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Everything posted by ronster

  1. I looked into buying some as got some for first one but never got to go , but the family did and said was amazing and so well organised. All the sites I looked at said they had for sale but when you proceed they say register via email to be notified when for sale. The second one was a bit of a farce as the main stand was bought up by ticket scalpers or business to give away to clients . The stand was full of people who wanted to be there to get on tv or take a million pics for their Instagram accounts and the real fans were left with only the outer stands or paying 8000bht plus for a ticket . Hopefully will get to go this year and get main stand seat ????????????
  2. Yes was in samui in Tesco chaweng and was an official Levi shop.
  3. Have bought jeans about 3 times from Levi shop and few t-shirts. The jeans were not far off uk prices but the waist sizes were 2-3 sizes out every time and the material was very thin and soft but not in a high quality way. Their stuff seems ok for women shopping there , but I now just get all my clothes brought out from uk as sizes and quality here are rarely any good for decent clothes.
  4. I checked several shops for chlorine in samui around 6 weeks ago and they all said price had gone up. Looked on lazada and the prices had all gone up there also. Only one place in maenam was selling at normal price which was 2850 bht for 25kg 90% chlorine and they delivered it to my house in south.
  5. 100,000 bht fine for spraying water ! Meanwhile in the uk the PM gets £50 fine for holding illegal covid party ! ???????????? Tourists will be flocking here I’m sure .
  6. Wonder if he was possibly one of the honest ones and didn’t like what he seen other staff doing to luggage and was threatening to tell .
  7. Half the people in that photo appear to be workers dressed in black with armbands who appear to be checking paperwork ! ????
  8. It is the 6th April is it not ? Or are they stuck on the 1st April !! ????
  9. Wife’s mate does this. Posts on Facebook when she wins all time on the numbers lottery , but as I said to my wife she basically buys 60-70 numbers between 1 and 99 so covers most of them. So when she actually wins and says she won 20,000 or whatever then you can bet she spent about 18000 buying numbers ! Loses more than she wins for sure !
  10. You can buy 10,15,20 tickets with the same number if you find a seller that has them. They usually charge more than 80-100bht per ticket for the privilege though .
  11. So none of the vets in samui could have been asked to do this and probably actually have experience dealing with jellyfish stings etc ! ????
  12. What plus feature ? I thought nothing about the lottery was online ? Still never understand people who win lotteries and go public !! Why ?
  13. How many of the police involved will get their share of this I wonder ? Would be interesting to see a breakdown of where it all goes once seized knowing what happens a la joe Ferrari !
  14. Not so if generally looked after. Huskies have a 2 layer coat which insulates them from heat and cold . They have problems when idiots shave them and they lose the ability to stay at a reasonable temperature in sun. Most are also born here so have less problems than one that is brought here from a cooler climate.
  15. How many years has this been proposed and never happened ! For the price of the ticket for the prize payout it is one of the worst lotteries in the world ! Never be put online as too many people involved will lose their cut from it. Not all sales help people with disabilities etc , there are two different tickets from what I remember and one is sold by people with disabilities and the other is just sold by a vendor. They said you shouldn’t be able to buy the same number in large amounts like 10 or above , yet the other day I seen a page selling tickets in groups of 10,15 and even 20 of the same number. But if you want these you better be rich as the sellers ask double the price or more and also there are certain tickets they say are lucky and they charge more for them also !
  16. I got the 10s 8gb model and it does everything you say and battery lasts forever and charges in minutes. I paid 6600bht for it and if it stops working or gets lost or stolen in year or two I will just buy another , instead of wondering who nicked my 30-40000 bht iphone ! From reading reviews of this and the pro the only difference was 108mp camera and slightly better refresh rate on screen on the pro . From comparison sites it rated it as equal to a iPhone 11 in score but that still costs about 22000bht with decent memory size .
  17. Pretty much a joke. Gets halved because admits it ! Easy job police and lawyers have if they can offer that all the time and then not forget you can pay the family of injured or deceased and it reduces it further as your so kind ! ???? Was the second guy shot also ? If so then surely there should be similar charges brought for attempted murder of second person. Too many guns in the hands of too many low IQ idiots here !
  18. Thank god for the “ concerned citizen “ again !! Saving us all from the spread of covid due to shisha ! ????????
  19. So nobody questions a guy in the ladies toilet or why he’s using a computer in hospital offices when not employed there ? Did nobody else use this computer and if he was dumb/smart enough to put them there then why would he not send the images to a laptop at home . ????
  20. Welcome to Thailand ! Now if you could just hand over your wallet and be on your way please ! ????
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