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Everything posted by BE88

  1. Our goal is to attract rich people to Thailand. TAT objective achieved
  2. We must be clear if the police shows up with a warrant even in your country you cannot oppose the search of your home, but I don't see any report of the immigration visit to check that you live in that home with your wife and take some photos that confirm what you stated. We are well ahead of a search of your home by immigration. However, if one day you receive a visit for a search in your home,you will also receive the documents describing the law and the reason for the search of your home, the same thing happened to the Big Joke recently.
  3. If they comes I have no problem if he opens my cupboard, what does he have in the cupboards that worries him so much? An inflatable love baby ?
  4. Happy to note that now those criminals who are one day past their visa expiration date will receive a visit from the combined force of over 30 officers from the SWAT unit. I feel more confident now living in Thailand.
  5. This project was completed incorrectly in wanting to copy the Suez Canal and there are two reasons, while in the Suez Canal the material had to be removed which was mainly sand, in the case of Thailand mountains of rock would have to be removed with incalculable costs. The least expensive and most quickly built solution is only the bridge where it can be foreseen in the projects that will allow high-speed trains direction Ranong.
  6. And wait for the sentence of a Thai judge? And be waiting to await the sentence in prison maybe in the next two years? I would have cancellated Thailand out of my travel plans forever.
  7. If you have a recent mobile phone then simply block the numbers you don't want to receive text messages or phone calls
  8. "" I've never owned a motorcycle in my life"" The best advice I can give you is buy a car.
  9. I see many Thai trucks and cars that have this device of intermittent flash lamps on the back, Thais know this problem, I suppose it is the higher percentage of accidents. I also put them on my motorbike, I hope they will bring me luck.🙂
  10. Oops another one who thinks he speaks for me, who told you about conspiracy? Business as usual made many billions of benefits for shareholders but now even Pfizer recognizes that there were many side effects but I think you missed this one. I hope your research is helpful in opening your eyes to the medicinal business. Good luck
  11. You can see that he lacks power, but a consolation ice cream doesn't hurt.😋
  12. I think you're joking, after millions of side effects you still believe the bull<deleted> Santa Claus tells you.
  13. Thank you for speaking for me and saying what I didn't say, but I didn't ask you to it. Next it was addressed to all the next guinea pig for new experimental vaccine.
  14. We all knew it was an experimental vaccine and that we were the Guinea pig. Next ?
  15. Why arrest a businessman and naturopath ?
  16. Have you noticed that many Thai vehicles have them? I think that Thais are well aware of the problem that many are distracted when driving so we must do the same if we are aware of the danger even if there is no guarantee that we will not be hit by some idiot but at least in this case it is better to imitate the Thai.
  17. BritMan I would like to ask you if you had flashing lights on your motorbike behind when you braked???
  18. It's true that she is the woman who makes you feel at home and that's why I want her to be exported to Europe 😁
  19. Thank you too UWB for your useful information.
  20. PerfectSmile was recommended to me as the best but I had some doubts about the best and the person who recommended it to me. Thank you for letting me know about your positive experience, I will let you know the outcome when I go.
  21. Thanks so much for the advice
  22. No luck this morning poor Britman, I hope you get well soon
  23. Someone have a recommendation in Hua Hin with good experience for a root canal teeth treatment.
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