995. She facilitates workshops on feminist counseling, sexuality and anti-oppression. Prior to IWP, she ran the gender program of the International Network of Engaged Buddhists." https://womenforpeaceandjustice.org/about-iwp/contact-us/ And it's not just in Chiang Mai. These women-only supposedly Buddhist feminist centres exist all over Thailand. Because they use the guise of Buddhism they even pocket the respect of society for their man-hating, feminist agenda, which they keep close to their chest while they sell perverted pseudo-Buddhism, meditation and yoga for women-only. Whilst clearly having feminists confined to obscure retreats is preferable to having them all over your newspaper and tv screen like in the West, we still have to be vigilant in Thailand against the feminist man-haters. If the numbers are so small currently in Thailand, it is only because Thai men have been vigilant and enforced the patriarchy however, it only takes one weak period, like in the west, and this state of affairs in Thailand can be radically changed into the feminist paradise the West has become, and thus a hell for the rest of humanity that does not subscribe to the evil of feminism.
  24. Very interesting, but he's not in Thailand, is he?
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