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Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

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Everything posted by Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

  1. NOW ???? The question should be if no more heavy rain was forecast would they even think about cleaning the Storm Drains/ Other drains at all. ? Answer please on a small postage stamp !!
  2. Ah this rings a bell Thailand ( then Siam ) made the same comments to Japan and ended up declaring war on the AL:LIES . Again being stroked metaphorically by that two faced Lavrov may be seen as being nice but the undertones are, object and you will feel the wrath. Sadly one did expect more of a new generational Thailand but it seems the Gene pool is the same humble obsequious behaviour so that Tourism can renew from wealthy Russians . Pathetic posturing by any Government .
  3. Education,education, Public Service announcements, on how to drive when to use indicators, using the inside lane etc, only longstanding input by the Govt will start the change. But then having second thoughts that would mean the Public might know the LAW, and the RTP will never allow that !!
  4. Over the years easiest to l;eave not comment on-line but by word of mouth or using a ( friend ) in another country to write a bad review . Losing business will cost them more in the long run, in this instance I suspect she will lose as well . . But Thai EGO is far more important than having a GOOD Business.
  5. Oh dear Thai egos and too many hormone in action again plus the Culture of many against one. Typical to say a sad indictment of Thai Maleness
  6. RIP to the young ladies and hope the injured one recovers, after saying that it looks like a missable accident but lack of care and attention seems to be the problem, PLUS may I add NO MOTORBIKE is made that can legally CARRY THREE .
  7. What a Potato head ( cannot spell the German which is an insult to Germans ) A complete Prat !!!!!!!!
  8. Well after reading some of the absolute rubbishposted on here aas to how and why. I will point this out. 1 Large Municipal Truck, showing lights, moving slowly if at all , not in stealth mode but clearly visible to 99% of sober careful drivers 2. large motorbike being ridden by a farang and his mate . Motorbike hits this clearly visible truck at a speed that has killed one and severely injured another , motorbike a probable write off. Although you can spin the circumstances many ways, and as an ex-copper. The result is the same, someone was not paying attention and an accident has occurred . You numpties work out who was to blame, I am going to have my morning coffee !!
  9. Well maybe the RTP are dealing with a potential threat proactively, but in seriousness the Pot calling the Kettle BLACK does not help the street cred of the RTP, seen by many as corrupt as any Government organisation
  10. NOW everyone will KNOW. Well done RTP talk about shooting yourself in the foot , more moronic sound-bites, they forget, ignore it it will go away eventually and the Monarchy and Country will be the same .HOW PETTY !!!!!!
  11. Ah let me get this 100% correct. The Thai Government empowered to make laws and asking the POLICE supposedly empowered to enforce those laws, what they want to do. Rather like the Tail wagging the dog methinks , only happen in Thailand, if they got the so called RTP nearly 250000 strong to actually do the job of enforcing the laws,less 10 % of that number for admin, then there would be no problems would there, get rid of 50% of the Generals and employ three times as many men instead, there is a whole Police station full of new officers.
  12. Come on folks, in this NO FAIL society how can they be anything else, remember bruised egos, loss of face and general well being all at risk if anything less !!
  13. I think open mouth, speak rubbish and then place FOOT in mouth and say it is okay we are the POLICE . Seems the order of the day !!
  14. Was not aware that THAILAND had any zoning whatsoever, seen many DIRTY businesses set up on Housing estates and blatantly idiotic permissions given for many activities being set up in ridiculous places . Maybe they are all illegal and the brown envelopes just keep coming
  15. Wonder how many BROWN Envelopes have passed hands for them to continue to operate ?
  16. While I agree that5 ILLEHAL fishing will and can the local fish and possibly harm the environment in the long run. I find it overly excessive when we have the RTP openly stating that they will NOR ENFORVE the law on Seat Beltsd properly A LAW THAT CAN SAVE HUMAN lives, yet they pursue a Foreigner who was fishing with a THAI Boat owner and Captain You want Tourism Thai Government then act sensibly ok !!
  17. Okay softly softly and fines at discretion of the officer. Scenario, Thai man with wife and 3 kids, Yopu really shou8ld wear belts, a warning .....Thanks officer Foreigner with wife and three kids : Sir youi should wear seat belts, fines intotal 4000+ ( you farang can pay ) ...;.... Okay Officer ( know he will pocket at least 50% ) Now tell me the racist xenephobic card will NOT be played . I had it with two accidents and spotlights. Plus the normal incompetence of the officers concerned.
  18. Well no surprises, a Navy which is unable to crew its white elephant an Aircraft carriet is now buying second rate engines for its second hand submarines, which all navies have said is a useless purchase for the Navy.. But then it is NOT their money is it, but the PUBLICS !"!!
  19. I agree same as helmets but then how can you enforce the laws when you see the enforcers break the law daily and with impunity !!!
  20. Why transfer, suspend on half pay, remove him from making ANY decisions
  21. Considering that like everything else in Thailand selling Alcohol, one assumer stringent checks were made periodically by local planners, council officials and of course the RTP . AND YET during all those checks nothing was found amiss, therefore one can only conclude that all officials visiting this establishment were blind and deaf and had recently been released from a mental institution . The fault apart from the illegal modification is that of the local Officials and the Local RTP for NOT doing the tasks they are paid to do to benefit the public and their safety. Reasons.Corruption 100% , not that anyone willo ever say that, but the press should call it out loud and clear.
  22. How can a woman reported as INFECTEDF now test negative. Journalism at its worst, you are either infected or not ...Just how stupid are the writers in the Thai Examiner
  23. Which numpty thought this up. ANY sane, intelligent person KNOWS that RESPECT must be earned. Not demanded nor expected, but if it is due, then it is given freely. In Thailand I wear a Uniform so you must respect, well that attitude is so wrong it is laughable.
  24. The question was, Can Thailand Control Cannibis ? Short answer NO !! When you consider they cannot control young children riding Motorbikes, Blatant scamming by Thais on anyone else, Endorse Dual pricing, Have one of the most CORRUPT Police Forces I have ever known with almost ZERO accountability, then in reality that question is as stupid as it sounds. Thailand has NO CHANCE of controlling it. Many people were given TWO plants, in a village near to me I know of one family who offered to grow their neighbours plants, now we have a CANNIBIS Farm, all legal. Control, the genie has been let out of the bottle, recorking that genie will not happen.
  25. There are sadly no answers to these questions. The reasons are myriad. Law Enforcement, Parental Control, Culture, Religion, you can point your fingers at any one of those four and be right. Thai Society generally does not care and neither does the Government, but really any LAW passed will be ignored by the majority, that is noirmal practice. I remember something I read 21 years ago in a major publication about Thai Roads and its traffic: Thai drivers will find a way to circumnavigate all LAWS they do not like and that has got worse as traffic has increased and sadly after two decades here I have found that applies to all Government departments including the Police. It is endemic and now beyond control.
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