People here are up to their eyeballs in debt and can hardly afford to eat at times nevermind travel around the country on trips !!
Pay them a decent wage and they might be able to travel about .
Pretty sure if most guys said to their girlfriend that they were heading to Thailand for 2 weeks alone for a holiday she would then decide she was his ex girlfriend 😂
I know this as it says he called her , but you would think the length of time he was going he might have went with her . Bit odd just says to his girlfriend I'm off to Thailand for 2 weeks see you when I get back and she says yeah sure no worries 🤔😀
Changed his flight to a few days after arriving 🤔
Wonder if he upset the wrong people somewhere and was leaving before they caught up with him and did he go alone to Bangkok ? Seems odd didn't go with his girlfriend unless he was meeting someone there .
Spent 2 and a half hours on plane with no air or water in Washington in middle of summer when it was around 28c outside. Was awful yet the crew refused to give out drinks incase we needed to take off.
Plane ended up there after flight to UK was diverted because of medical emergency. The guy having the emergency got up and walked off and then we couldn't take off as a torrential rain storm arrived with lightning everywhere. Went from daylight to almost dark outside in 5 minutes.
That the wild west still exists and didn't end when cowboy movies did and that if mad max could really happen then here would be a prime spot due to the road carnage daily .
Speed it was going I fail to see how they expected it to stop if hitting the brake and they didn't hit the accelerator by accident as it was already going Mach 1 .
Where is he getting the cash to buy lottery tickets 🤔
If he has won several times before then how many tickets is he buying every time , as I ain't won a thing in 13 years ! 🙄