Am looking to replace a worn-out mountain bike, purchased more than 12 years ago, with a touring/trekking style of LARGE FRAME-SIZE. [height 6'2" = 183 cm]. Used for getting around including going to town for shopping - i.e. quite heavy loads on luggage rack and attached panniers. Distances covered never exceed 30 km.
Seek a model where one can sit reasonably erect, not leaning forward on the handlebars with head cranked back; and where the frame-size is appropriate, so it is not necessary to raise the saddle to such an extent that one risks toppling over when stationary.
A downward sloping top-bar would be helpful, because, when items are piled high in the shopping-basket on the luggage rack, one cannot dismount by swinging the leg backwards.
Fairly low (high-ratio) gearing needed to get up a steepish section of road with a week's load of groceries.
Would like decent quality and simplicity. Without frills, such as disk brakes and shock-absorbers, that add to weight, complexity, and price.
Shall shortly be visiting Chiang Mai for several days, so advice on suitable cycle shops to visit could prevent much wastage of time. [would also consider visiting Bangkok at a later date]
[Some years ago there was a bicycle shop in Th.Chiang Moi, run by an Englishman and his Thai wife, that offered for sale some very interesting bicycles. I bought from them my large, canvas panniers, of excellent quality. Unfortunately, on a subsequent visit the shop was no longer there]