Well, the OP is NOT God, even you must realize...although....some here DO think that I am God.
If I were God, then I would BAN all quaking from the world.
And, I wish that some here would direct their IRE and FRUSTRATIONs with God's earthquakes....AT ME.
You see, if they want to express their displeasure with earthquakes, then they really need to have a talk with God, and not blame me, which seems to be what is happening here.
I do not foretell the future, either. I have no seismograph, and I would need many more than one, to tell the location and depth of a quake. Most times, at least in the past, the quakes we felt, which rocked us good, did almost zero damage. Each and every one was frightening, since we never knew in advance which might be the BIG ONE. So, what a relief when each one finally stopped.
I must say that this recent one was a very Looooooong one, for sure.
But there is really no way of knowing the extent of a quake, or location of a quake, or when the next one will happen with any precision....yet.
We are good at knowing the location of a quake, but I don't have the instruments installed.
Maybe I should connect to the USGS warning system, you think?
Still, I am not God.
Only god can choose to ban or keep earthquakes for the good of Mankind, and NOT ME...so please keep this in mind.
Thank you.