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Everything posted by ronster

  1. πŸ˜‚ I know what their thoughts will be ! The woman at the back left knows something by her look at him πŸ˜€πŸ™„πŸ™
  2. I said to her that's crazy as people will either have to go to the office's to all change their cards or leave to go to their home area . I'm not sure if you can only change your card in the area you were born or can do it anywhere. If only in area you were born then Phuket , Samui and Bangkok will be empty of restaurant staff .
  3. Not even 1 a day for an island size of Phuket. Some seriously good hide and seek champions there πŸ˜€
  4. Always buy the dark blue top Meiji milk as nearest I have found to be decent. Dutch milk is very watery tasting. Think I pay about 100bht for large carton of Meiji.
  5. Must have been a very poorly constructed bridge to break with just the one tree falling on it . Appears to have steel cables in it despite being described as a rope bridge , would think they would be strong enough to support it for enough time for them to get off the bridge unless they were thrown from it upon impact.
  6. I seriously can't believe they won't allow people to pay electric bills with this . Gasoline I can understand they could buy it and sell to get cash , but electric you can only really pay at office or via a bank app using barcode on the bill . This seems totally set up to go to the many large companies who sell all things like soy sauce , msg , cooking oil to the smaller franchises and shops . So eventually it all ends up in the large companies pockets as people can't do anything else with it . Good news we are going to give you money but you can only spend it where we say πŸ™ˆ My wife said you can also only spend it in the area your id card is registered too. She had to go change her id card to location we live now .
  7. Several complaint stories but I will let you look them up . Try Google πŸ‘πŸ™„
  8. So not eating , paying for flight , getting the job or accommodation. πŸ€”
  9. These so called kidnappers must be loving the Thai government saying they expect 8 million Chinese to come here πŸ˜€πŸ€‘
  10. Her husband seems well paid if he's sending 80000 a month to her. What was the aunt wanting the money for and how did she give it to her or did she not get the chance to give it to her aunt ? Seems banks here just deny everything and say find out yourself to most problems.
  11. No MK then ? πŸ˜‚
  12. In 13 years of doing the lottery here I have never won from government lottery or Mickey mouse one. Spending 1000-1500 a time on tickets etc. Although the prizes here are bigger than UK or euro millions it's still highly likely you will never win apart from last 2-3 digits . Unless you win euro millions jackpot or second prize you get practically nothing. I seen results a few weeks ago and 4 numbers and 2 stars got about £1000 , 5 numbers and 1 star got about £180000 !! 🫀 Here now when buying multiple tickets with same number they increase prices. 220 for 2 same and seen even 750 for 5 tickets same . Despite this seemingly being illegal I see them advertised like this in writing at stalls across from police stations, outside malls etc .
  13. How many will be opening online gambling sites and phoney call centres ? πŸ€”
  14. 900 Finnish workers are due to start picking durian next month in Thailand πŸ˜€πŸ‘
  15. Like most things here it depends on the mood of the person whose job it is to enforce things . Either can't be bothered or how much to turn a blind eye !
  16. Put a 1 before the 6 and getting close πŸ‘
  17. 42 !!! πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ
  18. Use their weapons to chop digits from them !!
  19. Can't understand why they don't have full time people to remove snakes from places and more places don't have antivenom available. They are literally everywhere and yet it seems to be volunteers that get called to remove them instead of someone employed by the local authority.
  20. Oohh look at me I have money !! But seriously lacking brain matter. 🀯
  21. Totally remove any thought of watching axel F with Eddie Murphy. Absolutely woeful lame excuse for a movie. Latest bad boys will probably get watched at weekend and I'm expecting it to be poor as the last one was . I'm sure Martin Lawrence had a stroke or something from watching it. Started watching breaking bad again and the sopranos. Sopranos is pure gold when you watch how good it still is after all these years.
  22. Utter clown 🀑 🀑 🀑 🀣
  23. Take his rifle and see if it works on the back of his head !
  24. Blames and kills the dog for his own failing. Single digit IQ moron.
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