1. Thanks for being a devoted follower.
2. The fact is, they don´t! I see them stop a lot of Thais every time they have a check.
3. In reality, it´s not. It´s called a price for locals, and a price for tourists. If you, as a foreigner live here, you will need a driver license of any kind or a pink ID card will do. Show that, and you will get the local price.
4.They don´t. I talk to Thais on a regular basis They like when I speak Thai as we can have a much better communication.
5. It probably depends on the nationality of the person they speak to.
6. Very bad, but bad apples exists in all countries.
7. Same here, bad apples! People in the wrong line of work without the mentality to coop with things the right way.
Agree with the last, but also there we tend to see the bad ones, as most visitors are nice people as well.