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Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

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Everything posted by Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

  1. Why do people think that we ( expats ) really want to read what a person did or has done. We are all here for a vast majority of reasons and generally we are happy with our lot our choices. Certainly things could have gone better for some adn some have left for equally in many cases private reasons. Can ASEAN NOW, please restrict the burblings of some to extinction as this man certainly does not in any way reflect the vast majority of English speaking expats, of that I am certain.
  2. How many Police Cars will be crushed then I WONDER ..........................lol
  3. Ah , now that many ways of exacting CASH has gone due to online payments, this will be seen as a way to refill the coffers of the poor maligned officers.
  4. Maybe they should start looking for sheep herders or Goat farmers complete with their animals considering the clients they are hoping for . Building Sheep or Goat pens at the rear. ...lol
  5. Nah really , who wouild have thought that our esteemed Royal Thai Police are guilty . Knock me down with a feather , NOW LET US see IF Asean news will report the punishment these OFFICER S incur. Sacked would be appropriate plus Prison .
  6. Considering they should be ENFORCING the LAW 24/7 tis is just another sound-bite to make them feel good. Basically many of them are in my world should be called Uniform Carriers , wearn the kit but unable to do the job .
  7. Mr anutin, drinking and parties etc, It is called Thainess, drink,drive, have accidents , die, why stop the people enjoying themselves and dying. You know make ANY LAW Thais will break it , live with it just have plenty of SOBER RTP and Ambulances standing by
  8. IS THIS A GAME, lets see who can be the most stupid. A province cannot make itself free of the virus just like that and call it an endemic without the rest of the countryor else the other 70 odd propvinces will ionfect this opne. GOD you have to love them, commonsense and logic is so way down the list of abilities it ius almost pitiful to watch.
  9. Years of neglect by Washington and her allies....missed the next bit, years of corruption by Thai Chinese politicians who seek to make Thailand a place where the Chinese are obvious bedfellows.
  10. Educate its officers, that in itself is an oxymoron, how ? Never succeeded yet !!!
  11. Nothing will change, it is THAI attitude, that is the huge problem. The Police only enforce when they want money. The laws are broken by everybody including those charged with enforcing them Ignoring a law/sign is normal practice Thai drivers know this so they do not care. The Government pays lip service to the problem . Result 90% of all Thai drivers break the law each and every day they drive or ride injcluding PUBL:IC SERVICE vehicles The only thing to possibly go down is the death rate , wit until the wet season .
  12. I find the statement on the OP a little odd. This in a country that prides itself on family values and respect for elders. From what I have noticed over the 20 odd years here, respect for parents goes oput the window once a child becomes a older TEENAGER, the Boys are let loose on society and the girls are far more strictly controlled . The boys know they will inherit the girls know that they probably will not. Respect ofr Parents and Grandparents lasts only as long as it benefits the child . This is of course a generalisation , there are many many good children but also the TRHAI attitude to ignore problems, not to complain , means ANY criticism of a child dents their egos and trouble follows.
  13. Comment is WRONG, Uncontrolled RAGE is incorrect, it shoul;d read Damaged EGO...So common amongst Thai men , and this opne ex-con had a GUN whatever next ........No surprises here RIP to the young innocent victim
  14. Bus companies as well as Long haul truck copmpanies MUST be held responsible for the actions of their drivers. NOT checking and closing their eyes to Driver stupidity is no excuse. I will not travel unless I am driving as I do NOT trust the Bus companies
  15. An appeasing statement by a man who is seeking continual Russian tourists, even though the VAST majority of people ( including TOURISTS ) want to have NOTHING to do with Russians anywhere in the world .
  16. If The Thai Media instead of postin g little bits of information, actually learnt to report a story correctly and as factually as they can, then this would not happen. Sadly too often the Media report almost what they like and NO-ONE checks the source or even the story. In other words basically POOR reporting is something we all see and read here`.
  17. Wxcuse me Russian Embassy chappies as I am British , I have a freedom of choice and I choose to tell you please be quiet or you may regret this idipotic and really stupid comment. You have NO legal right to tell me what to do , only my Host country and my Queen can do that and you are neither !!!!!
  18. Oh dear, how sad, never mind, what about the thousands DYING IN UKRAINE , sorry if this is upsetting your False Tourism figures, please explain to the Ukrainians how this is affecting you will youi.............!!!.
  19. I really like this bit : the resistance in the face of terrible odds in the 1940s. To put it correctly token resistance and then allowed Japannese Soldiers to walk through Thail;and and onto Malaya and then Singnapre causing tens of thousand of ALLIED soldiers to lose their lives as well as the thousands together with Thais who DIED in the construction of that Railway . The Allies may well have lost Singapore anyway but only from sea-borne actions Thailand opened up the land bridge PLUS they DECLARED war on the UK in 1940 . Which bit of the RESISTANCE in the FACE of terrible odds was that one asks . Rooster please get your Historical facts straight if not why bother posting ....OKAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Oh dear Michael another farang debating how expensive it is getting, a fw days/weeks ago we had one bemoaning the fact the UK pension did not go up. It is amazing just how silly these p[;osts are. We vall know things are getting expensive , but as with everything else in life, you adjust and plan, decide on other foods etc. Do you feel good showing people you are a complete numpty. I really wonder why people POST this stuff. Micheal have a good day spending time energy and money rushing around trying to buy the best for the least. Me I will drink two less drinks, cut down on overpriced tat and chill.
  21. Shows that the Citizens have more backbone that the Government of Thailand
  22. The word APPEASEMENT seems to be particularly suitable in this situation, sort of like WW11, please leave us alone while you walk through and attack Malaya, and Singapore . What is not taught is how many Thais died on that damn railway
  23. Actually it was Labour Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown who instituted this not some nameless Civil servant but a greedy man who also sold UK gold reserves at a really silly price `
  24. Any person retiring should be able to get the increases especially on the British Old Age pension, however most people knew that Thailand was not going to be uprated as others were, not only Thailand by the way . For years many have been campaigning for this restriction to be lifted and still it has not despite going to the Supreme Courts in the land and even the EU when we belonged . No point complaining, move or put up with it, everyone knows and many sympathise, just think of those that still , although retired pay UK Income tax.
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