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Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

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Everything posted by Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

  1. Again another report of a serious accident involving a Coach and another vehicle, details so sketchy one uses he imagination to wonder why a car hitting a bus would force the bus into a ditch. RIP to the deceased and that the POLICE whle invstigating come to the truth about the accident, although sadly that hope is somewhat dimmed.
  2. Unfair ....really I THOUGHT THAI politics was above corruption, ...well the PM says it is so it must be !!!!!!!!!!!!! No more VOTE buying No more ludicrous costly unworkable promises No selfish actions by mps as they say in english ...Monkey see, monkey do .....
  3. So the obviousl;y blind dumb MONK Was unable to see or even to say NO I assume , but you arrest the lady and the MONK a very happy chappie ....hahaha
  4. Exactly, theref ore any recognition would have to come with the Government accpting that not only does Prostitution exist that it is also a major money earner, the downside from the womens point of view will betaxed income op get the neefits they6 require, therefore an already black economy will get pushed further underground to avoid any money earned becoming taxed. . QUoing from one female i knew vaguely at approx two/three men a DAY , THAT EQUATED TO APPROX over 130000 baht a month. Pay tax, nope !! !!1
  5. They do I am sure know he risks, but ego and lack of common-sense kicks in and here we are again , you can take a horse to water but you cannot make them drink, same as education requires some degree of intelligence to act sensibly `
  6. Again sadly the dangers of NO ensuring you have adequate Insurance when on holiday to replaying itself out . More so when you delight in riding a motorbike . Saw that when I came here 20 years ago, will not ride a Motorcycle at all. Good luck with this , best wishes to the family by sorry little sympathy for the actions of your son . !
  7. Sadly another accidentdue in part I suspect o p[oor Tyre maintenance, too often when at traffic lights I look a truck tyrs and often one or more ae below recommended standard and some have zero tread, and YUET Thai Insurance pays out . Like buses trucks should be checked on the oad ,bu often they sail past Road checks. RIP to the deceased.
  8. Typical overkill knee jerk reaction from Tha authorities in a xenophobic rant targeting tourists. Instead of actually seeking to minimise the problem by targeting the shops re-selling old uniforms. 19th century laws dealing with 21st century actions again.
  9. Judging by the numbr of mistakes I see Government vehicles b raking the law, including the police, the maybe updating government Agency drivers including the POLICE would gain better understanding opf driving and les face i what is good for the goose is good for the gander `
  10. It would take a very SHARP knife ( like samurai sword type ) o cut ones own throat, inbuilt pan reaction would probably prevent it happening
  11. What standards, they could not get any lower, as for the teachers ,ost are unable to think beyond the book , answering questions s another no no for students as generally the teachers do NOT KNOW the answers
  12. Now we see the truth and the UNDEMOCRATIC SENATORS OBJECT , sad children throwing toys out of the pram spring to mind !!!
  13. AH the incompetent management investigating the incompetent flight crew. the reason will be forgetfulness and incompetence, why investigate wasting time and money. Tell them to do the job or lose the job..simple
  14. The over double pricing at many attractions is the one I put top of the list as you are expected to pay up to TEN TIMES more than a Thai, and yet use the same often badly maintained facilities !
  15. Complete B/S , why, this advocates ways to bribe corrupt Police Officers and also states can can stop if they have a susp[icion. Which means in Police speak for any reason I can think of ! The old ways and means act, stop then think of a reason ! My take on this , if stopped immediately afterwards if threatened, harrassed or kust angry go the the hearest Police Station and lodge a formal complaint.
  16. Corruption, surely not in this`pristine enclave even Thais are being scammed. Mon dieu whatever next , cannopt be Thais they NEVER do this, must be Foreign Workers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Bit difficult to arrest / caution or even chastise your second/third wife is it not !!!!!!!!
  18. This incident I fail to understand why a medical Doctor DID NOT take a blood sample after the accident , there appears to be ZERO medical reasons why it was not asked for or taken. RTP hav a lot of questions to answer .
  19. After years of living here and complying with all Covid requirements, I thank the Govt for making sure Thailand reamains as far asa is possible Covid free. Complain if you want but they ar doping something to protect the peo0ple, those Anti Maskers/Vaxxers take note .
  20. Royal Thai Navy cannot jeep a ship afloat that is why they want submarines is it !! Poor seamanship bottom line , court martial ahead !!
  21. UNTIL Thailand adopts best practice in Blood donations there will ALWAYS be shortages . Their rules are archaic ruled by the Red CVross which is so set in its ways it puts people off. Being O Neg is rare here, but they refuseaccpet my blood, why I am over 70. If I die because they have no blood, my relatives will SUE !!
  22. You can change the laws to improve Road Safety and drivers obedience, BUT you cannot tell stupid people how to drive as here, they think they know it all !!
  23. Ah , now please explain How is it that Officers caught cheating are still officers , who execute the law in fining and prosecuting offenders ( the gullible public who are ignorant ), , while they are also cheating. Good lesson, if you cheat and get promoted you can cheat more , says a lot about the SENIOR RTP chaps.
  24. Why is HE still a Captain ? Disgraceful behaviour for anyone, even more so for a Serving ROYAL THAI POLICE OFFICER .
  25. Whatever and however it happens, sorry only an IDIOT leaves CASH out in the open !!!!!!
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