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Everything posted by BE88

  1. It is possible today to find out with DNA analysis what your origins are but I am convinced that your adoptive parents never bothered to know because you were their son. Actually all of us wouldn't be too surprised to know what kind of cross-breed we actually descend from.
  2. The Guy is with a skateboard and a cap with the price without luggage, he is obviously in a confused state, the police behaved correctly in order not to offend the possible Chinese tourists on Tic Toc.
  3. Like all Muslim countries including Russia which has an important Muslim share of about 23%. Your woke culture is numbing your brain.
  4. Why do you ask me that? Aren't you know that Thais drive both ways on the road officially one-way street?
  5. You're lucky you didn't get run over earlier if you don't look up and down the road you're soon dead in Thailand
  6. They don't wear a helmet 'cause it ain't pretty like taking the mirrors off the handlebars
  7. And Anutin prime minister, don't ask me what can go wrong for the farangs?
  8. Perhaps because he has finally found a true professional and not will lost.
  9. Thank you Bill for your information to add another very interesting piece of information.
  10. It depends on which country you have the passport, what is indicated is for Americans. If you are European or English everything changes according to the country of your origin.
  11. Yes it is not exact but from a general idea where you can go to many places in the world then it's up to you to choose to have to inquire in other more official channels, Thailand, contrary to what those in government think, has no exclusively for expats.
  12. If now you find that Thailand is becoming prohibitive and if you are bored of Thailand, here is a small guide for expats for your new destination..... https://expatriateconsultancy.com/countries-with-retirement-visas/
  13. ...... and later a beautiful girl welcomes you at the airport with a gift without immigration control and you will get into the BMW that is waiting for you........but only if you speak Chinese.
  14. The new law that in a few months your visa extension will be changed.
  15. Unfortunately in Thailand we are faced with increasingly evident racism so all farangs are dirty and criminals with some examples of criminals, we are all. Nothing good can come out of the new law that affects us.
  16. Why should it be done every year? It would be necessary to have it before coming to Thailand, it doesn't seem possible that a normal person after the age of 50 can suddenly become a criminal in Thailand if he has no previous criminal contributions.
  17. Reading what BJ said I wondered we are dealing with an incompetent , why this statement to amend the law should be focused on visa restriction in terms of police security with cross checks with police or Interpol of the country of the applicant. The means of monitoring are now endless to monitor a person and hear what he says on the phone or on social media and this super smart bureaucrat finds nothing better than to improve the standard of future Thailand residents by increasing the demand for bank deposits. I don't think much of Thai bureaucrats, but this statement goes beyond all limits of inability to govern a country.
  18. I don't know any including myself either, but some criminals have no problems and in China there are many of them ready to come to the country of corruption.
  19. Most likely paid by Elite Visa company using Big Joke Bangkok Post news ad.
  20. I told him shouldn't go to the US embassy.
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