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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. No need for any question. They are not allowed on sidewalks, but as usual they brake the laws.
  2. Are you joking? In most countries in the world, as well as in Thailand, an ambulance has the right of road and the right to run a red light if sirens and lights are on. Everyone else are obligated to notice and hear that as well as give road. The red light has no bearing here.
  3. I wouldn´t know about that. You seem to be the professional. 😉
  4. His words: F##K! That was expensive. The girls answer: What do you think when you jump in with the best pound for pound F##Ker in the world?
  5. Sorry, there ain´t that much alcohol available.
  6. Fallen in the gutter? Do you know how much a plane ticket to Thailand can buy in a poor African country. Or, maybe you think they walked. If so, one might think they would be slimmer. 😂
  7. Thanks! Now I will watch my liquer as well as always walk with head light.
  8. That was the best defense ever. I will hire you as defense attorney. 😉
  9. Yeah, very valid question. Especially the last one. Guess they have a hand in the game.
  10. And, what do you know about that? Nothing as usual. Now move on.......
  11. In your case, it will be best to use the little one. Everything else will be confusing.
  12. Amazing! Today we got two images that shows the fat sacks of foreign hookers. I can´t for my life understand how someone would make such choice.
  13. You must really enjoy being in Thailand, or maybe you just need to learn to socialize in the right circles.
  14. Nah, don´t worry mate. You don´t need to be handsome to drill a woman that´s been filled 1000s of times. So, now you know you are safe to go on. 😂
  15. I wouldn´t stretch it as far as talking about image of women when it regards hookers.
  16. 1. Thanks for being a devoted follower. 2. The fact is, they don´t! I see them stop a lot of Thais every time they have a check. 3. In reality, it´s not. It´s called a price for locals, and a price for tourists. If you, as a foreigner live here, you will need a driver license of any kind or a pink ID card will do. Show that, and you will get the local price. 4.They don´t. I talk to Thais on a regular basis They like when I speak Thai as we can have a much better communication. 5. It probably depends on the nationality of the person they speak to. 6. Very bad, but bad apples exists in all countries. 7. Same here, bad apples! People in the wrong line of work without the mentality to coop with things the right way. Agree with the last, but also there we tend to see the bad ones, as most visitors are nice people as well.
  17. Why, why, why are soo many obsessed with physical appearance? Sure, a person have to take care of themselves and try to be attractive. I am not saying that dating ugly women is preferred, but a 6 will not be ugly. Let´s just say you don´t go below 5 and you will be fine. You really have to ask yourself something. Where do you find real beauty? Is that in a slim and firm body and a perfect make-up face? Or, might it be in a combination of totally acceptable attributes and kindness, compassion and caring.
  18. I could see the tremendous overweight on the majority as well as written age up to 51 and also the body language when sitting on the rest. But, as I understand, you will settle with a lazy hippo-sized with no style as long as the face is pretty. We all make our choices in life.
  19. No, you are totally wrong and mislead by the daily amount of news. Most Thai´s are friendly, welcoming and respectful.
  20. That must absolutely be the most unattractive bunch of hookers I´ve ever seen. So, the police did a good job, cleaning the streets for the more attractive and classy locals. 😉
  21. First, you don´t know me. Second, I have absolutely no problem driving in Thailand or anywhere in the world. 36 years on the roads and never an accident. So, the only danger here is you, that draw assumptions far too quick.
  22. Lucky he´s soo smart. Otherwise he would never made MP.
  23. hanks for the education and lesson, once again.
  24. So, now it´s broken Jasmine rice.
  25. If you can see that on the picture, it must be a close friend to you. I am not really surprised!
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