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Everything posted by happydreamer

  1. They will never give up masks here. Ive come to that conclusion
  2. Another useless offering from a business here. I used to get better deals when 7-11 was handing out those stickers
  3. Long time, highly functional user who quit when I moved here. Ive seen the crap thats passed off as MDMA here and I could tell by the smell of it it wasn't. I'd never do any of the garbage they have here.
  4. People who dont use will never understand. Its the same thing as people who rip on guys who use steroids. They think somehow their version of a good time is superior or in the steroids case, that their "natural"muscle is more hard worked for. That being said, in today's age there's no way in hell I'm popping any pills or tootin' any powder. Its a merciless world nowadays when it comes to this stuff. No regard for life whatsoever and everything is tainted. These kids nowadays go into it knowing Ecstasy is a tainted substance. Some 20-something explained to me the other day the diff between X and Molly and it was very different from what I grew up learning in the 90s. All Molly was X but not all X was Molly. There's people out there calling 30mg oxys Percs which is completely false but thats just the drug culture these days
  5. I mean I guess if I save 20 baht on each delivery up to 50 times a month thats like 1000 baht a month. Not a fortune but definitely a little something worth throwing in the change cup. What I would do if I signed up for the trial would be check the prices of your orders before you signup and then after. I have a hard time believing that there's any real incentive to this type of service. I feel like there's a bait-n-switch somewhere along the way. Either the order prices go up and you "think" you're getting 20 baht off delivery but aren't or its only applicable at participating places. I hit platinum level about 18 months ago and have a rather large number of points but find the points kinda useless for anything of value.
  6. Exactly. Was just getting ready to respond with this same explanation. The utility will always trail the actual market prices. We saw breaks in price action in march of 22 but the actual fuel prices didn't come down till June.
  7. There IS no traffic during Songkran in Bangkok. Its glorious
  8. You dont get safe spaces in night clubs man...not even in the US. Start a fight in a club...getting stomped is a given. There's shootings in and around nightclubs every week in my hometown. You might be mixing nightclubs up with festivals
  9. What are you talking about this isn't America?...if you take a swing at someone in the USA prepare to be shot. You start sh!t in a club...the bouncers will f'k you up and leave you for dead in an alley
  10. Only in Thailand will you make headlines over your salary
  11. I came here for this comment. You said it nicer than I would have. Kudos
  12. I had apprehensions about sticking 400k into a bank for the spouse visa but after seeing what the true cost of agency visas are...you're better off moving your money to a bank here. More of a chance to keep it than mess about with anyone official, unofficial, artificial, or formerly official
  13. Volunteer org visas provided by agents were being cancelled upon arrival in Jan of 2022 with holders threatened of deportation on the spot...no tourist visa given just threat of deportation. Conversations can be had and isunderstandings can be cleared up. With enough grease a sticky situation becomes unstuck.
  14. I wouldn't advise that practice. First hand experience with the fallout from agent visas. Your days with that are numbered and don't even think about leaving and trying to get back in with one of those
  15. I think if they made the LTV accessible in smaller denominations theyd have more success. problem with that tho...they swing for home runs every time trying to get that big bag upfront instead of taking in smaller sustainable sums over time. Also I think in the eyes of the people who wrote this...and I may be giving way more credit than deserved...they see the larger upfront sum as a sign of stability which "may" align more with attracting a financially afluent population... I still don't understand thai logic even after 10 years
  16. What visa extension is 20k per year?
  17. "Joe Ferrari has entered the chat..."
  18. I made a comment about American tipping culture a few weeks ago and had someone here lecture me about how it began in Europe. For what it's worth if there's not a 10% service charge I'll add 10% to whatever the bill is. Or if it's a large group like a party and the wait staff worked really hard keeping up with our table then we'll leave 10%+. We were out to a wedding afterparty last week and the young lady who worked our table (8 people) took really good care of us and there was 0 service charge on that bill. There's actually quite a few places Ive been in Bangkok that don't include the service charge. If it's superior service like a bartender at a speakeasy who pours me slightly over on bourbons then he gets extra.
  19. Asean...such a clever way to start another pissing contest
  20. When you sign up to join the police force here you know what you're getting yourself into. It's not like they were bamboozled into something they were against. They were just the ones that were made examples of. If your personal ethics didn't align with doing something this wrong in your life you wouldn't have signed up to be a cop. You'd have chosen another career. Most get into this because they know what the fringe benefits are. And if you're a subordinate to a well-respected higher rank you're gonna print all day every day...
  21. Its funny...the ones who often cant afford it tend to be the ones who are the most honest. All three times I've lent money I've had to repeatedly remind the borrowers that they need to cough up. The sums were a bit more substantial ...between 30 and 40k so my sympathy levels are lower than yours. Two of them drive BMW X1s and one carries. Celine handbag. All women...for whatever that's worth
  22. As I've told my wife countless times...if you're ever worried that a situation may cause you to lose face...don't do something that would cause you to lose face. I mean...i know the education system here is a bit antiquated but i learned about cause and effect in 2nd grade. Hard to imagine the concept not catching on by adulthood
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