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Everything posted by BE88

  1. You who think you know everything and who allow yourself to call those who don't agree with you demonstrate great ignorance. You must have a new passport because on mine it says in big letters Non immigration. So I'm not a resident. A resident in Western countries has all the rights and duties, whereas in Thailand we would have all the duties and no rights such as medical care by paying for insurance like the Thais. Finally, your tax calculation is just ridiculous in first grade. What are you about how much money I send to Thailand????
  2. The answer is very simple, because we don't have any civil rights, we are just considered tourists not residents. Therefore any tax is a scammer for us. Change the law and make us become full residents then it will be right to pay taxes like all residents.
  3. What I notice is that the lack of decisions and above all clarifications from the government means that we have to think about making plans that can get us out of problems so all options are possible. Before Covid many stayed here in Thailand for only 6 months so it's nothing new to see doing the same thing for the same time and it's an interesting experience to see new horizons but it's also possible to return to your country if you don't want to have new adventures like Bob proposes. For those who have this fear of travelling I recommend you do nothing and wait.
  4. Where do you keep this amount? This is only a stupid comment.
  5. Well said Bob, we are not at all linked to Thailand where they don't want to integrate us due to pure racism therefore they always indicate on our non-immigration extension with regular checks to see if we are still where we live, which civilized country does this? Only in countries where dictatorship exists. So if they continue to bust my balls I have no problem with changing country.
  6. Before Covid the Thais wore masks so now why stop, wear a mask they think that then they will go unnoticed so why deprive yourself now that the government tells you to, living masked is their passion. If they are happy it's not my problem.
  7. The Swiss national bank loses over 100 billion Frs a few months ago, they are certainly stupid and incompetent compared to you two who are the most financial experts in which you only play a few pennies.
  8. You have a problem with Thai banks I see ? Who take my non-transferable money here? Government guarantee. Yes I sleep very well, thank you
  9. Thai government guarantee of up to B1 million. This I call peace of mid no your bankruptcy western bank.
  10. Investment means risk and the more profits you receive the more risks, so one day you may no longer have your money to guarantee your visa and not even the money to pay your agent. Good luck. For me, peace of mind comes at a price and I'm willing to pay it.
  11. After a plane trip to Europe I came down with a cold, Covid 1 and 2 and 3, the doctor asked me how many vaccines I had had? I replied no one and she replied well, you would get well soon.
  12. Whaooo I fell for the genius of finance, so tell me by calculating that you have to pay 30,000 B. to your agent how much benefit do you make on 800,000 B.?
  13. 1) Why should I use an agent when I am in good standing for bank deposit? 2) How confident are you in stating anything that you are not yet aware of how this new taxation rule will be applied? 3) Trying to invent your own world does not resolve the issues that everyone expects and that only the Thai government can provide.
  14. I recently took the same bus and the comfort and service is impeccable with seat belts installed but the possibility of an accident cannot be ruled out if the physical condition of the drivers has not been well assessed as appears to have been the case in this horrific accident of this other company.
  15. In my opinion, apart from all the research to circumvent a tax on which we still know nothing apart from the amounts we would have to pay, the issue will be very simple. If you reside more than 180 days in Thailand I should submit a tax return, but if you already pay tax on your income in another country I should submit a copy of your foreign return. If you don't present either one I simply won't get your visa renewed.
  16. That sad story, another farang who has lost everything and who should have returned to his country long ago before he also lost his life in the LOS
  17. And now the main problem is that this dangerous individual, not having the red notice on the immigration police's computer, can easily return to Thailand
  18. Even Indians know that all the crazy people should be sent to Thailand
  19. Thanks for the information, oranges are known to be among the most polluting, however I advise you to change the system for oranges, that is to put them in water with a spoonful of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and leave them for half an hour and then rinse this system again a couple of times and is very effective cleaning.
  20. Your suggestion is interesting, citrus fruit unfortunately contains many parasitic products in peel and this is why it is removed. But in any case I think that the ones least treated by pesticides should be chosen, what was your choice?
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