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Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

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Everything posted by Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

  1. I agree same as helmets but then how can you enforce the laws when you see the enforcers break the law daily and with impunity !!!
  2. Why transfer, suspend on half pay, remove him from making ANY decisions
  3. Considering that like everything else in Thailand selling Alcohol, one assumer stringent checks were made periodically by local planners, council officials and of course the RTP . AND YET during all those checks nothing was found amiss, therefore one can only conclude that all officials visiting this establishment were blind and deaf and had recently been released from a mental institution . The fault apart from the illegal modification is that of the local Officials and the Local RTP for NOT doing the tasks they are paid to do to benefit the public and their safety. Reasons.Corruption 100% , not that anyone willo ever say that, but the press should call it out loud and clear.
  4. How can a woman reported as INFECTEDF now test negative. Journalism at its worst, you are either infected or not ...Just how stupid are the writers in the Thai Examiner
  5. Which numpty thought this up. ANY sane, intelligent person KNOWS that RESPECT must be earned. Not demanded nor expected, but if it is due, then it is given freely. In Thailand I wear a Uniform so you must respect, well that attitude is so wrong it is laughable.
  6. The question was, Can Thailand Control Cannibis ? Short answer NO !! When you consider they cannot control young children riding Motorbikes, Blatant scamming by Thais on anyone else, Endorse Dual pricing, Have one of the most CORRUPT Police Forces I have ever known with almost ZERO accountability, then in reality that question is as stupid as it sounds. Thailand has NO CHANCE of controlling it. Many people were given TWO plants, in a village near to me I know of one family who offered to grow their neighbours plants, now we have a CANNIBIS Farm, all legal. Control, the genie has been let out of the bottle, recorking that genie will not happen.
  7. There are sadly no answers to these questions. The reasons are myriad. Law Enforcement, Parental Control, Culture, Religion, you can point your fingers at any one of those four and be right. Thai Society generally does not care and neither does the Government, but really any LAW passed will be ignored by the majority, that is noirmal practice. I remember something I read 21 years ago in a major publication about Thai Roads and its traffic: Thai drivers will find a way to circumnavigate all LAWS they do not like and that has got worse as traffic has increased and sadly after two decades here I have found that applies to all Government departments including the Police. It is endemic and now beyond control.
  8. No it is the inherent fear of making a bad decision, there is ZERO discretion and even less accountabilty , a lower clerk is so afraid of a senior clerk that no decisions are made untill ALL the paperwork is submitted and according to a friend in one Govt department most senior officials NEVER ead the file , they just sign and hope. If it goes wrong they will find a lower scapegoat.
  9. When I see the Road fatalities become lower and LESS stupid people driving as the Police detain them then and only then will I say the Police need more holiudays. The other day I drove op0ver 500 kms at ni9ght returning home and I did not SEE one Police officer going through many towns and villages. Mind you I do not call into the Police Stations where I expect they all were ....hahaha
  10. No minimum 30 days free maybe 60 days, after that fees to be paid, who the hell goes on holidaY FOR 90 DAYS
  11. Most expats are fully aware the RTP are at best lazy / corrupt and incompetent and some dangerously so. There are many who do try but as training and promotion is linked to in house friendships many go along with the flow led by their mentors, who have over the years managed to stay in the job, by doing just enough and no more. This then in beginning to be known to the local population who then complain, which is like talking to deaf and blind person ion a foreign language. A pointless exercise and fraught with danger as the reaction could be far worse from those saintly , public protectors . Who actually think 70% of the population are stupid.
  12. Providing of course they actually answer the phone which currently is a hit or miss affair
  13. Any expat living here for a number of years and NOT married will need to work out how to stay at the local price. Congratulations Thai Government, openly telling the world that Non Thais can be scammed, fleeced and generally treated as rubbish. Another Xenophobic racist IDEA coming from a Thai Government.
  14. A Police Officer involved in anything even slightly shady regarding entertainment premises are NOT in my BOOK Real Police just Uniform Carriers
  15. Simple solution, if found to be involved immediate ending of College Place, black listed and unable to get any qualification. Sort out the students from the fighters . Harsh maybe but required to ensure peace
  16. Thailand is not only Racist but also Xenophobic as well, the fact that following the Pandemic they have lost nearly 20% GDP, does not seem to faze them. If all the Expats left, Thailand woul;d be so POOR yet they still treat us like criminals from Visas to Entry prices, if that happened in the UK the Government would be hung out to dry !!
  17. Well they will not pay the tax, problem solved, TIT why pay if you can get away with it
  18. The first sentence is incorrect, should read DEATH AGAIN SHOW JUST HOW BAD THAI DRIVERS ARE . !./ Again speed and inexperience shows us all that roads in Thailand are a Death trap to not only cyclists and Motorcycles but anyone who even momentarily loses concentration . Thai drivers do not drive they aim and are blind to anyone else on the road.
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