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GammaGlobulin last won the day on October 11 2023

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    ___ I Live With the GREEN openSUSE GECKO !

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  1. This is my main reason for living in Thailand, in fact. This just about halves my total living cost.
  2. You know, I really hate being a stickler for detail, however we do not want to confuse readers here. In fact, in Tokyo, the intensity did not reach 6.6. And, in fact, was MUCH LESS than 6.6. There is really no room to quibble here, since the data has been published and checked...in many sources. I would like to direct you to the Wikipedia page which is quite extensive on this subject, and there are other reliable sources, as well.
  3. If you graduated from Boulder, or live in Colorado: I would try to find some place high up. The mountains here are more beautiful than those in Colorado, and far less snow. Also, the mountain here are covered with tea, at least the ones in Chiang Rai. Therefore, if you are used to heights, and enjoy tea drinking, and love beautiful mountains, then this is a no-brainer. CHIANG RAI in the Chiang Mai Province, is the only place for you. In fact, I think that Chiang Rai is so good that I would really like to move there. (Or, what I might like to do is keep my house in Chiang Mai, and then have some sort of quiet place in Chiang Rai where I could escape to, when needed.) I might even try to find someone with a big house that has an outbuilding that I could rent for a pittance, in Chiang Rai. Some place small would do... But, when I say an outbuilding, I do NOT mean an outhouse. I think the terms are confused in American English and UK English. In conclusion: Chiang Rai might be best for you.
  4. Already BLASTING....the same night as the quake. The music festivals in the area were still banging on drums, to beat the band. One thing will ALWAYS go on, around here: Banging on Drums, every day, and all night long.
  5. Egg Tsar? Yes. But, only on Easter. A MarchHare becomes Tsar for a day.
  6. It's not about reality. It's about ideology, only, with the opposition, and with most members of both parties. I love cheap hen's eggs. I love to have two 5-egg omelettes on most days. Great protein for the price, and full of goodness.
  7. Please keep in mind that, apparently, most readers here read at about the 3rd-grade level. Most do not have a high school education, it seems. Or, at least, it seems like this. Trying to debate with a 3rd grader is tiring, and can also become quite tiresome, in a hurry. You can answer these fools, if you wish. Hat's off to you, and tip of the cap, for your bravery...
  8. Of course, the word impressive, as originally used by me on this Topic did NOT describe the earthquake even at being impressive. Instead, impressive, as used by me, was used by me to describe a HIGH FREQUENCY of similar events, and a higher number than most might expect. Therefore, this high-frequency of events in any given year is a VERY IMPRESSIVE NUMBER. Do you think anyone on TV is smart enough to understand the distinction? I am very much beginning to doubt it.
  9. Wait a minute....please. The intensity of that quake in Tokyo was NOT 9.0. That was only a 5. There is a huge difference between just a 5 and a 9.0. Let's be clear. This is a logarithmic scale. If Tokyo were hit by a 9.0, I doubt you would be here, no matter how great you say the Jap engineers might be.
  10. Nice, the word, can have various meanings, based on time and context. But, I don't really need tell YOU, do I? Your English seems fairly fluent. Or, I could be wrong. ANYWAY: I am not about to give a refresher course in SEMANTICS here, by any means. Therefore, no need to keep asking....
  11. I cannot advise you, what you should do... I am not God, remember?
  12. Why don't you just do a poll, then.... It UPS to you.
  13. Impressive is the NUMBER of quakes around the ring of fire. VERY IMPRESSIVE. The number of quakes is impressive, and the destruction of an event can be devastating. Of course, if you go back and look, you will see that I am correct, once again. Many thousands of quakes a year is a very impressive number. VERY impressive, in fact. But it seems that you might be intentionally misconstruing what was both written and intended. This is your goal, obviously. But, as to why you get off on something like this.....I have a guess for that, too.
  14. Well, the OP is NOT God, even you must realize...although....some here DO think that I am God. If I were God, then I would BAN all quaking from the world. And, I wish that some here would direct their IRE and FRUSTRATIONs with God's earthquakes....AT ME. You see, if they want to express their displeasure with earthquakes, then they really need to have a talk with God, and not blame me, which seems to be what is happening here. I do not foretell the future, either. I have no seismograph, and I would need many more than one, to tell the location and depth of a quake. Most times, at least in the past, the quakes we felt, which rocked us good, did almost zero damage. Each and every one was frightening, since we never knew in advance which might be the BIG ONE. So, what a relief when each one finally stopped. I must say that this recent one was a very Looooooong one, for sure. But there is really no way of knowing the extent of a quake, or location of a quake, or when the next one will happen with any precision....yet. We are good at knowing the location of a quake, but I don't have the instruments installed. Maybe I should connect to the USGS warning system, you think? Still, I am not God. Only god can choose to ban or keep earthquakes for the good of Mankind, and NOT ME...so please keep this in mind. Thank you.
  15. From the perspective of the science of plate tectonics....many, many thousands of quakes along the ring of fire, and in East Asia...is a VERY IMPRESSIVE number. You should enroll in a course involving the Earth's crust and plate tectonics at MIT. Maybe then, you would find this number impressive, too.
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