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Everything posted by happydreamer

  1. So is this basically if you pay income tax in US you dont pay it here? Or vice versa? If you're a tax resident do you pay tax on your global income or the amount of money you have brought into Thailand throughout the year?
  2. OP was me. WISE returned an answer to my query today. Hope this helps clarify
  3. I think I was in shock from skimming and skipped that part. Thanks for clarifying
  4. I mean if thats the case I just panicked for no reason. I submitted a support query anyways to get the official word. So you're saying that if we send USD to a Bank and have it remain and pay out as USD, thats when you think these fees apply? Correct? Thanks for chiming in. Much appreciated
  5. IDK...this is where I'm confused. maybe just contact WISE support I guess.
  6. I dont think so. It says if you're sending to any one of those countries. I haven't known anyone here to take a payout in USD. have you?
  7. Ok, I just installed and did a couple of test transfers using Remitly. The fees are about 2USD. Lets see what happens when I transfer larger sums
  8. It looks like the changes dont go into effect until end of Sept. But at any cost, its a ridiculous increase in fees. Not even percentage based...its a flat fee plus percentage
  9. Sorry everyone. I should have thought post the link https://wise.com/help/articles/2946451/sending-usd-to-countries-outside-the-us
  10. Has anyone else caught wind that WISE is increasing their fees to send money from USD to THB (And others) What alternatives to this do we have to WISE? This is literally going to wind up costing hundreds in fees over the span of the year
  11. With you 100% on this one.
  12. You're ridiculous man. This isn't Japan. There's no Thai person working a service job here thats gonna be insulted by a tip.
  13. A fade is where they blend the length of your hair that results from using different length setting on the clipper blades. There's different variations of it depending on hair length, thickness, style, and how you want it to grow out. I've run across only a few barbers that can do this properly here. My guy can do it with clippers and with Scissors, depending on what I tell hime I want done on top.
  14. In all fairness...I used to get a pretty good fade in Chiang Mai for 250 with tip. Bangkok...forget it...600-700 is the range to get a proper fade
  15. An act of vanity...you're funny dude. Thailand is all about image. Not sure if you've picked up on that yet. 700 in Thonglor by a dude who cuts and styles for celebs.
  16. Remember the days when no one had means to film anything. We sure did get away with alot then...
  17. They call him American but his commentary couldn't be further from that. If he were a true American he'd have used his pronouns during his introduction
  18. I remember those days man. Chang beer at Ta Chang on a Wednesday night. Life was an adventure at that time
  19. Wouldn't be surprised if they loaded the house and called the police on themselves. There's a lot more money in extortion than there is in entrance fees.
  20. Digital nomads is so 2015 Chiang Mai. Camp, Maya, ordering food all day and drinking americanos every three hours to get more wifi. Then ride off into the midnight on your motorbike.... Good times
  21. Sad thing is it's probably not even real MDMA.
  22. And what do you suppose the first go-to for protection is? C'mon man. Don't be dim. look at the picture with the story.
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