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Everything posted by BE88

  1. Maybe you didn't realize what happened in the two years of the Covid period when people were practically kept prisoners in their homes and could only go out to work and go buy food, we were lucky here in Thailand not to have had this experience. So no rush to return to Europe.
  2. Mike don't play the victim now please, even if you know what I think that doesn't mean that many appreciate what you say, everyone has their own opinion. The situation is so complex as was read in the comments on the Embassy video, that no one still understands anything. Being the first time that Thailand has imposed this new directive it seems that even those who should apply it do not yet know how to apply it, so at least this lawyer who spoke in the Swiss Embassy said that everything that arrives as money in Thailand will be taxed unless you can prove that you have already paid your taxes. Now many cannot prove it for various reasons, loss of documents, many too many years behind in savings without proving documents etc.. Only if you invest a million dollars then they won't ask you anything, as by chance the Thai billionaires won't have to worry. Result we should fill out the declaration in Thai even if according to this lawyer they promised to perhaps be able to do it in English. Now and I insist on this point, who would still be so stupid and reckless to send money as an investment or something else without incurring high taxation? . I think the Thai government has not adequately reflected on this.
  3. Thank you Mike for warning me and thank you for know us whoo are you. Now I finally understand how you reason, certainly due to the professional deformation that you were taught. I don't know about the UK but in other European countries you can't do your own tax return without relying on an expert tax expert, the funny thing is that if your expert tax expert makes a mistake it's you who has to pay the fine. This is to tell you that a good financial advisor never tells us how the simple reality is but he prefers to give you so much information at the end of the speech that you are sure you have not understood anything. If you think I have offended you again with this answer of mine, go ahead.
  4. His lawyer told him to do it, he deserves to have his visa cancelled immediately with a ban on returning to Thailand for 50 years. If he returns to Switzerland he should be interned in a psychiatric asylum for at least ten years.
  5. I agree he is a disgrace to the Swiss living on this country.
  6. It is a question that many ask themselves, buying a house in Thailand this year and the following is a puzzle, like simply transferring savings to Thailand. No official statement has been made on this matter, it would appear that Thais consider any amount coming into Thailand to be taxable according to this video if you don't have pay tax before, which is complete idiocy. but if it amounts to $1 million then it is not taxable on investor visas.
  7. I started a year ago with an aniseed tea which I take occasionally to help me get back to sleep.
  8. But it is certain that you should prove it with a document showing that you have paid the tax in your country and if it is not in English with an official translation paid for by you as was said in the video.
  9. What you write is my case, I don't pay any taxes in Switzerland and I will have to pay taxes here in Thailand and I also think it will be a big mess, to avoid it I can not reside beyond 180 days and a solution that I am envisaging. I'm sure I pay less taxes in Switzerland.
  10. This means that every citizen in Thailand who resides more than 180 days is entitled to a tax deduction of 190,000 + 60,000 THB if he is legally married yet another deduction of 60,000 THB and so on if he has other minor children dependent on each 60,000 THB.
  11. Who knows why the lawyer didn't mention it knowing that he speaks to the majority of retired Swiss on Thailand ?
  12. Elite visas are not exempt from taxes Thai. The lawyer Thai said that if you pay taxes in your country of origin you do not pay taxes in Thailand if tax exemption agreements exist between the two countries. So you won't have to pay taxes in my opinion.
  13. Yes but this Swiss is an arrogant idiot who thinks he is special with his money donated like many rich people who believe they are superior, for this people politeness is having a weakness.
  14. Your observation is right and also what I thought but since you are dealing with a lawyer you can be sure that he will never tell you exactly how things are and their way of thinking and acting. The lawyer achieved his aim of answering without specifying, thus leaving his interlocutors uncertain, only that of encouraging them to pay their taxes. For the ambassador, as you observed at the end of the video, encouraging everyone to get their ID soon and therefore pay their taxes. Swiss big finance interests far outnumber the 10,000 Swiss residents in Thailand.
  15. The Thai representative said that 190,000 + 60,000 = 250,000 THB are exempt so I can understand that if you are below this figure you do not have to make an income declaration as for all Thais. But he also said that the application for extension must be complete with the tax declaration. So the aim is also to scare expats into paying taxes.
  16. Sorry but, I think you need to listen to the video better, because it was clear, if you live in Thailand you pay taxes but if you pay taxes in Switzerland you don't pay them in Thailand, and since if you live in Thailand more than 90 days you pay taxes on your pension, Swiss regulation is clear, you pay where you live, i.e. in Thailand.
  17. The bicycle is also in good condition and does not appear to have been hit by a car, all of which pic are false apart from the dead Swiss man.
  18. Thailand has worsened in many respects in recent years but I note that my country of origin and generally all the countries in Europe are also worsening, giving me a null result. So I don't see anything positive as Thailand will be in the future. There are comments in the West that the future is in Asia certainly not in Thailand.
  19. Wahoo, terror fills me reading all your BS. Evidently reading my answer is impossible for you to understand
  20. You know that when the banks say you don't need to worry, that's when we need to start worrying.
  21. The population has doubled therefore more need for food and carbon dioxide makes plants and therefore food products grow more. I haven't noticed in recent years that the heat has increased in Thailand and if it increased I would move further north. Your fear is unjustified and absurd, human beings have always suffered atmospheric changes caused by our friend and enemy the sun, and our human activities have a very limited impact compared to the masses of energy at play on planet earth.
  22. Maybe why don't you ask Google why these ships survive in the North Atlantic seas without sinking?
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