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Everything posted by Nabby

  1. Good on Germany! China, like Russia, is a terrorist state. The Taliban pales down in comparison.
  2. Taiwan is on the list and it is an extremely friendly COUNTRY. Putin says he used to be a taxi driver. That was his true calling. He should have remained in the profession. Russia's leader with nuclear codes is a former taxi driver.
  3. Good riddance to them too along with the Chinese locusts. China and Russia should be limiting to visiting each other -two horrid abominations of nations.
  4. No worries, the Chinese tourists hordes will still be arriving soon to save the day.
  5. There are plenty of low-level Chinese universities that they could have got into. Next will come the Confucius Institutes and censorship of class content by the Chinese embassy. Once you let the Chinese in, it's over.
  6. Stupid. I don't care what the reasoning for the name change is. It will always be Bangkok.
  7. Whataboutisms are the rhetorical tools of people who couldn't finish high school.
  8. Guess you don't keep up to date on Chinese actions. Try Googling Xingjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South China Sea, East China Sea, Indian border, Bhutan border, Inner Mongolia, shark fins, pangolins, bear paws, seahorses, tiger penis, rhino horn, elephant ivory...for starters.
  9. Sincerely hope they do an extremely thorough job and then keep up the patrols. Thailand should follow India's example in the world-class Kaziranga NP (where there are now over 1,000 rhinoceros) and shoot poachers on sight, no questions asked, just open fire. It's a war one wildlife today. Ridiculous to call it anything else. Needs to be treated as such.
  10. That means the Chinese students couldn't get into even low-level universities in their own abomination of a country and now Thailand has to deal with the bottom of the scrapheap of rude, disgusting Chinese students.
  11. Any "deal" with China, the most predatory state on the planet, is designed to do one thing -give China a win and a strategic advantage. All Asian countries south of their border are considered utter savages and exist to be destroyed.
  12. Right, because Xi is going to let Chinese travel to a country where Covid is still rampant and then bring it back and spread it all over China. The Chinese market is dead, and good riddance to it.
  13. Any "deal" involving China and another country will and can only result in catastrophe for the other nation. Once you let the Chinese in, it's over.
  14. Finally some good news on the environmental front in Thailand.
  15. People banged up in Thailand's worst prisons for minor drug offences and this piece of sh*t remains free. Thailand in a nutshell.
  16. At least there will be no Chinese there. They ruin everywhere they go.
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