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Everything posted by Iamloki

  1. "On December 7, 2023, reports emerged" Come on... that is almost last year...
  2. crispy bacon maybe 555 Or sausage... eggs cooked in the bacon fat... over easy or sunny side up, definitely with home fries, bread, butter, preserves, maybe steak, definitely coffee... aka a barnyard breakfast... Whatever, however it is constructed... guaranteed to spike your LDL and clog the arteries...
  3. It is kind of like the telephone booths from the fifties... always room for one more...
  4. I'm just here to clarify for those who may be unsure... denial is not a river in Egypt....
  5. Wow... that kind of stinks... Knock on wood, but I never carry my passport unless going to the bank or leaving town for a couple days... I have photos of the passport, original visa and entry stamps on my phone... never had the occasion to test.... Do you carry your passport all the time now?
  6. Don't know about anywhere else, but I've been noticing a lot more Chinese tourist in Chiang Rai than I ever have before.
  7. I could be mistaken, but is seems that every time they try to boost Chinese tourism by reducing costs the result is the opposite. Perhaps they should try making it more expensive...
  8. If not on the birth certificate, wouldn't DNA establish claim?
  9. Yes, I always bring my passport too when traveling. It is the law, and one never knows...
  10. I'm an American. Thai ID has name and address in Thai. Maybe they know all Americans are crazy and carry guns??? lol
  11. Interesting Jag... I have had a few raised eyebrows and a few showing to another agent, but I have no real difficulty except for that one time mentioned in my post. PS: I do always carry my passport when traveling - just in case. But, have not had to show it.
  12. Na... to quote the Dead, "Get out of the door and light out and look all around"... AKA "get out of the self help room" and learn what a woman looks like...
  13. This is a few years ago, but I was flying domestically out of BKK (not sure of the airport or the domestic carrier (the one that smiles or the one that knocks on wood) but while getting my boarding pass printed at the counter, I gave them my pink Thai ID... They wanted my passport... I resisted... they really wanted my passport... Finally they relented and gave me the boarding pass. Sometimes, when entering security, the ID checker will need to check with a higher up before passing me through.... I don't know maybe I just have one of those faces!
  14. I believe Florida, USA may have an amusement part for sale... Shipping and import duties may be a challenge though...
  15. Iamloki

    Open old lockbox

    This kid has a future... hope he has good attorney on retainer... lol
  16. Sure, you can carry an iron bar anytime you want. It's the act of actually hitting someone with it that will get you in trouble... lol
  17. I've been thinking about picking up an air fryer. Can you make any recommendations, or tips on what to look out for? Thanks!
  18. I did not - but I am not from the EU.
  19. Mike: 1. That you not regarding the attorney in the video an authority, does not make him wrong. What are your credentials Mike? 2. If you re-watch the video, you will find that he says the death of the spouse invalidates the marriage visa. No wife, no basis for a marriage visa. Yes, he does suggest that it may only be problematic if immigration is visited. BUT, not getting caught is not the same as having a valid permission to stay in the Kingdom. With respect Mike, I do not regard you as an authority, and would gently urge you to not give advice on matters where you are not an authority - or at least have some experience.
  20. Trash of known, but unspecified color.
  21. Who even thinks of doing this stuff?
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