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Everything posted by ronster

  1. I don’t understand how it took 19 hours ? If it capsized when he was setting off with friends then how did none of them notice he was in trouble ?
  2. So all the main big tourist things get the customers and not the small trinket shops in areas like nathon , bophut etc. Seems even distribution ! ???? Hope they supply umbrellas as it’s chucking it down on west where I am .
  3. Is this the same DSI that were to investigate corruption amongst themselves and didn’t find any ? ????
  4. Mercedes and bmw dealers will be seeing a lot of new orders from police in the coming months with all these assets getting taken !
  5. Wake up and smell the coffee !!! ????????
  6. Yeah because drunk drivers always take note of the time before getting in a car or on a bike blazing drunk ! ???? Most of the accidents I know of involving drunk drivers seem to happen in the afternoon or between 8pm-12am.
  7. In his Porsche ?
  8. So are they going to seize everyone’s property in the country now bought this way ? ????
  9. Think the calculator is broken again . As far as I know the people on the ship were only given 4 hours on the island and most were scooped up in minivans and taken to predestined places , so a lot of the island businesses would have got zero benefit of the boat docking here.
  10. Going for the supply and demand money grab ! Demand is about to give him and others a wake up call slap in the face .
  11. Central online or king power. I never really buy any perfume or aftershave here apart from if I’m in central in their beauty section as too many fakes around . I always try get people to bring me out any from uk and even then I only use places like boots, Superdrug or one of the main department stores as so many fake sellers online .
  12. Pretty much I would say . My internet an iptv work fine all week and then at weekend when there is a decent football match it streams that bad I give up watching. Yet same channel I will have no problem watching something like moto gp in the morning. Happened fortnight ago when I went to watch a match and yet this weekend didn’t have a problem watching football. 3BB is always suggested to not have any issues at all .
  13. Like it was mid to late 90’s ? You need get out more , the place is full of criminals all up to shady stuff or just big criminals who have that much money they just pay everyone in places to ignore them ! Bit of a difference between these types and a woman sitting having a cup of tea in a cheap rented house vs mr money laundering king in his 60 million bht villa .
  14. I still never understand why they make such a deal out of this . Fair enough if she was some criminal on the run from another country , drug dealer , up to some scam etc . But foreigners here can’t claim anything from the country as far as I’m aware so they aren’t taking anything from the country or people. Yes there may be the odd one working as a bar manager , dj or builder etc , but they will usually be working for themselves or in a job that requires a foreigner to deal with customers on a better basis language wise and their boss or themselves can’t be bothered sorting work permit . Having proof of money in bank for 3 months or whatever proves what ? Doesn’t mean they will spend it the following year in the country or it’s even theirs ! Just mostly hoop jumping nonsense to give people a simple job and make it complicated and make them feel like they have power !
  15. Got my omega serviced at service centre in Bkk and no problems. It came back looking like new after I basically abused it for years wearing it doing all kinds of outside jobs around the house as well as daily wear . They sent me all the old parts they had replaced also and think it gave a further year guarantee from service date. Cost £560 service.
  16. Sitting around the house most days I will wear shorts and knock off football shirts or similar material shirts . Rest of clothes are high street available designers mostly. I have a wardrobe full of Ralph Lauren polo shirts and Lacoste but find them slightly warm to wear when temperatures are high so don’t wear them much . T-shirts are £20-£100 and vary from nike to Armani/ Versace /boss/Lacoste. Jeans are Levi /Calvin Klein/Armani/boss and vary from £60-£200. When I see something I like I will usually buy it but here I can’t ever seem to find t-shirts in designer shops that fit , jeans sometimes have size I want but I don’t buy them that often . In the end I usually get friends to bring me out clothes from uk as price will be better and size will fit . If you are willing to pay more then you are paying for quality of materials and manufacturer usually. The jeans I have that are over £100 are far comfier than the Levi’s as material is softer and stitching when sitting down doesn’t seem to pull at you all the time . Although in some jeans this can be a problem as the jeans can wear quickly in certain areas as material is so soft . T-shirts are far better as they have a fitted feel and look and material is far better quality and usually great when it’s hot as don’t feel like you are sweating much . Boxer shorts are also far comfier and last way beyond cheaper ones and the fit is perfect. As for high end fashion and brands around now I wouldn’t buy them unless won the lottery as the prices are insane . A plain t-shirt with celine or balenciaga written on the front in small letters is £4-600 and if you bought a decent copy for say £25 here then who is going to know the difference unless they know a bit about clothes or basically take the shirt of your back to examine it. Get what you pay for I guess with designer clothes but obviously a lot is overhyped branding and average quality clothes at mental prices.
  17. How did they know it was him ? Did he do it and just stand around waiting to get arrested ? If the maximum fine was 5000 bht then why is he giving her 200k ????
  18. Payday sale for the boys coming up ! Or will proceeds be used to compensate those who lost money ?
  19. He was the one pulling the strings all along as far as I aware . Prayut was just the front and social person for show instead of mr tick tock.
  20. Seems the legalisation of weed has went to far !! Living in la la land . They haven’t finished the main ring road upgrades that seem to have gone on forever ! ???????? A bridge too far me thinks .
  21. Thought he ran off back to the US after a week in Ukrainian.
  22. Simple solution , just ban tourists from coming ! Makes out like they are all here to drink drive and cause mayhem . ????????
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