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Everything posted by Iamloki

  1. Hmm... depends on gender I think... either prime rib or rump... lol
  2. I would like the homo sapiens tartare please....
  3. It is 65,000 thb transferred into a Thai bank monthly. Also, the transfers need to be coded as a Foreign transfer. BKK Bank used the code FTT in their passbooks. Don't know about the other banks.
  4. I'm confused... How did the Thai's ruin Pattaya? I thought Pattaya was a farang enclave.
  5. "transform advantages of the traditional friendship into a driving force for win-win cooperation" To my knowledge, there is no win-win when dealing with China.
  6. No doubt the train is very pretty Rabbit... but that does not address the debt and overall cost to Laos. If it weren't for all the financial damage to all those African nations, I would be more inclined to write it all off as American propaganda... But then, there are all those African examples aren't there?
  7. First, you don't want a good vacuum cleaner... you want one that sucks. Okay... bad joke out of the way... I bought a Hitachi CV-SE22V 2200 bagless 3 or 4 years ago. HEPA filtration seems very efficient. The main filter also does a good job, so much so it constantly needs cleaning. I have a small air compressor that makes the job a breeze (pun intended)... I would highly recommend the machine - except the vac head does not flatten out fully for getting under furniture.
  8. I was hoping for a video of the bear being handcuffed while being arrested for theft of lunch.
  9. Nutrient deficiency, too much or too little water, and/or pH can all contribute or cause yellowing in plant leaves. Nitrogen deficiency shows up as a general yellowing. Older, inner leaves turn yellow first. As it progresses, yellowing moves outward, eventually reaching young leaves, too. Potassium deficiency shows itself when leaf edges turn bright yellow, but the inner leaf stays green. Older leaves show symptoms first, and leaf edges soon turn brown. Magnesium deficiency starts as yellow patches between leaf veins on older leaves. Veins stay green as yellow moves from the leaf center out. Leaf edges turn yellow last. Iron deficiency also shows as yellowing between leaf veins, but it hits young leaves on plant tops and branch tips first. Sulfur deficiency starts with the newest leaves, turning them yellow throughout.
  10. I suspect that 75°F becomes hot when one goes from their air conditioned house, to their air conditioned car, to their air conditioned office, to their air conditioned car, to the air conditioned grocery store and back to their air conditioned house.... Welcome to America! lol
  11. "The person who drove Felicia has been questioned by the police and released without a report being drawn up." The article is not written (translated?) very clearly. At first it seems like she was driving, then it states she had a driver?? Also, the article said she was struck in the head by another moped - causing her head trauma. So, perhaps she really was not in control in the events that unfolded. Though the article gives no background on why she allowed her insurance to lapse.
  12. Given that the massacre occurred a week ago today, the meeting had to take place less than a week after said massacre.
  13. I use both Nord & Vyper through my computer and through my cell. Other than that, it will probably depend on the smart TV and the software they allow to be downloaded. The following is from Google: Yes. You can put a VPN on your smart TV – if the manufacturer and operating system are right. If your smart TV has an app store that features VPN apps, it'll be really easy to set up. In other circumstances, you might need to put in some extra work, like setting up a VPN on a router.
  14. I use Nord and VyperVPN - switching back and forth based on price at time of renewal. Both are zero logging (though that is relatively new for Vyper). Nord is no "Fourteen Eyes", Vyper is 14 eyes Cooperative. Both have Kill Switches. Nord has split tunneling - not sure if Vyper does or not... Both work with Netflix all over the world. Though not all servers may work. Fyi: Netflix (and others) look at how many users are using the same ISP. When they identify a boat load of people logging in from the server address, they block that server. Both Nord and Vypr have a lot of servers and proprietary protocols. Finally Nord allows for anonymous payment and Vypr didn't when last checked. Both have free trial. A lot of this information is several years old now - so confirm it's still correct.
  15. Really Sticky... I have no idea - except that the onus of proof will be on the tax resident.
  16. I could be mistaken, but my understanding is that only income for the subject tax year - that is brought into Thailand - will be taxed. The catch22 is ensuring proof that the money brought in was earned in a previous tax year. So, if I understand correctly, income from 2023 brought into Thailand is not taxable... but income brought in in 2024 and earned in 2024 will be taxed. Again, if correct the key is traceability and proof.
  17. I think most countries tax - unless the home country has a tax treaty to the contrary. That was one of the beauties of Thailand.
  18. From Google: How to Retire in Cambodia: Costs, Visas and More SmartAsset https://smartasset.com › financial-advisor › retire-in-c... Sep 4, 2566 BE — In Cambodia, your worldwide salary will be subject to Cambodian Tax on Salary of 20%.
  19. I visited the Manila and Boracay in 1999... Truly loved the experience (even Manila 555), but really had trouble with the food... If I can't eat the food, it's really hard to spend any real time in a place. Other than that, I might think about it...
  20. 555 I don't know. I will check and get back with you.
  21. Hmm... would driving 10kph in a 60kph zone be considered bad behavior? 555
  22. Have you not watched that true to life documentary film from 1936 called Reefer Madness? 555
  23. Good post. I hear what you are saying... Two things jumped out at me with Friend #1: "He doesn't like to mess around and wants to plan his futures around facts." Facts are constantly subject to change. "inquiring about the MM2H visa and probably move to Malaysia." I did a quick Google search and the following was the first return. I have done no further research. As announced during the tabling of Budget 2022, foreign sourced income received in Malaysia will be taxed. While some may see this as a quick method to raise revenue collection, Malaysia has in some ways been compelled to do so in order to comply with global tax standards.
  24. Did the rules change? Or was I just mistaken? In my list I did forget the copy of my landlord's ID and Tabienban...
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