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Everything posted by ronster

  1. How did him going to hospital notify the police or did someone have the best memory ever in the hospital and recognise him ??
  2. Yeah the first lot seem to have rented out loads of places knowing their fellow citizens will be following in a month or two and have no qualms charging them the earth to rent from them ????
  3. In samui now there are several foreigners Russian and European and they are renting places from agents or owners and then subletting them for 2-3 times the price they would have cost to rent 1-2 year ago. Then the new p**s take they add on is agent fee (5000bht) and you will struggle to find one that charges electric at government rate . They are asking 6-10bht a unit of electric !!
  4. Redmi note 10s or 11. Got 10s and then got wife one instead of her usual iphone choice. She loves how fast it is , large screen and that battery lasts ages and charges rapidly. Think I paid 5600 bht on lazada and not a thing to complain about with it and it’s very robust and not easy to break .
  5. So why is estate agent or chef not a job reserved for Thais ? Most of the head chefs in hotels I see are not Thai and estate agents 90% of staff are European.
  6. They can’t find something the size of a fire extinguisher , yet the Aussies found something the size of a pea in 300km of roadway !! ????????
  7. Not sure but I have read several articles here in last month alone about it.
  8. What about the in house scams where the staff are helping themselves to peoples money !
  9. At 26 I had an accident that put me using a chair every day since to get around. Before that I cycled, ran , walked up mountains or snowboarded just about every day. Now at 50 and having lived here for 15 years it is what it is and nothing will change that I need a chair. If you have someone to look after / help you , your mind still works fine and your eyes can still see the world around you then you are very lucky indeed. While kerbs here are less than ideal for wheelchair users there are places it is no problem, unfortunately you find these by trial and error . Toilet hunting can be a problem unless you can use a normal toilet by getting up and walking a few steps to use it , malls usually always have accessible toilets though just incase. There is no stigma to using a chair and even here people don’t stare at you if you use one . Any thoughts are usually in the users mind and soon disappear after few trips out in a chair . Unfortunately like most things in the world human bodies wear over time and it happens to us all . Just be glad for all the times you could walk around before , up mountains etc as some never get to experience that simple function that most take for granted . Looking for a chair you want as light as possible and that folds as small as possible. Some larger pharmacies sell them and on lazada you will find a few decent ones. Good luck and don’t forget to get a decent cushion for the chair also . ????????
  10. ???????????? Are they serious ? Im pretty sure most of the people I see on the roads with no helmets are Thai , the drivers in all the road accident videos wiping out groups of people sitting in restaurants or driving on roads are Thai and as for driving license I’m sure a high number bought theirs or won it in a lucky bag ! But hey let’s target all the foreigners for all the trouble they cause ! ????????
  11. I thought this had all been upgraded after the last storms that knocked the power out for a week in some places ? Might not need it if they put a stop to all the insane ugly buildings going up everywhere !!
  12. Highly possible if he slit his jugular vein as he would bleed out quickly but the place would be sprayed with blood I imagine. Knew a guy who done it to himself while in the back of a car while being driven to hospital as he was feeling paranoid and needed to get to the psychiatric hospital to be treated.
  13. Done it once and officers were laughing about it and laughed more once I paid fine and said I return in 3 days after going to Singapore ! They didn’t seem too bothered and wrote it down on some paperwork and got me to sign saying I had paid fine and gave me a receipt.
  14. Have to wonder if random or targeted the people . Going to go for nutcase , as if he was after certain people he would have surely waited till they went to get off the bus and then followed them.
  15. What ?? As much as I like and own dogs this is insane having a dog still alive that has constantly bitten people !! Cant help but wonder if practically being locked in a cage 24/7 and zero exercise is a major factor. Do wonder why Thais have dogs when they keep them like this ????
  16. Shares in a company I’m sure still up to its eyeballs in massive debt ! They must have sold a lot of old chairs and doughnuts ????????
  17. Woeful generosity !! Although you just need look at how much people here get helped by their government when in need , while those in lala land decide what Richard Mille watch to buy :
  18. How do they think a Thai worker is going to pay a 800,000 bht fine ? ????
  19. So he said all that and basically said they were illegal etc . So if that’s the case then why are there a bunch of cops in jail for charging that actress for having a vape ? Seems like he’s ranting be afraid, very afraid of us if you vape . Trying to deflect from the fact the police got busted extorting someone !
  20. Same thing happened to two Russians in samui about 6 months ago as far as I remember.
  21. Gillette London Bridge foam on lazada is around 120 bht for 300 ml. Practically same Gillette lime odour foam for 150ml is around 200 bht. Never heard of London Bridge foam before and was using all sorts due to Gillette cost here . Found it by luck and now only one I buy here as it’s same quality as expensive Gillette foam.
  22. A giant ball you say ! That will have the masses lining up for miles to see ???? Sounds like case of didn’t get late opening which would have made them a tidy sum , so they said well if that’s the case we will make the place look like a graveyard ! ????
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