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Everything posted by BE88

  1. BE88

    Isaan Woman

    Very good advice and if I may add never tell your partner or wife how much money you have always make her believe that you have all put you in Thailand, so at least you can always reserve an escape route if everything goes wrong
  2. Maybe you're right but the first time was already in danger of death.
  3. Maybe he had a fake visa, that's why he was arrested and not just sent back.
  4. I'm not talking about democracy, which has never existed in Asia and maybe never will happen but I'm talking about having competent people in the government of Thailand and the spudo-democratic oligarchs if they come to power they will do everything to get richer like Thaskin did. Democracy hasn't existed for decades, not even in the West
  5. When did you pay the agency fee on a newspaper you are ? Surely I believe everything that Knight Frank says????
  6. It seems to be a well calculated blow from the start, I doubt that the SUV is still whole but well in spare parts as you rightly say, recovering perhaps a maximum of half a million. It will be impossible to sell it on the official market therefore the way of spare parts is the most probable, a real pity this loss of confidence among the Thai people, many people do not have enough money and therefore they turn to crime.
  7. Then I only seldom see someone smile at me under the mask and most I am not 100% sure, indeed few days ago someone gave me a free mask, the thai people are completely scared with this covid epidemic, one of the reason why the population has largely lost its smile in addition to other financial and political problems.
  8. Strange but where do you all live? I must be in the wrong place in Thailand because I don't see any smiles because everyone is wearing a mask.
  9. For the military complex for next year, a figure approaching almost 1000 billion dollars is requested to maintain 750 military bases in the world while many banks in the West are or will go bankrupt, while 100,000 young or older die every year from drug use, as a war lost every year. This military complex will go more and more towards a self-destruction of the US. The same thing happened with the Roman Empire where its huge military force was supported by non-Romans (who were ex-military in many landowners) who had to be paid punctually, leaving the finances of the state bloodless and when the money did not come more paid was the total collapse of the empire. As has already rightly been repeated many times "The human being never learns his mistakes because it is always the same personal ambitions that prevail.
  10. Excited for an instrument of death really pass me the understanding.
  11. I wish I never knew but maybe we would soon.
  12. You are completely right, in this situation Thailand should be ranked 100. It's not that I indicate that Thailand should be better placed in the ranking, I'm just saying that the ranking only takes into account material well-being and forgets about other aspects other western countries may or may not be considered happier, living in a country with such a harsh climate should be lowered in the happiness rankings if one can be first define this happiness ranking well as happiness.
  13. We must first define happiness, then decide who is happier first and with the harsh climate in Finland which pushes the population to heat up in saunas at 100°C to survive, it is clear that everything boils down to material happiness.
  14. There are about twenty street dogs near my house, surely enough to protect your home.
  15. So you tell me why Finns go to Thailand to live a happy retirement, these rankings made by bureaucrats????
  16. http://www.huahintoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/336375109_589112719760420_3903852732029862817_n.jpg After you ready go Ukraine....
  17. If HBDS was chosen for the purchase it should be assumed that there are many accounts of Chinese-owned companies to safeguard.
  18. Yes only for SVB UK. HSBC I don't see how she was badgered acquire the English Bank by paying 1 pound for it. Even if the SVB suffered losses it will always have assets to liquidate on more time.
  19. I don't think the US government cares much about foreign accounts. The world financial system is based only on trust so lies are part of it, like the BOT.
  20. No, HSBC bought it for a pound. I offered two pounds but they said no.
  21. From Switzerland, a perfect country from many points of view compared to Thailand but in some respects I like Thailand because everything is not regulated and where individual freedom is still present even if sometimes it is to the detriment of the neighbours. All in all I still like Thailand after more than ten years, apart from the pollution but living near the sea the wind disperses the pollution quickly. So normally I change country after every 10 years but now I wouldn't have any country that I feel attracted to spend my next ten years after what I've seen coming to Europe with Covid so I'm likely to continue living in Thailand for the next 10 years or maybe not, everything depends on whether it is true that we have entered the third world war as indicated by Pope Bergoglio and this could change many perspectives for many of us expatriates.
  22. It means nobody works in that office, just one day every 180 days????
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