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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. It has been nice to have you here. Take care, and just go find another country were you can avoid paying tax. Just let us, that can deal with it and afford it stay, relax and have a nice time. I will drink a beer for you.
  2. Yeah, it´s good. Just if it wasn´t a fake made up recording. 😉
  3. Thailand seem to attract all the trash. Horrible how many stupid foreigners that are coming to Thailand.
  4. If you don´t see that, then you are blind and should have your driver license confiscated and run through a paper cutter. Same goes for fiddling with mobile while driving.
  5. Regarding this, I would say that online gambling would offer a more safe gambling environment than land based casinos in Thailand. Moreover, millions are already gambling online despite it´s illegal. The damage is already there, and will not grow bigger just because it´s legal or not. According to me, a gambling license issued in the Philippines by PAGCOR, will be much more controlled and regulated, than a new gambling law in Thailand.
  6. Seems like foreigners are dying like flies in the touristy areas.
  7. Just because you did it, doesn´t mean it´s generally okay. It´s still same stupid and morally wrong. The guy should be jailed both for stealing a truck and for the relationship with a minor. +Add 3 year more for stupidity.
  8. The grim reality, is that some people are blind, but some are not. The blind ones will f-k up. The ones who see, will do well.
  9. Some people do understand things, and do not need to learn from other. Moreover, not everyone f-k up.
  10. Yeah, you are absolutely right! Never posted against that. What I posted, was that the specs per OP, was unrealistic high compared to the price. Therefore I replied that the price he was given was probably only for a computer with 8 gb ram instead of 16. I also noted that other specs was very high for the price quoted. If you only use a computer for reading, Internet, movies and music. Yeah, then 8-16gb is good. For gaming, it will be good with 32gb but 64 will be better. Me, myself and I have 128Gb and 24Gb GPU together with a Ryzen 9
  11. Another Wacko dude, who have no clue about business law in Thailand.
  12. So, just another fundraising activity. When will people learn to take care of themselves?
  13. They are everywhere. Sad it was only a half fight. You should have sacked him good.
  14. She shouldn´t have shown him Walking Street before check-in. 😉
  15. Nah, I don´t believe you. He is a fantasy figure in a popular cartoon. You must learn to separate reality and fiction.
  16. So, in other words, you couldn´t provide facts for you so far, false claim.
  17. Congratulations to all former customers. Feel free to puke now. 😂
  18. So, you must mean that Cha-Am, is a lesser known town??? Not in Thailand much, are we? 😂😂
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