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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. I didn´t expect a more clever reply from you. Just go on. As you were, Sir!
  2. Where did I say that I am a military expert? Where do you get that from?
  3. Yep! That´s right. The next coup will be an air strike!
  4. Yeah, we learned from the Thai ordinary 500 baht and a wai
  5. Yep, 4 jets is really going to bolster the defence BIG time.
  6. Here we can clearly see she is not paying any tribute. Just commercial to get more money.
  7. I only have to answer this one. You don´t need to be seen from the outside lane, as the person who is turning should already be on the inside lane.
  8. At least they will have some value.
  9. I do like them, as I am in Thailand, I have to adjust to how people deal with things here. Same as I did in home.
  10. Yep, and then they feel sad for the people in Bangkok, that has 16. 😉
  11. No, and the funny thing is that the people in Bangkok get so much attention when it´s 16 degrees! When I woke up in the morning around 06.00, it was 12 degrees where I live.
  12. Looks to me, that the foreign driver, was in the wrong lane for making the turn. Also, I can not see any blinkers on. Please do not talk about that people are driving on the hard shoulder as something wrong. They do that in all Asia, and it is we, the foreigners, that must adjust our driving to theirs. Not the other way around. To add to the faults, the foreign driver also tries to flee. Where did he drive too quick? Seems to me, he have time to stop and survive the crash without injuries. What paying attention??? You should not need to pay attention to someone who crosses over 2 lanes when turning.
  13. So, why are they so stupid, that they flee to Thailand, when they know the result?
  14. Change that immediately 😉 It should be 30 years of age minimum in Thailand. After that, who told him to smoke that much? 🤣
  15. It´s bad when to men are making eggs. They should have left that to the woman of the house. Now they have to invest in a new kitchen knife.
  16. She urges Thaksin???? What the Hell! Since when is he in the government?
  17. See, there we had the reason! They never learn.
  18. One must wonder how a mother can do such thing to her own daughter. On the other hand, this was only a transactional thing for her. Pop out a child and I give you my money. No love from start!
  19. Maybe time to give Ms. Wi the help and treatment she need, instead of just smiling and sending her back home.
  20. It also depends on the offer in the information and how much money 😉
  21. What the heck is this? When are they going to clean up the mad taxi guys, and the mafia activities in the taxi business. Should people need to be scared to take a taxi or a motorcycle ride? They ae supposed to give the service of bringing people home safely. They talk about having license revoked??? That should be a given. After that he should have a fine on 100k baht and 2 year in jail. But, they never going to do that, as all is never mind here. Incompetence all the way from drivers and the companies up to government level.
  22. Nice! She solved that problem. Now, what does she do for the next 3-10 years? Let´s just hope she have no children, that have to suffer for their mothers crazy actions. She could just have left the guy.
  23. It´s amazing how bad driving skills they have in Thailand. Just the amount of rescue and ambulance vehicles that have accidents every year. They, the one who are supposed to be extra trained and drive better than others.
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