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Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

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Everything posted by Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

  1. Any person retiring should be able to get the increases especially on the British Old Age pension, however most people knew that Thailand was not going to be uprated as others were, not only Thailand by the way . For years many have been campaigning for this restriction to be lifted and still it has not despite going to the Supreme Courts in the land and even the EU when we belonged . No point complaining, move or put up with it, everyone knows and many sympathise, just think of those that still , although retired pay UK Income tax.
  2. Body suit mere red herrings, what is NOT talked about is LACK of a Life Jacket and the fact that the speed boat did not have a protective cage around the propeller to stop it hitting people, either or both of these COULD have saved her especially the life jacket. But one assumes that she either declined or was not told to wear one, either way it is the repsonsibility of the Boats driver to ensure it is worn and failure by any passenger to do so, thje boat should have remained moored up stationary. But that requires commonp0sense and following rules, both of which seems to be sadly lacking as usual here in LOS...
  3. While I agree that the RTP aas a whole is technically responsible and the L/cpl is fully responsible, the fact that to sue the RTP will probably be an Uphill battle , the criteria for suing and amount has been met. Now the outcome will be a different matter, I suspect that the RTP will throw the L/cpl to the wolves while a wringing of hands and a salutary offer made to the family by them. The L/cpl will be on his own`.
  4. This shows just how STUPID people working to enhance Thailand are. They are the same as TAT , idiotic ideas, but instead of IMPROVING what is already here to make it better, come up with more stupid suggestions. Congratulations Thailand is now known as a Nation of idiotic statements regarding foreigners , run by really silly people .
  5. Thi9s Is Thailand where common-sense and logic went the way of the Dodo years ago....lol
  6. The question is .......Will the Police prosecute the Parents or responsible adult for neglect.............if not RIP kids let down by ADULTS as usual , who will blame anyone but themselves
  7. What a load of codswallop, after over 55 years of receiving jabs numbering over 3-400 the worst I ever had was the Yellow Fever one . Some hurt some do not, you are putting a foreigner into your body some react some do not . Just stick it the upper arm andlive with it. Thauis are hypocondriacs anyway.
  8. Simple, fine 5000 baht for each offence payable on the spot or vehicle impounded until paid , and if you get three fines, then automatic disqualification for 12 months, BUT that will need enforcement....bit difficult with the RTP rarely exiting their Police Stations
  9. Sadly Pol Col Bowonphop Sunthornrekha, historically the RTP have failed over the years to be both Transparent and Honest in its dealings with the Public and especially regarding investigations . While I am sure that this Investigation will not only be be Open and Honest and Justice will be seen to be done, I would sau, it is because an RTP officer is involved., had it been just another rider speeding , doubtful. After two decades here, I gave learnt that to QUESTION Police actions is counter productive, even when they are blatantly wrong , sorry ! I hear what you say but reality is completely different.
  10. According to the PM, this is Thainess playing itself out horrifically ....karma Mr PM.
  11. E ducation YES, for ALL, plus then Enforcement by EDUCATED Police, with ZERO corruption. I think I saw a flock of Pink Elephants flying a few minutes ago !!!!!!!!
  12. Simple solution ARREST and detain pending trial . Show the country and the world Justice is not only fair but also seen to be done . Unless you are RTP then become a Monk even killing RTP is also Jail free these days . Is there NO END to corrupt practices .....??????
  13. Oh what a wonderful statement from the Major General, the very next time I get stopped and asked to blow by a RETP Officer that smells of alcohol, then ( never drink and drive ) will ask for that officer to be tested as well if they refuse then make an official complaint. They are the most hypocritical Police Force I have ever known . ( BTW served 30 years British police .
  14. may lament the appalling accident statistics, I smile to myself as this mgovernment here in Thailand spend more time getting angry and very upset over the breaking of Pandemic Rules which MAY KILL a couple while doing absolutely nothing to address the mounting problem of Rad Accident Deaths which they say is caused by a high percentage of Drunk Drivers. Shows just how remote this Government has always been from the situation and its inability to instruct the Enforcement agency ie: The ROYAL THAI POLICE to do their job correctly without fear or favour and bribes`.
  15. The Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation exist only it seems to pronounce staistics and clearly their Job title is not doing anything about the Disastes which infold yearly. As for the RTP well nuff said, working to protect the Public it seems is a Work Ethic NOT TAUGHT to them !
  16. While horrific these statistics are , it is nothing compared to the obvious lack of ability and complacency fby this or for that matter any PREVIOUS Thai Government abilities to address the carnage . Part of the problem is the obvious lack of any noticeable enforcement of Road Traffic Offences by the ROYAL Thai Police , which often happens right in front of them, coupled with the Thai Culture which had evolved over the years to circumnavigate all laws if they do not like them, KNOWING that enforcement is rare and if it is , the fines are paltry. Watching the Police over the years, it seems as though Thai Culture of a non-confrontational approach is the major part of the problem , plus the inability of Insurance companies to refuse to pay out when drivers or riders are plainly illegally driving.
  17. Actually histoprically they could well be your ancestors as well. okay some 15000 tears ago but still ancestors
  18. Two sayings come to mind over this People in Glasshouses should not throw stones Pot calling the kettle black The biggest corrupt Government Agency is telling us Gambling is illegal and dangeropus. NOW just HOW many illegal places overseen by individual Police Officers or stations have been implicated in shady places over the past few years eh ?????????? AND no-one has as yet gone to jail......Truly Amazing Thailand !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Crush all the bikes, the owners will spend tens of thousands to pay the credit companies and stop the racing overnight
  20. This comes as no surprise to many seasoned expats who live here. Thais will if given the chance do anything to buck systems, inflate prices and generally scam tourists. Before it went noticed but no problem with over 30 million tourists a year, NOW it is news because Topurists are obeying the Governmental edicts and the Hotels know this so they can scam but this time they are being fopund out. perhaps hotels that do this should be immediately removed from SHA listing and treated as pariahs, they will soon learn. ...maybe, but that is logical.
  21. WHEN and ONLY when there is a LAW which states ALL should wear masks outside in Public Areas, I will comply , until then when I see at LEAST 50% of Thais ( including Officials )NOT wearing mask, I will assume that this is a Racist Xenophobic utterance from a very silly person.
  22. Nothing will ever change, now that CULTURE is more important. This is Thai Culture or Thainess so beloved by the PM.
  23. This is the SAME Culture which allows The females in the family to be abused and the corruption of Officials across the board to continue unabated, plus the double standards regarding tourists. GREAT, now we all know. Porn can take it or leave it . The Government has shown its true colours again.
  24. One minute press repoprt minimal foreigners visiting Khao san Road, next they are saying tests for all. So they are complaining against themselves. Truly Amazing Thailand with a large dose of stupidity added to the mix.
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