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Everything posted by BE88

  1. Due to this and the pure jealousy of my enemies, they cut my hair like all the prisoners and I sleep on the floor next to my new friends, twenty of them in a cell with only one toilet. I've only been in hospital for a few days because I can't sleep but I will return to my companions soon.
  2. Thanks for the information, in the near future if the O visa leads to an increase in demands in financial terms, looking beyond the friendship bridge will become interesting for many.
  3. HM King Charles III received royalties, on all Coca-cola that the subjects drink.
  4. They are testing the market with "Recycled water" possible since it doesn't rain in the rainy season
  5. My Samsung Galaxy phone does this automatically
  6. Ride of terror A taxi driver attempted to kidnap 5 Malaysian men.????
  7. You are right because I have been on vacation in Thailand for ten years with a non-immigration visa and it is because I have to go to immigration office every three months to renew my tourist visa.
  8. So according to your criterion if the Western economy collapses, will Bangkok take advantage? Have you smoked your carpet?
  9. What would be the incentive for Hong Kong companies to decide to come to Bangkok, in a third world economy ?
  10. Are you sure you have been to Thailand? Because in my normal life I always find nobody or in rare cases someone who speaks English.
  11. I think you spoke English only with those who worked in your hotel or restaurant in Thailand, as for your concern to find beautiful women like Italian man rest assured that in the Philippines there are hundreds of thousands to millions of them.
  12. The truth comes out in broad daylight, instead of arresting some poor man who forgot to renew his visa complete with photos of the police glorified in the mass media while the Chinese mafia is increasingly rooted in Thailand where they can buy the Visa Elite which offers them the biggest gateway to enter Thailand for their criminal activities. Instead of looking now at China where the truth about Thailand appears, start looking at your home.
  13. To communicate a lot with the mass media for the work of his subordinates.
  14. Thanks but I know how to do accounting, but I'm not interested in your comment.
  15. Then you could ask to become a monk and you could sing for many hours without anyone being able to stop you, plus it seems you would get a free lifetime visa. Furthermore, when you take a flight you would find a seat reserved as a VIP at the airport. To meditate......
  16. I hope it warms up soon like the mass media says so I can move to Scandinavia and give up these stupid Thai immigration regulations.
  17. As I have already said, Elite Visa only wants to attract as many members as possible before the increase scheduled for October 1, knowing that then the numbers of members will drop to a peak close to zero. And I personally find that B. 1,000,000 for 20 years is money thrown into the state coffers of LOS.
  18. Big Joke didn't get his longed-for promotion, he's out of the running for now
  19. I doubt they will do this because many of these expats will change country, they certainly don't want to lose the currency reserves that come in every month.
  20. This is no chocolate, full of sugar to alter the taste of the chocolate. To my knowledge, it is impossible to find real chocolate such as Swiss or Belgian chocolate on Hua Hin and around.
  21. Chocolate in Thailand ? Where you can find decent chocolate in Thailand ?
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