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Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

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Everything posted by Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

  1. When I see the Road fatalities become lower and LESS stupid people driving as the Police detain them then and only then will I say the Police need more holiudays. The other day I drove op0ver 500 kms at ni9ght returning home and I did not SEE one Police officer going through many towns and villages. Mind you I do not call into the Police Stations where I expect they all were ....hahaha
  2. No minimum 30 days free maybe 60 days, after that fees to be paid, who the hell goes on holidaY FOR 90 DAYS
  3. Most expats are fully aware the RTP are at best lazy / corrupt and incompetent and some dangerously so. There are many who do try but as training and promotion is linked to in house friendships many go along with the flow led by their mentors, who have over the years managed to stay in the job, by doing just enough and no more. This then in beginning to be known to the local population who then complain, which is like talking to deaf and blind person ion a foreign language. A pointless exercise and fraught with danger as the reaction could be far worse from those saintly , public protectors . Who actually think 70% of the population are stupid.
  4. Providing of course they actually answer the phone which currently is a hit or miss affair
  5. Any expat living here for a number of years and NOT married will need to work out how to stay at the local price. Congratulations Thai Government, openly telling the world that Non Thais can be scammed, fleeced and generally treated as rubbish. Another Xenophobic racist IDEA coming from a Thai Government.
  6. A Police Officer involved in anything even slightly shady regarding entertainment premises are NOT in my BOOK Real Police just Uniform Carriers
  7. Simple solution, if found to be involved immediate ending of College Place, black listed and unable to get any qualification. Sort out the students from the fighters . Harsh maybe but required to ensure peace
  8. Thailand is not only Racist but also Xenophobic as well, the fact that following the Pandemic they have lost nearly 20% GDP, does not seem to faze them. If all the Expats left, Thailand woul;d be so POOR yet they still treat us like criminals from Visas to Entry prices, if that happened in the UK the Government would be hung out to dry !!
  9. Well they will not pay the tax, problem solved, TIT why pay if you can get away with it
  10. The first sentence is incorrect, should read DEATH AGAIN SHOW JUST HOW BAD THAI DRIVERS ARE . !./ Again speed and inexperience shows us all that roads in Thailand are a Death trap to not only cyclists and Motorcycles but anyone who even momentarily loses concentration . Thai drivers do not drive they aim and are blind to anyone else on the road.
  11. From myour own admission I quote : We had over 7,800 views and 205 replies. : That is a really small number of the immense total. Although you can spin the results anyway you think, in a North eastern province where there are at least 4-5000 expats of varying nationalities, the response is in fact POOR to almost non-existent. True many will stay and more will arrive for a huge variety of reasons, more health wise than anything else, warm/hot weather and cost o living being the main reasons. The downside are the laws that discriminate against the foreigner of which there are a lot from double pricing to inability to own what you buy in terms of house and land ., owning a business even m,ore fraught that many will not .
  12. Sadly although the outcome is dead people, what coiuntry allows TWO 14 year olds out on a road. Oh I know where enforcement is poor 9 Thailand ). Lack of driving Licence ..no p[roblem 9 Thailand ). Probably lack of Insurance ..also NO problem ( Thailand ) . If the Boys are illegal it is their fault 100%. If however they were legal , Licence, ions, Tax, then a peculiar situation
  13. Plot what plot, Thai Authorities and mainly meaning tat have never had a plot their combined brains are incapable of running a plot let alone losing what they never had. Typical Thai Authorities double speak and dictarorial actions to spoil it for anything NOT Thai organised . Foreigners just do not understand Thainess ( stupidity ) .
  14. How the hell can driving be impaired it was never that good in the first place and moreover, enforcement will be the same as Drink, hit and miss and a pure CASH COW for the RTP
  15. More Police is NOT the answer, it will need to be a three pronged attack, Enforcement utilising not only the POLICE BUT Insurance companies not paying out if a driver or vehicle is illegal for starters. Education by using the power of the Media to advise warn and if necessary threaten drivers ofd the Law and failure to comply punishments. Law changes regarding Insurance, Licences and Maintainance of vehicles, plus removing a Police OFFICERS POWERS OF DISCRETION , brake the law this is the fine, not a back hander. In other words remove the CORRUPTION part of enforcement. .
  16. Cutting of hair not with parents permission on a school child is an Assault pure and simple and the person doing so should therefore be arrested on that charge. In my7 case after he/she gets out of the hospital I will put them in , in the case of my children.
  17. Why I ask are they NOT suspended until the investigation is finished, in-active means they still put on a Uniform, suspended they stay at home and wait .
  18. If the original story is to be believed, and the fact they admitted going the wrong wasy, why on earth handcuff them etc. The gun was a no no, but at no time were the police threatened, their actions regarding this is completely inappropriate. But then RTP are not known for intelligent Police officers are they
  19. The fct that it is in the news what was said and why it was said is probably more enlightening as opposed to whom it was said. It is clear that the fact this makes the news, tells us all they know how their Immigration OFFICERS work and showing us all they are on top of everything is just Political sense, but a waste of time in reality.
  20. Simple answer is a resounding NO, because in many cases thai culture interferes with schooling, as Respect is demanded by tachers no matter how bad they are and QUESTIONS are almost never allowed, this has the effect of dumbing down the normal childs quest for information and we see that is the general lack of knowl;;edge in Thai children, anything outside a book is never taught. Critical thinking an important part of learning is NOT taught or even encouraged as Teachers are unable to grasp it either.
  21. While yopu are about it, ask all passengers to make sure thay are washed and clean and NOTY to drop litter as well. Make the experience far more pleasant , the few times I have travelled always someone who stinks
  22. As I only ever hand over money to the RTP with a receiptat a check stop or Police station, then all this shows is that it is NORMAL for the Pol;ice to ask for money. Simple do not pay them meet them at the station the next day.
  23. Well Mr Cod Satrusayang, after 20 years here I do not know of anyone offended , except when it is called out by Thais ...Hey You Farang in a loud voice because the person calling is either drunk or someone who thinks they are important.
  24. This article states that well paid executives trying to encourage Tourists, well obviously the pre-requisites for being one of these well paid people is NOT Common-sense or logic . For years with well known SCAMS, DOUBLE PRICING, poor amenities at many Tourist attractions have stopped the local expat community as well as telling tourists that all Thailand wants is money. Making a Tourist wanting to come back is the best free advertisement and that they are not getting , why . Look at what you are providing as one person said to me many years ago, look after the poorest and the rich will be fine, likewise Tourists, attract the low-end the upper end will do just fine . Logic not normally used in Thailand sadly .
  25. Why do people think that we ( expats ) really want to read what a person did or has done. We are all here for a vast majority of reasons and generally we are happy with our lot our choices. Certainly things could have gone better for some adn some have left for equally in many cases private reasons. Can ASEAN NOW, please restrict the burblings of some to extinction as this man certainly does not in any way reflect the vast majority of English speaking expats, of that I am certain.
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