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Everything posted by BE88

  1. The problem you expose is not new but that of many married couples who leave Thailand. There are many Thai wives who don't want to return to Thailand but others like yours who do everything to make you understand that she wants to return to Thailand. Then you have no other choice, let her return and try to take care of your children with other solutions as already described above. You made the bad choice it's up to you to fix it
  2. Surely you are talking about yourself, you are a Freudian case.😁
  3. many expats here in Thailand are stupid .......you are not the exception
  4. It has nothing to do with intelligence, many expats here in Thailand are stupid so the comparison is not to be made with intelligence but rather with the spirit of adventure or recklessness, not everyone should go to a country leaving all your family behind family and friends and set off to discover a new world to live in which is very different from setting off on exotic holidays. Certainly having financial resources helps a lot in making these decisions.
  5. For 40 million Chinese tourists of course TAT said.😁
  6. You are completely right and it has become a nightmare to travel from Bangkok to the south.
  7. Yes, arrivals and departures count twice
  8. It depends on which country you are a citizen of if you need a Visa. I suggest you contact the Italian embassy in Bangkok to obtain exact informations.
  9. You can then move the mobile home if the owner of the land asks you too much rent, and normally you keep it in the same place for many years and even sell it like a normal house. This way of life is completely normal in Australia
  10. Italy in the climate towards Rome, pleasant in winter, sociable people, excellent cuisine and cost of living like in Thailand
  11. Good, now to relaunch tourism in former LOS now I expect a tourist visa for me of 90 days + 90 days like in Japan.
  12. Let's start from the fact that the motorbike is insured, the value of an average insurance in Thailand could be only 300,000 B. clearly insufficient in this case. Evidently a Swedish insurance company would have guaranteed his repatriation. Life in Thailand is at a very low value and this TAT forgets to say it in its tourist brochures
  13. We are all neutral on the king issue.
  14. https://wealthygorilla.com/most-expensive-hotels/ Here is a small choice of really expensive hotels in the world. Like you I already find 2500 B expensive.????
  15. BWT Why are you such a troubleshooter? But thank you for at least giving an answer as to why rich people don't come to Thailand.
  16. They are not indicated on the list, will they be low-level rich?
  17. Another tragedy, but how can you go on holiday in Thailand, famous for its terrible insecurity roads without any insurance?
  18. Yala
  19. Okay, now I haven't changed my mind.
  20. Several of my friends have already left and I think others will follow. Thailand has worsened in the last 10 years in many places, extreme pollution,dangerous for health, increased road insecurity due to the increase in traffic on the same roads, political insecurity and now complication in obtaining a visa renewal as well as filling out the tax declaration written in Thai of which an accountant will be needed, increases in bank deposits expected, compulsory health insurance likely in the near future. Without excluding further tightening in the future. Is it enough to rethink why we stay here in Thailand?
  21. When will the human race become smarter and end all wars? Probably when it disappears with nuclear weapons. I don't see any other solutions.
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