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    ___ I Live With the GREEN openSUSE GECKO !

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  1. Rubberwood doors...as I posted in the DIY forum, not too long ago. I use these as computer tables. Similar to what is pictured in this Topic. Rubberwood works well. Available from local door and plywood suppliers. I always buy the largest size doors. I am using 5 of them, at the moment. (Sorry, I meant 6. I am using 6 of them at the moment.)
  2. This is true. This is a problem. This is why I have a swivel chair. One with wheels. BUT: A 27 inch screen is measured diagonally. So, not a full 27 inches horizontally. ALSO. The left and right screen are angled, which further reduces the total lateral distance of three screens. Still, you are correct. This can cause neck strain if one is not careful. Move your entire body, not just your head....
  3. I would agree, except that let's not confuse knowledge and intelligence. Using narrow screens might not cause diminished intelligence, just idiocy.
  4. Riding a motorcycle in Thailand is a known dangerous behavior. Therefore, if he were riding a motorcycle in Thailand, then... He would be culpable and responsible and irresponsible, and therefore not worthy of sympathy or financial support.
  5. I told you he was a Geek. However, credit where credit is due...because.... His analysis is usually quite sound. He was right about the Word_Salad Woman, for example. Also, he is a HUGE fan of irony. The shirts he wears are a joke. And, he enjoys his own brand of humor. Some viewers enjoy his dry humor, but it's not for everyone. Still, he can't be worse than Tyson, and probably much better.
  6. Strangely enough: When I was young, I once thought that Remarque was a girl...just based on her middle name, Maria. Now, though, I wonder if Remarque might have been a LadyBoy. What do you think? But I do not care much about gender, as long as it can write well. And, what is one to make of "orchid"? Is that a man's name, too?
  7. What school was that? What kind of Latin Master was that? I mean, if it were Latin, I would have said: I recall our old and wise Latin Master informing us bright.....etc.... But, I guess... I am no Master of Much.
  8. You might say you do not care. But, if you do not teach your children well..... Then.... You will obviously get this: Praise God! Praise the Lord!
  9. So, as I say... The question is..... Do you want this: Or, do you want THIS: I have the latter. And, with very good reason. For one thing, each monitor is individually adjustable..... And, if one pixel burns out...I can replace that single monitor..... And, I like a flat screen. And, many more valid reasons..... Still, maybe the Samsung wide angle is better for some users, and for some uses. Who knows.... NOTE4: In this image, the webcam is not in the right position....obviously. Also, the top monitor needs to be set back a bit for optimum viewing. Fortunately: It looks to me like they are using a RUBBERWOOD door....of which I do approve. Unfortunately: This door is not properly finished. Also, there is only a single door when anyone knows you need at least 3 or 4 doors....in order to set up a good workspace.
  10. Chewing gum is too much for him. And, everyone knows he can't walk.
  11. No worries if Trump or Putin invades Finland. Linus Torvalds has left that room. He is now in California. So, our Linux Kernel is safe! Colonel Torvalds will be safe!
  12. Not good for my purposes. I prefer to have books separated, same with spreadsheets, etc... one per screen.... But, I guess that the Samsung would be good for graphic design. I have seen this screen. Never used it. Also.... MY three 27 inch screens, attached together...are larger. Also, i would not buy a Samsung display. I have 1800 mm x 240 mm of screen using 3 27-inch BENQs So.... This is really a NO-BRAINER.... Anyone who buys one of these Samsung Ultra=Wide screens is sort of an.... IDIOT.
  13. Why emigrate to the UK? Too difficult. Instead, far better to emigrate to either Africa or India. I have heard that the South Sudan is particularly pleasant this time of year.... Also... Just love his Mop-Top doo.... And, probably no quotas for Farang, either....
  14. If you use each screen to display no more than two books, then it's much less overwhelming. I guess you did not understand me. I was speaking of using 4 screens for reading books, only, and mostly for research purposes. Of course, if someone like you might use your 4 screens to play FOUR computer games, simultaneously, then... This would soon overwhelm almost anyone. For research purposes..... 4 monitors is the right number. 3....monitors attached together on the bottom level. This gives you a wrap-around horizontal length of about 165 centimeters (using 3 27-inch Benq's) Then, you got 35 centimeters high, on these three monitors. So.... 165 times 35 centimeters equals 5775 square cm. Then, above your 3 attached monitors (not lizards), you have your 4th 27-inch Benq....coming in at about 59 cm by 35, which equals 2065 square cm. GRAND TOTAL for one comp = 7840 cm*2 Now, compare that to my A55 5G screen: 7.5 by 16 = 120 cm*2 This is why, before I bought this A55 5G, I had not become as narrow minded as others on this forum. Now, though....I am. Also, this is why an iPAD or an Apple laptop is GARBAGE for any serious study or research. You need more than one screen for opening various books, via PDF or ePUB, or whatever.....simultaneously. ALSO, I never use that GARBAGE KINDLE garbage ..... I use FING ..... CALIBRE...and.... You should....TOO !!!! It's free. And, it works great. And, it can open almost anything..... And, the original developer was a GENIUS out of CAL-TECH....tooooo... What more do you want?????

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