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Everything posted by BE88

  1. Your Highness then I will put you on my exclusion list
  2. Paid with a discount to get your hand on about 65 million Thai + Farang personal data
  3. Plus interest which if you don't pay could reach 50,000 or maybe more.
  4. How many lies this incompetent government tells, there is no official Chinese police in Italy as the Italian minister stated Piantedosi, Here is a partial translation Piantedosi's reply The Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, responding to question time in the Chamber, said that "there is no authorization from the Department of Public Security regarding the activity" of Chinese centers for processing procedures in Italy and "I assure that the police forces, together with the intelligence, will carry out monitoring with the utmost attention, I will follow it personally and I do not rule out sanctioning measures in case of illegalities found". This matter, the minister said, "has no relevance to the police cooperation agreements and joint patrols between Italy and China which took place from 2016 to 2019". "Regarding the opening of an alleged Chinese police station in Prato - Piantedosi reported - the police immediately started investigations, from which it emerged that last March a Chinese cultural association opened a sort of desk for processing formalities administrative services aimed at compatriots in Italy, as well as a service for the renewal of Chinese driving licenses and for successions. To date it appears that the center no longer provides these services in which there has also been little interest, having only received 4 requests" . "On 16 November - continued the head of the Interior Ministry - a meeting was held at the Department of Public Security with the liaison officer of the Republic of China who confirmed what was declared by the leaders of the association. In any case - he added - Digos has informed the judicial authority of the elements acquired". "In-depth studies on other cities will be carried out," the minister continued. "At the moment there are no cases similar to that of Prato in Florence, Rome, Venice and Bolzano. Only in Milan is there an association that carries out administrative paperwork and further investigations are underway." https://tg24.sky.it/cronaca/2022/12/08/caso-stazioni-polizia-cinesi-italia
  5. Yes, thank you for remembering the long list of countries conquered by China without any invasion but only by applying Sun Tzu to the letter in his famous book on war. Winning the war without starting it.
  6. Yes, the clock is already moving. If we look at Laos with a huge debt and its disastrous economy where people prefer to receive the Yuan Reminbi instead of the Lak this is the result of Chinese help and apparently it is the path that Thailand has decided to take.
  7. When you authorize the Chinese police to operate in your territory it means that the law that regulates this police is Chinese and no longer Thai. So now onwards if you are stopped by Chinese police I would have to answer to Chinese laws even if you live in Thailand. That the Chinese police only control Chinese people is a joke. It will be interesting to see what the license plates of these Chinese police cars will be.
  8. It is a plan well conceived by the Chinese government, initially by financing a film where Chinese tourists are kidnapped and taken as slaves in the Myanmar then with the famous Chinese actress who declares to have been the victim of a request for money (which is very easy to provoke with the police Thais underpaid) and now the internal control of Thailand with the Chinese police against money lending. Thanks Taksin you sold your own country, or maybe not you sold Thailand to China because you are a Chinese like your origins.
  9. This police is called Interpol, but it does not serve to maintain order as the Chinese police are preparing to do in Thailand.
  10. Absolutely right, this stupid government urgently needs money to stay in power so the long-awaited help arrives from China which in return takes control of the country. This corruption is beyond all limits of decency.
  11. Yes the rich will not worry about paying taxes in Thailand because they can easily move elsewhere but instead those who are counting their money to make ends month here in Thailand will be more interested and will be the most affected by this new tax. So your assessment needs to be reviewed from this aspect too.
  12. Good advice, at least in your country as well as knowing the law you also have all the rights, which is very partial in Thailand.
  13. If you look at the government in France with their current Macron who after having beaten them and made them almost blind with their flash balls for 6 years when they demonstrated in the streets, the people were put in monitored residence with Covid, because France was at war (Macron's words) they re-elected him for another 6 years, this is only called a masochistic people. NZ and Australia have at least shed their authoritarian governement. It's a shame because France it's a beautiful country.
  14. With a little delay in history, it is now Germany that commands all European countries, excluding GB.
  15. I never understand why France was among the winners of the Second World War.
  16. If you allow me, I have to correct you about French women, all the ones I met were stressed, I always wondered why.🙂
  17. It's not accurate, see Bangkok with its 20 million inhabitants, people aren't that aggressive, it's also a lack of education in living together in a society. Even in India between New Delhi and Bombay there is a big difference in behaviour.
  18. The other day I made an appointment with a dentist and he told me that I come with my passport, when I went to deposit money on my debit card they always ask me for my passport, ditto for sending a registered parcel to the post office. Passports are the ultimate satisfaction for Thais to hold your passport in their hands.😁
  19. More bureaucrats on the new CAPM and the problem is solved, then divide the data by two or three and the pollution will decrease.
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