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GammaGlobulin last won the day on October 11 2023

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    ___ I Live With the GREEN openSUSE GECKO !

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  1. This is overdoing a good thing, just a tad. I would never do that. Not unless I had a good reason to do so.
  2. In some sense, you are correct. The internet allows one to find either smarter people or dumber people. I like this freedom. People who live around me, in the physical sense, are not as interesting as I can find on the net. It's also possible to make friends on the net if you can connect with those that share a similar important interest. Just try not to waste your time while on the net, is my best advice.
  3. Maybe you need to charge your phone?
  4. It suddenly occurred to me that... If you love tables so much... Then why not expand your HORIZONS and invest USD396.00 in a vintage BOWDITCH????? Believe me, there are plenty of TABLES in this book. You could pore over a Bowditch for a year, and never be fully satisfied. I recall the day when I would use a slide-rule with a Bowditch. A slide rule never runs out of power, if you have your hands. Back in 1852, if you had a slide rule and a Bowditch and a Sextant, you could travel the world in just a rowboat and never get lost. Vintage books does not allow copying of the actual celestial tables, such as the Lunar tables, etc. But, if you pay USD395.00, then you can see these tables, if the book belongs to you.
  5. There is a "switch" for going from RPN to AN and back, for those who are weak-kneed.
  6. Do you REALLY think Trump calls himself a Christian? I don't. And, I do NOT. What to you think? The USA can save the world? I do not. Let the bishop play chess, instead. Or, let the bishop get back to her pots and pans, and stay out of Politics. This nitwit bishop believes she finally has Trump as her captive audience, sitting in a pew. She is wrong. Why would anyone attend the Episcopal church, anyway? I stay out of churches. She should stay out of Politics, attend to her knitting. Thankfully, Trump got up and told her where to go!!!! "When the men on the chessboard get up and tell you where to go" Airplane....!
  7. In response to your question whether there is a very good RPN calculator for ANDROID phones..... a. The answer is YES, of course. b. I have been using this one for a long time, and upgraded it in 2019. c. I like it. But, also of course, you do NOT get the feel of those trapezoidal HP keys, which were just PURE DELICIOUSNESS to use. You, too, can return to Heaven when you return to RPN on ANDROID. I do not touch any APPLE Garbage, OF COURSE. Hate Apple, the company, for being CONTROL FREAKS. This app, at less than USD4.00....is the best app I have ever purchased, for the money. Buy once and use forever. It even has a function which helps you cook Chinese noodles. And, no doubt, it's faster and more powerful than any HP calculator, even my HP65, of the middle 1970s, when our astronauts might have taken HP stuff to the Moon, and back. Therefore, I suggest that everyone just try it for a week, and you will never go back to AN. I will never return to AN. The first calculator, handheld, I used was an old TI. But, HP was so much better. HP-65 specs here: http://www.datamath.org/Related/HewlettPackard/HP65.htm
  8. Only a genius engineer/scientist/biologist would grasp this concept. We are talking about BIOLOGY, and not just a simple calculator... In fact, the HP65 and HP67 were.....not just machines...but they were....ALIVE...!!!!!! Anytime/Every-time I used my HP67, it was like.... ALIVE!!!!!!!
  9. As I mentioned, I bought this HP65 around 1975, or so. Price at the time was about USD950.00, purchased just outside Philly. It was a beauty. One cannot really tell how great it was just from a photo. Need to HOLD it. It has a mechanical tape reader built into it. Its quite heavy, in fact. The Tall-TRAPAZOID keys, alone, were worth the price.
  10. I had the same one. Think it was HP65. Around 1975, or so. Quite expensive, but the design and build were amazing. Handheld.
  11. Fenimore is still the JOKE he always was. Any evidence to the contrary, by the way? Not only a JOKE, but a LAUGHINGSTOCK of literary circles. OH, don't get me started on circles, because Fenimore, if you had put him in the woods, would have traveled endlessly, in circles.
  12. Yes. And, true.... Before that...that....that.... WOMAN came to town at Hewlett-Packard....everything was hunky-dory. She ruined everything. And, I am wondering, still, who chose the colors for these calculators....simply beautiful.... And, must have been a MAN, and not a woman. And, I don't even want to see that woman's face again, or I would post it here, something unthinkable. I don't want to see her face in the same comment as my beloved Reverse-Polish-Notation calculators. I think I might have had the one on the right.... The "65", as I recall it. What a machine for it's time. And, who needs the female sex when you have one of these?????

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