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Everything posted by happydreamer

  1. So for murder you walk free in 5 years or flee the country in hiding.... but for extortion you could get the death penalty? This place...I swear....
  2. I understand what you mean now. Agree completely as well ????
  3. Ya but if they bought fuel for today on futures markets a while ago, what are they buying now for 9 months from now?
  4. Another well thought out plan by authorities. "You think too maaaaaattttch"
  5. Who goes to a hospital for smoking weed. Though thinking about it...I guess it makes sense. Most thais I've seen using any substance have no "auto-off" ability. It's use till you pass out and sleep on the street.
  6. Actually it's a steal at Chicago prices.
  7. You nailed it man. When I was back in falang-land there was nothing like coming home from the office on a Friday night and having my doorman hand me my dropoff envelope for the weekend. Quality and convenience is key for me
  8. 95% of posters in this forum will walk 5 km to pickup their food instead of paying a delivery fee. They dont care about quality and most wouldn't know the difference. Just keep making a great product. Your fans will follow and pay for convenience. Cheers
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