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Everything posted by BE88

  1. There is no democratic army in the world. When they take power they all become dictatorships.
  2. This psychopath had all this staging to divert attention to the poker players, he thought he was the most intelligent, now rotten in Thai prison.
  3. Jumping from a plane you have more safety and time to deploy your parachute and at most deploy the rescue chute but jumping from an apartment complex is like playing Russian roulette. Luckily it didn't hit anyone on the ground
  4. The sister wants to find proof that she is dead because without proof she cannot receive the inheritance. It's all about money in Thailand
  5. So I suppose that even those who have a pink identification card and already have a tax code?
  6. Ditto for the little yellow booklet, I didn't have any problems, rest assured that if you go with the bad impression that you would have problems with angry face you search problems.
  7. But what hassle are you talking about, I had recently lost my pink card, I went to get it again and everyone was very kind without causing me any problems, I paid 60 B.
  8. That's the goal, fewer retirees, fewer payments from the pension fund. With Covid it was a disaster for the elderly or with deliberate errors in health care many died far from their families. Luckily we were in Thailand this time
  9. Smart and economical initiative Thai
  10. But I don't care, I have nothing else to do.
  11. What you describe is the reality of these retired person so this is all misinformation in favour of Western countries who do not want pensioners to go to other countries for the exit of capital.
  12. https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/these-are-25-best-countries-retirement
  13. Certainly nothing because in 90 days the pollution will decrease naturally and it will all be thanks to PM. And the theatre will continue next year.
  14. Prachuap is really along the sea but the pollution is extreme now https://www.iqair.com/thailand/prachuap-khiri-khan
  15. What I know is that the taxes of the various municipalities are increasing everywhere and therefore the situation is tense for the sellers, if as you say it is a mafia of public spaces it could be but it is difficult to call the police rather they have some nice gorillas to do the dirty work.
  16. And why do you think it's all free and that these Thais who work renting chairs don't pay the municipality a tax? If the police arrested them it was certainly for this reason.
  17. The most dangerous dogs are those who have a stupid and bad and above all aggressive owner and the dog resents this and thinks that it is his duty to attack because his owner wants it that way, this is true in every country, this is part of the psychology of the domestic dog. The free dogs that I see are well cared for with enough food and water and therefore are not dangerous to anyone. Despite what has been written above, Thais treat their dogs well. The OP definitely has a psychological problem that only a psychiatrist can help him with.
  18. In my opinion it is not a good idea because at a certain age such a radical change is not for everyone and there are many unexpected inconveniences that could occur. Don't then transport 87 year olds to Thailand and hope that everything goes well. It is madness.
  19. Let's hope that Thailand is a nice technological flop the so-called 10,000 B of the government
  20. Taxes here don't worry me at all, but finding out about other people's experiences with Vietnam seems normal to me and changing countries can be more interesting for a certain period. If you prefer to always live in Thailand, no problem for me.
  21. Why don't you contact the Canadian Embassy and ask for information and your wishes.
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