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Doctor Tom

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About Doctor Tom

  • Birthday 01/01/1962

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    Chon Buri Province

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  1. It's in ENGLISH, not 'American', which only has a superficial acquaintance with the King's English.
  2. If so, it will be the first time in recorded history and for at least 2,000 years. Even the Romans never managed it, so don't hold your breath. Europe will do what it has always done in the face of a serious, existential threat, it will disintegrate into dysfunctional National factions, following their own paths into disarray. Only this time, it may be fatal, economically, financially, socially and certainly militarily
  3. And all that are used to manufacture or process anything that is intended to produce electricity as an end product, are as polluting as drilling for oil or digging out coal. EVs are an 'interim technology' for transport, but let's not delude ourselves that they are green and are saving the planet.
  4. Funny that. The major highway near me has 3 Petrol Stations within 20km of each other. Both have only one EV charging station and both have been unusable since they were installed 2 years ago .
  5. I suggest that the OP doesn't ask, if he/she/them is not going to like the wide range of replies that will come back. China evokes strong reactions from people, as indeed does Russia, both positive and negative. My reply to the OP of, 'don't go', was heartfelt. I meant it. I hated almost everything about the country. I hope he/she/them, find it a positive experience.
  6. My advice, cancel the trip and go somewhere else. China is a sxxt hole, peopled by those with no social graces. If you go, good luck.
  7. Shouldn't the colour be brown?
  8. How? The interest payments go to the lender, usually a bank.
  9. Not if you have a working brain cell.
  10. As a Brit, who has given up on the UK, yes, Of course I envy the US and their President. He has introduced some sanity into a screwed up Western World, that is surely heading for disaster. I wish him and the US well. They are the West's last hope of turning the tide of socialist dogmas and wokery . As for the clearly incompetent, Marxist UK government. The sooner they are out of the picture the better.
  11. Unless you are a 51 year old African man. They seem to like large butts and big chests, on big woman. Frankly, she would frighten the crap out of me.
  12. Yes, they shot it down and then tried to cover it up. They do have form on this of course. No subsequent help given to the pilots. The Russians are lying criminals and psychopaths, followed by a bunch of Lemmings as a population. The sooner NATO goes to War and put an end to this regime, and its supporters, the better. We should have done it in 1945, look where a 'civilized approach' with this State has got the Western democracies, add the North Koreans, Iran and China to this short list.
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