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Everything posted by ericbj

  1. Changed circumstances brought about by the downfall of the Soviet regime, wrought no change of attitudes in dyed-in-the-wool western propagandists, abetted by lobby groups of NATO's "defence" industries. Dominance through conflict was sought. A win-lose game, where the US and its satellites were to be the winners. Was this game won ? Yes. From the point-of-view of the US armaments industry. (whose shareholders made capital gains of around 1,000% over the course of the Afghan War. No. From the perspective of ordinary people of countries that participated in the wars "against terror" and to"make the world safe for democracy". Most definitely not from those people on the receiving end of the bombing and shelling of civilian targets and the destruction of their homeland and way-of-life. Ask yourself: "Were the DECLARED objectives of these wars achieved ?" To see with some degree of perspective the NATO-Russian proxy war in the Ukraine, it is necessary to go back at least as far as the Maidan coup; and preferably further. To see that this was a war of "Russian aggression" that was sought by the US government and its cronies. It was intended to initiate the economic destruction, the submission, and the break-up of the Russian Federation. Through the imposition of limitless economic sanctions. The Deep State's plan back-fired. But, unwilling to admit defeat, they are now playing a game of nuclear-weapons poker. For government to be democratic, the common people must assert their authority over it, and demand win-win solutions that contribute to a world of peaceful co-operation for the well-being of all. This is the real challenge that we face today.
  2. France taxes world-wide income. And plenty of British people live in France (maybe somewhat diminished since Brexit). You were expected to declare your foreign income. And I did so from the moment when it became known that France would be receiving the details wanted directly from foreign banks; since failure to do so would involve heavy penalties. One British bank accidentally (?) sent details of its French-resident customers' Channel Island international accounts to the French tax authorities. Which cost those customers very dearly.
  3. ericbj

    Large size shoe

    I have had problems finding my size shoes, 45. When I have found them in that nominal size (in Lotus Mae Sot and Robinson's Chiang Mai) they were too small. But I got a pair of Adidas gym-shoes in 45 that fitted, in a Robinson's Mae Sot sale. And I ordered canvas ankle-boots in 45 from two different manufacturers, via AliExpress. Both pairs were two small and had to be given away. A German neighbour has told me that German- and French-made shoes are one size larger than the same nominal size made in Italy. Chinese and Thai makers tend to copy Italian designs, and so probably also go by Italian measurements. So you may need to order one size larger than usual, especially if ordering on-line from Asia. p.s. I have purchased sandals that fitted me from Decathlon in Chiang Mai (more choice in their store on the Highway than that at Tapei Gate).
  4. He does not say "No digital payments." He says "No CBDCs." While you doubtlessly know that commercial banks create fiat currencies out of thin air by loaning what they do not possess, central banks can go a lot further. And faster. If they abolish cash, as they are planning to ["as a move against crime, contagious infection, etc"] they will be in a position to have total control over everyone's earnings and spendings. That is fine for those with total trust in central banksters.
  5. You could be right ! Not so long ago a prominent Russian official (I forget who) remarked "We like Trump. But he is unpredictable." Harris is predictable in what she does, if totally contradictory in what she says. Expect no improvement of her performance as Vice-President. If elected, she is likely to double-down on failing policies, further eroding the economic strength and moral standing of the U.S. Which may be kindly regarded by those seeking such a result.
  6. I do not endorse everything that is written below, extracted from a free financial newsletter from Wealth Research Group [much of it is here omitted]. I think it could broaden our horizons somewhat even if there are questionable points. It refers to a speech by Trump on the 27th July. -------------------------- QUOTE: If you don't love Trump's speech provided below, you're going to miss one of the most important trends of the next decade: decentralization. 1. Mr Trump began by complimenting and elevating the talent and genius of the cryptocurrency visionaries while equating them to the steel magnates at the turn of the 20th century. In just 15 years, Bitcoin made its way from concept to the 9th-largest asset class in the world. 2. Donald Trump applauded the atmosphere of community, cooperation, and the high level of human achievement the leaders of the industry possess. 3. Trump made it clear that the United States must lead the crypto industry ahead of China not by fighting against them but by excelling. Unlike the current administration, Trump wants to lead instead of preaching to China that they should bow down. 4. I like his next point because he called his presidency the "common sense" approach, and I missed that tactic for the last 30 years of fantasies and insanity. The best line was this: cryptocurrency will be mined, minted, and made in America. Trump is not only the first president to address a Bitcoin conference, but he also opened his campaign to donations that have exceeded $25M in crypto. 5. I was shocked by the next statistic Vivek shared with Trump: 175M people are already involved with the blockchain industry. He coined this: "Build the future, not block the future." He promises the government will be the friend of the industry and take drastic action to make the framework clear and simple. He wants this to be completed within the first 100 days of his term. 6. No CBDCs. 7.Here is the big one. It’s the one tactic that is the crown jewel for Trump 2024: stablecoin adoption. This will allow investors from around the globe to invest in the dollar through cryptocurrency. I think this is pure genius since it makes the dollar more important than ever in an era of deglobalisation. Think of the scores of human beings living in countries where stability of currency is but a dream. They could now peg their savings to the dollar! 8. Bitcoin surged 3,900% under Trump’s presidency and 50% under Biden’s. You want the best part? The U.S. government owns 210K Bitcoin, 1% of all the BTC possible, and Trump announced the commencement of TWO policies: • The U.S. government will never sell its Bitcoin. • The 210K BTC will serve as the seed for a strategic core stockpile.
  7. Please expatiate upon upon your briefly stated contention.
  8. It is questionable as to whether Trump, who during his presidency contributed massively to increasing the national debt, is the best person to attempt to begin addressing the problem. However he has raised the issue. And that is better than nothing. Currently, the only alternative candidate for the presidency proposes only doing what will massively increase the debt. By "money-printing". Which will be self-defeating, by massively increasing "inflation" [devaluation of the dollar]. Reining in an out-of-control debt whose rising interest payments will soon be the greatest item in the budget, requires a planned and multi-pronged strategy. Removal of unproductive and counter-productive employment from government payrolls and their channelling into jobs that provide useful goods and services is but one of many reforms required. Acceptance of being an integral partner in a global community, instead of a global dictator, will lead to massive reductions in foreign policy interventions and the need for 700 or so overseas military bases for so-called "defence". Also required is a devaluation of the dollar [i.e. "inflation"] which needs to be attempted on a conscious, controlled basis - rather than blindly induced. [if in doubt, see how Spain and Greece have been reducing their national debts] Hard decisions, and hardship lie ahead. Because of the soft option of "money-printing" that has been used to date. Which is leading to breakdown and total chaos. The challenges facing the U.S. are as much psychological - a re-thinking of 'solutions' that don't work - as practical. With the right approaches, the U.S. will be able to pass through a dark and difficult tunnel, to re-emerge into a bright future. It has the potential. It needs the will.
  9. Agreed ! A Burma ruled by a militaristic dictatorship, which believes implicitly in the use of deceit and force to gain its nefarious ends, will always represent a far greater threat to the security of Thailand than a federal democratic nation which must reconcile a variety of sometimes conflicting interests and opinions. A dictatorship can, on a whim, switch from one foreign policy to an opposite one. Thus Gen.Min Aung Hlaing can, either sincerely or flatteringly, refer to Gen.Prayut as 'father'. But in 2001 the Thai-hating C-in-C of Burma Army, Gen.Maung Aye, addressing a select group of officers, said "We shall take Bangkok in ten days. But first me must have either nuclear weapons or overwhelming superiority in conventional weapons." [source: a former officer I interviewed many years ago, who was present at the meeting] Clearly, with Burma Army having been so successfully attritted by the resistance, there is no chance of any serious attack upon Thailand in the foreseeable future. It should be noted that none of the diverse ethnic groups fighting the regime are now calling for independence from Burma, and are even suppressing any such talk. For those that may wish to follow the evolution of the struggle in Burma, this should prove a useful link: https://www.facebook.com/sawhteecher
  10. I have varicose veins which never troubled me until debilitatingly painful ankle ulcers developed. Have had the latter almost continuously now for three-and-a-half years, and in that time have visited four hospitals, three locally and one in Chiang Mai. All equally useless: clearly knowing nothing of venous problems, but unwilling to admit this and refer one to a vein specialist. Finally, I did a web-search and found two hospitals in Thailand that claim to treat venous problems, both in Bangkok: the Bangkok Hospital and the Yanhee Hospital. Ablation of veins is by no means cheap, so either you are well-heeled or it is a matter of last resort. Ablation can apparently nowadays be carried out by laser treatment rather than surgical removal. If not a matter of last resort, then compression stockings may be the answer, if you can find the correct size. Bear in mind there should be no compression on the toes, high compression on feet and ankles, and diminishing pressure as they go up the calves; so foot size, girth of ankle and of calf, and doctor-prescribed pressure [in mm of Hg] must be taken into consideration by the pharmacist. In my experience, not easy to find compression stockings here in Thailand, where pharmacies generally stock elastic bandages instead. The latter are very cheap, but in practice tend to slip so that maintaining differential pressure is difficult. [In France they sell a self-adhesive bandage called 'Coban-2' which overcomes this problem of slipping. For francophones, and where things have not degraded too far, here are a couple of books: 'La Circulaton Veineuse - ses troubles ses remèdes par les médecines douces' by Dr Claudine Luu, Editions Dangles 'La Circulation Veineuse - varices, hemorroïdes, fissures' by Raymond Dextreit, Editions Vivre en Harmonie Incidentally, Dr Luu is of the opinion that removal of superficial veins should only be effected when essential because doing so can put more stress on the deep veins. The opinion of two doctors at a local clinic for Burmese migrant workers and their families is that removal of veins is the only solution in my case, but that for a person of my age [80] this is not without risk.
  11. I also use borax. To kill ants, termites, and cockroaches. Different technique for each species, as it is not a contact poison and so they must be persuaded to consume it. Have had the same problem with almost microscopically small ants, but black not red. Made an aqueous solution of white sugar (unwanted gift from Makro), added some powdered borax (74 baht per kg from Chemipan: https://www.chemipan.com/a/en-gb/279-product.html) and then sacrificed a teaspoonful or two of raw honey (for aroma). Surface of water soon covered with a black mantle of dead ants which can be thrown out the back-door. Harmless to mammals. And provides the trace element boron, needed by plants for healthy growth. To protect timber and wood derivatives from termites, mould, and fungus, wash down twice with saturated borax solution. Dissolve borax crystals in hot water to increase concentration. Can be applied hot. Not suitable where exposed to washing by, for example, rain. To kill termites, treat cardboard with DILUTE borax solution. To destroy a colony do the same, but dilution must be less, so they have time to return to the nest to die. To kill cockroaches, sprinkle the powder over the paths they tread, typically doorways and along walls. The powder will stick to their legs which they lick to clean. Corpses of poisoned cockroaches are best left for a while, to be eaten by others of their species. To avoid the musty smell of stored fabrics, such as clothing, especially in a climate such as that of Thailand, dissolve a couple of spoonfuls of borax powder in hot water and pour this into the final rinse when doing laundry. Sore throat? Try a gargle with borax solution. Be sure to spit out and rinse to avoid possible disruption of gut microbiome (a common health threat posed by oral antibiotics). If you braze metals, you will need borax as a flux.
  12. There ought also to be shockwaves in the EU. Are there? For the reason look for this: LIVE: Macron's France To Shut Down Elon Musk’s X In Europe
  13. Not necessarily. You can still see interesting stuff. So long as it does not touch on foreign policy, "defence", immigration and other contentious issues of domestic politics, or the financial interests of major beneficiaries of government policies and spending, such as producers of vaccines and armaments. You are not supposed to connect the dots. Diversion - not diversity of opinion - is the name of the game.
  14. The UK Government recently specifically authorised UK banks to close, without providing justification, the accounts of depositors who are no longer resident in the UK. Long gone are the days when banks such as the Chartered Bank, Standard Bank, and National & Grindleys catered specifically to expatriates. Maybe the UK Government is planning on re-instating currency controls. In my youth you could only take a maximum of 50 GBP out of the Sterling Area. Now the "Sterling Area" is limited to the UK. So be warned! Maybe worth considering holding some bullion in, say, Singapore, to hedge against currency fluctuations and government fickleness.
  15. You should have no problem wiring from your Thai bank account to your US bank account (OR to another individual's foreign bank account; OR to a company's foreign bank account on condition you can provide an invoice for the exact amount to be sent) May be of use to some: What you cannot do, as I discovered several days ago, is to send funds to a company abroad for investment in, say, stocks or bullion, where no invoice can be provided. To do so requires a special dispensation from the Bank of Thailand. This is irrespective of the fact the funds originated from the country to which one desires to send them. This restriction does not apply to Thai nationals. This information was elicited during prolonged face-to-face discussion with local SCB bank manager and staff, with several telephone calls made by them to clarify matters.
  16. Interesting. https://www.anahana.com/en/angel-numbers/5555-angel-number
  17. The Deep State - of which the MSM and certain pseudo-alternative sources are an integral part - ensures that there are effectively only two candidates for the Presidency. One whom they want, because she will do what is required of her, and the other whom they do not want and will blacken in the belief he can be prevented from winning. (And if he does win, they will do as they did last time) This is an age-old strategy called "divide-and-rule". Neither of these candidates represents the broad interests of US citizens, but rather of mega-financiers intent upon controlling and bleeding the citizenry. In one word: neo-feudalists. The shadow government does everything within its considerable power to push into the background potential candidates who might unite the nation by appealing to common (and common-sense) solutions to the snowballing problems created over recent generations by the military-industrial-security state. [A good exposé of Kamala Harris's true nature can be found by searching for recent interviews of what Tulsi Gabbard has to say on the subject]
  18. The pot calling the kettle black ! We've heard this establishment geezer before, proning his black propaganda in interviews on YouTube. MI6 was formerly an intelligence-gathering service (under the aegis of the Foreign Office) whose purpose is to keep the relevant authorities informed on matters concerning the potential security of the nation. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, NATO (and with it MI6) has been concerned to re-engineer an external threat - or, better still, threats - to justify its, and its appendages, continued existence. In the furtherance of major financial interests (already alluded to by Eisenhower in his broadcast speech when stepping down as President). MI6 was telling us within a couple of months after the Russian incursion, that the Russian armed forces were running out of munitions, that the Russian troops were demoralised and on the point of cracking, etc. They call this "intelligence"? I call it black propaganda. To distinguish so-called 'black propaganda' from the 'white' variety: it is a means of deceiving an enemy with falsehoods. Who was, and is, the enemy? The Russians? - No! Members of the general public in the West. The truth must be kept from them. (Although the veil of falsehood is finally beginning to wear a bit thin)
  19. SWIFT transfer by Royal Bank of Scotland, free if 2 to 3 working days is acceptable. If requiring it in your Thai bank account within 24 hours RBS charges 15 GBP per transfer. Foreign transfers are the one thing this bank is good at. Thought they might be making a bomb on the currency conversion, but when I compared them with a specialist transfer agency, claiming cheap rates, they were almost identical. Found in the dim and distant past that one got a better cash exchange rate GBP to THB in Thailand than in the UK. Do not know if this still holds good. Also, do not change cash (or only a minimal amount) at a bank's airport branch. Better rates in town.
  20. The scrapping of winter fuel payments (and much else still to be declared) can be attributed to the "Need for a Stronger Response to Russia"… After all, you cannot both keep your cake and eat it. The so-called defence industry [BAE and others] must continue to reap the whirlwind profits to which they have become accustomed since at least the commencement of The War on Terror. Priorities must be established. The fact that the hugely misled common people, including pensioners, have had next-to-no-say in establishing budget priorities, speaks volumes for the level of democracy in the UK (and elsewhere).
  21. The Ukraine - Afghanistan - Syria. Yes, all part of the matrix. It is probable that Osama bin Laden was not directly involved in organising 9/11, but was likely familiar with those that were so involved. In interviews and speeches he has seemingly taken contradictory positions, claiming in some to have been uninvolved while elsewhere claiming responsibility. https://scholarship.tricolib.brynmawr.edu/server/api/core/bitstreams/f58d2574-bfec-4294-850e-68eb5e6b6716/content https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2004/11/1/full-transcript-of-bin-ladins-speech And: ' Tayseer Allouni of Al Jazeera conducted an interview with bin Laden on October 21, 2001. ... During the interview, Allouni had asked bin Laden for his response to the claim that he was behind the attacks on September 11. bin Laden described the hijackers as " brave guys who took the battle to the heart of America" and said that "They did this, as we understand it, and this is something we have agitated for before, as a matter of self-defense...If inciting people to do that is terrorism, and if killing those who kill our sons is terrorism, then let history be witness that we are terrorists." ' [Wikipedia] I remember viewing, years ago, a video of a speech where "Osama bin Laden" plausibly claims responsibility. The only hiccup: the speaker, made to look like bin Laden, was no true look-a-like. One supposes it to have been a piece of "intox" by some western propaganda source. Currently unable to locate the video online. Perhaps, having served its purpose, it has been removed. Syrian poison gas attacks: another propaganda coup in support of NATO bombing? https://thegrayzone.com/2023/02/03/opcw-smoking-gun-backfires/ The true state of things is difficult to determine, but to have some chance of approaching it one must look beyond mainstream media and client organisations of the financial establishment.
  22. For those who wish to glimpse the view beyond that presented by mainstream media, one could start by studying what is said and written by Colonel Jacques Baud. He worked for NATO to help rebuild the Ukrainian Army, post the Maidan Coup, so his views are based on first-hand experience. https://www.thepostil.com/our-latest-interview-with-jacques-baud/
  23. Does anyone have recommendations of a phlebologist or phlebology department for treating persistent varicose ulcers? Have tried three local hospitals in my area and one in Chiang Mai, and all have proven equally useless. (e.g. treatment with oral antibiotic. How the hospitals here seem to love antibiotics!) Also a problem finding suitable compression stockings. Boots' "Flight Socks" in maximum foot size not well adapted to my needs. And elastic bandages, readily available, not ideal: long to put on and difficult to hold in place, bulky when using footwear, and cannot provide differential pressure needed (reducing as one goes up).
  24. Where can one purchase Taurus SC in Thailand? Preferably on-line, as not available locally. International shipper found will not ship to Thailand. BTW, for info: Safety Data: https://epestcontrol.com/images/Products/labels/taurus-sc-msds.pdf Label Instructions: https://epestcontrol.com/images/Products/labels/taurus-sc-label.pdf Stuff I have bought locally, and used, is Chaindrite Stedfast 30SC, cost about 900 baht /litre. I use it only as a cure (desperate measure) and preventatively poured into a crack outside around the foot of exterior walls. Details here: https://www.sherwood.co.th/msds_en/Chaindrite_Stedfast 30 SC.pdf Safety Data: https://sherwood.co.th/msds_en/Chaindrite_Stedfast_30_SC.pdf As protective treatment of new timber and wood-based materials, I treat with two coats of saturated aqueous borax solution - dissolves better in hot water - before painting or varnishing. Crystals can be purchased cheaply from Chemipan. Non-toxic. Once figured as a mouthwash in the British Pharmacopoeia. Have not tried the following. Apparently borax can be used to wipe out a termite colony. Treat cardboard with very dilute borax solution and allow to dry. Too dilute to discourage them from eating it and too dilute to kill them quickly. They must have time to return to the nest and die there. Search the Internet for the dilution required. For protection of timbers exposed to regular washing or rain, use BegerDrite or similar.
  25. I suggest that the Government (i.e. taxpayers) is more likely to be asked to subsidise the solar energy industry in a quest fot the elusive "net-zero". Which is already costing European governments - i.e. populations - a fortune. With huge additional costs in the pipeline. Solar-generated electricity is ideal for certain circumstances and locations. But factors such as intermittency, variability of demand, storage, transmission, depreciation, and potential damage [insurance], must also be borne in mind. That said, domestic electricity demand (and bills) could be substantially reduced by more widespread use of solar water-heaters, in place of those running off the electricity mains supply. More sophisticated modern types are said to be able to function without direct sunlight. A well-insulated storage tank can keep water hot for many hours. And if the storage tank is placed above the receptor-panel, to make use of the therrmo-syphon effect, they can function without any electricity.
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