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Doctor Tom

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About Doctor Tom

  • Birthday 01/01/1962

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    Chon Buri Province

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  1. Move house
  2. What the hell are you taking about? Do some reading on Russian history mate, instead of throwing out stupid ill informed ignorant insults and stupid comparisons. I can't/won't debate with people like you.
  3. No wonder mathematicians don't get laid much
  4. They are still a peasant society
  5. Duh, of course it does not
  6. He is a fraud, a crap actor, tells big ones about his past, a fat narcissist, and, by some reports, may have done some questionable things to ladies. He's a low life nonentity. Sorry to sit on the fence here
  7. OP, are you a Thai citizen? Do you speak fluent Thai? Do you have a specialist skill to back up a sales job that are not available to Thais (unless you are Thai) ? What age range are you? What is your present visa status? All are relevant to how you are perceived here by any interviewer. Not much of what you have said in your post is applicable to interviews anywhere else but Thailand. Here is so far out of the norm in the West, that any comparisons are meaningless. There are rules and polices in the West, to protect both candidate and employer from, for example, discrimination and the giving of false or misleading information ( on both sides) , there are precious few here.
  8. Then it saved yours too
  9. They were trying to save his life 😁
  10. I agree that list. I have no religious affiliation, or interest and no great interest in Thai culture, I stand aside from too much involvement, as immigration do to me. I am a temporary visitor in their eyes and I'm okay with that, so no incentive to learn the language either. I spend my money here, so they gain from my minor economic impact, that's enough for me, as it should be for them.
  11. I very much doubt that is the reality . A de motivated, badly trained, poorly educated peasant, in a 1950s era tank, does not a soldier make.
  12. A Russian colleague of mine once, surprisingly, described his Mother country as a Nation of peasants. He attributed all of Russian's problems to this characteristic.
  13. Out of date. https://enviliance.com/regions/southeast-asia/th/th-osh#:~:text=Primary legislation to regulate occupational,safe working environment for employees.
  14. Why should they, a lot of their customers may be thieves, given half a chance

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