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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. My Dear Friends, Just after reading the most recent IPCC report and following the events at COP26, I began to follow Musk’s Space Adventures more closely. Musk is the new Tom Swift, but a real-life figure who can accomplish almost anything. Musk is a man who provides us with some hope for our future, even though this hope might be science fiction, perhaps. Musk believes that our future lies in the stars, as a safeguard to protect our intelligence from being completely wiped out by our foolishness on planet Earth. During the next decade, just the same period of time I have lived on TV, we WILL be able to ride rocket ships into space, for a reasonable price. AND, for sure, someone from TV will be shot into space, and then live to post us all what it was like, after returning to Earth. You know, my friends, that, even if Musk popularizes Space Travel for guys such as we on TV, still, when we return to Earth, there might be some issues to contend with, unfortunately. For example, post-COP26, I did watch this very interesting discussion among some science thinkers, which I highly recommend in order to achieve a better perspective of what might be facing us here among our forum members, not to mention the rest of humanity. You realize, My Friends, that many of you are just about the same age as I. The longer we enjoy TV, then the older we become. Am I right? And the older we become, then the older Earth becomes, and Earth is aging very fast, these days. Doubtless, not only is it we who might be aging, but it is our favorite forum which is both aging, as it continues gaining increased stature, maybe clout, too, as we speak. Our forum is always getting better. What I mean is, as both the forum ages, and as we age along with it, we become fuller of wisdom, as well as becoming more valuable to society, in general, as a result of our collective knowledge gained during so many years. We truly have so much to contribute. And now, I just want to post an important link here which will set us up for the next decade on TV, something which is somewhat evidence based, “evidence based” being a “new” term for the old term, which was truth. So, anyway, those of us who love life as we know it, should take a look at this video, and not discount it, since we can probably guess that this video is not sensational, in any way. What I hope for is that I will be able to live the rest of my life without witnessing too much more devastation to the lives of others. But maybe I will need to purchase a new set of blinders, being the horse that I am. One more thing, since both you and I love rice: One thing I did not realize when I was very young is that the rice plant will not bear fruit if exposed to just a slightly higher temperature than what exists today. And so, what implications might this have for us, here, living in Asia, such a wonderful land, populated by rice lovers….? Jasmine Rice is my favorite variety of rice. What about you? Best regards,…. Another Note: Speaking one more thing about rice, I love sticky rice and mango.... Everybody does.
  2. I have been baking bread, and doing so gives me a big rise in the mornings. I would suggest that everybody buy a breadmaking machine, as it will improve one's sex life. Are you using a machine? Or, do you actually knead your dough, by hand? Unless you have an oven, then you will need to rely on a bread machine, obvioiusly.
  3. How many audio speakers do you need to cut your own hair, well? How many watts? I just hooked up another 4 speakers, and another few watts. Surely, this will help me to ALMOST cut my hair. What about you? So very tired of having the flu for Christmas.
  4. And, truly, I am conflicted. The only thing which seems to help me feel halfway sane is....ThaiVisa. Truly, this is true. Thank you, Thai Visa!
  5. Yes, this is a good solution for just trimming one's hair. However, honestly speaking, perhaps we go to the barber shop for more than a hair cut. Maybe, simple things, such as talk, or just interaction with people who hang out at the barber shop. These are the things which can not be duplicated, just by buying a machine made by Phillips, in my thinking.
  6. Still, I must say this: I so much miss the feeling of my female barber's soft touch on my neck, as she cuts my hair. I really do miss women, so much, in so many small ways, since this terrible thing has hit us. Also, women, and interacting with them, is what I have missed most, during these past two years.
  7. Excuse me, but.... Has anyone here taken the time to evaluate the positive effects of grease and corruption? REALLY: This is not a joke. Corruption, throughout history, has benefitted societies in many ways. Not joking, really. But, you need to research this for yourself. Tks.
  8. Let your Freak Flag Fly, anyway you see it. And, do not let your barber toy with your hair. This way, you need only look in your mirror, and do it your way. However, if you look in your mirror, and if you see a police car, then, stop your cutting of your hair, and head to the nearest barber shop.
  9. My Dear Friends, I must admit, at the beginning of our viral turmoil, I was worried about my hair, and having it cut. Yet, now, I realized that I can cut it myself, and it looks, still, OK. You know, after almost two years of self-cutting, and not self-harming, I realize that I never needed to visit the barber as often as I did. Probably, there are very many other things that we will be able to do without, for our own good. This, for me, has been just one more silver lining in our two-year cloud that has happened our way. In fact, I might need only one haircut per year, in the future, and still not feel deprived. I now know that this is true. Hallelujah..,..!
  10. Hopefully, this post will continue for at least the next two years. It's a keeper.
  11. What is the point? Just beauty in the music, and nothing more. Some people just beat on their logs, and call it music, also.
  12. As we all know, Andre Previn had always tried to push the boundaries in order to explore taking music from one culture into another culture. He is to be commended for this, I think.
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