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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Science is FAR BETTER than Sex. Take my word for it. Please let her know, too. I never got an STD from the study of science. Only pleasure, and no pain.
  2. One of the things I do not understand is why parents do not encourage their children, from a very early age, to watch extremely simple lectures such as this.... Maybe, if they did, then their children would be far happier. Maybe, if they did, then their children would be less focused on fashion, FB, cosmetics, and less easily influenced by peer pressure towards the pursuit of the vacuous lifestyle. The study of Physics is great for all young women, at an early age. F = ma The most beautiful equation.
  3. Personally, I find this topic extremely depressing, and I have dwelled upon it for several days, just trying to make sense of the devastation caused, obviously, to the family involved. BUT, on a far more optimistic topic, can we now shift to thinking about ways in which young children can become encouraged in order to pursue more fruitful pursuits, rather than FASHION, FAME, and FUTILITY? OK. Here, I would like to suggest one of the most amazing things I have ever seen during the time I have existed on Earth. And, I would suggest that young people of age 11 to 19 should become more engaged in science such as this.... rather than becoming enthralled with tattooed men of ill repute. Here you have an image of the same star which was imaged from the WEBB. This is an amazing thing, since the Webb is now in the process of being "tuned" so that this star image will, once the telescope has been rectified, be just one single beautiful image. It's going to be GREAT. And, we have waited so long for this. Many people have devoted their careers to this, in fact. SUCH TRUE BEAUTY, and such a great thing to work toward. Therefore, truly, and comparatively speaking, for a woman to waste her life making biscuits, seems such a tragic waste of a seemingly gifted person. Especially since, seems obviously the case, that she could have done much better, rather than to engage with a man who was nothing more than a lesser shadow of the great Queequeg. Go for the stars, is the best advice for young women. And, for young women, one's best advice might be to steer clear of men who are old, and who are tattooed with lions on their chests. Such a sad state of affairs for one family. Still, despite this sadness, there are so many children and young adults, just at this very moment, who are avidly watching the progress of the Jack Webb Observatory. Let us hope that everything goes well.
  4. Young girls, just as young boys, require guidance in order to mature into fine young adults. Young people, age 19, are not yet adults. Everybody knows this, for sure. And, older men who take advantage of these very young people are predators. Men such as these should be sent to the guillotine,
  5. Anyway, back to the beginning of this topic, which begs the question: IF it meant giving up your own life, for the good of a young child, and her freedom, then would you turn yourself in, just to save a younger life? And, by giving up your own life, then would you not receive redemption in the eyes of the world? Reading between the lines here, which discusses a topic that has already been posted on TV in recent months, what do you think? Should the tattooed predator give himself up to the powers that be, in order to do justice by the very young woman, almost a child, who may have been negatively influenced by the very much older Queequeg with the beautiful tattoos, and his boxing gloves? In the end, there is no way that a young woman of 19 is any match for a man of 30. And yet, both of them were pictured in a boxing ring with gloves on, as can be seen from a photo floating around the internet. This mismatch is just not fair. Time for Queegueg to turn himself in.
  6. I was speaking of girls like Marjorie Morningstar, of course. Girls with stars in their eyes who are not careful enough about the men they meet, especially the slightly older men, who end up doing them more harm then good. Read a book, or two, maybe read a book by Herman Wouk, for example. Read Dostoevsky about power, for example. And then, you need not post a single word....."What?"
  7. So many BOZOS here without an MA, one might guess. Such a sad thing, really, since there is such a plethora of very qualified (unemployed) people floating around without jobs, guys and gals with PhDs, MAs, etc., who might really LOVE to teach in Thailand, at a fairly low cost, one might guess. All you need is the money, just enough to make this happen. Kick out the chaff that exists, and select the good teachers, and only the good. In fact, there are many here who care so much about enhancing education in Thailand, for sure. The BOZOS must go.
  8. Just a question: Are itinerant teachers a good thing, here in Thailand? Do they do more harm than good? What are your thoughts? This is not a question which should be posted in the ED Section of TV, simply because, in the ED Section, one would expect an overly biased response. (In my opinion, teachers from abroad, unless they have spent many, MANY, years here, are just not dedicated enough. Their Prime Directive is traveling the world, and they just do not have what it takes to remain dedicated, over a period of several decades, to devote their lives to teaching in any local school system.) Any teacher who is willing to sign up for teaching on a long-term contract, might be OK. And, then, of course, what great teacher worth his/her salt would be willing to spend 10 years here, and also, what about their background, and their caring? And so, would it not just be better to do away with most of them, once and for all, and just rely on local teachers? Would this not be far better?
  9. Young women with stars in their eyes, girls who romanticize and dream, need to be protected from predators. There are many Rascals in Paradise here, and the young naïve women who arrive from small towns need guidance and protection. Or, maybe, the lives lost are not important? Statistically speaking, the lives lost are insignificant? (I think not.)
  10. My Dear Friends, One of the greatest yarns, bar none, is The Tale of Two Cities. And whom among us has not wondered what we might do if we were in the sticky-wickety position of a man who considered losing his head, literally, in order to have the love of his life able to bed down with another man, a man not so noble as he? The reason I mention this, here, at this particular time, is that I have recently read a very interesting story in the news, as has also been reported on this noble forum. In my opinion, this story will continue to get some traction, and this story might become even more interesting as time goes by. Doubtless, you know, I am not one who appreciates tattooed trailer trash, and who knows what trailer trash means, anyway, like porn, unless you see it, and recognize it. The antithesis of trailer trash, I guess, must just be a feeling about people who are more caring for others, people who have benefited from a bit of education, and not the dregs of society, and also not the Rascals in Paradise. As you know, I am a REALLY Old Guy, and I would say that I have no sympathy for most views expressed, so stupidly, on social media. And, for those who become influenced by stupid and insipid social media, then, these are the ones who end up clueless about what is morally correct in life, things that can provide stability and contentment and some smidgeon of understanding about the meaning of life, if that is not even an oxymoron. So, anyway, without making this post overly long…. Again, I just wish to caution parents of young women, to teach their children well. In this, I am sure that Nancy would agree with me….for SURE. Children need guidance, these days, even up until age 22, like no other days, before. The social media which we all talk about is a potent force which can lead young women into behavior which they will very much regret, when things turn bad, for the rest of their lives. Tinder is complete nonsense, and a platform which is not suitable for any young woman, for sure. I do believe this. And, so do you, I would guess. Tinder is a platform which is feeding upon our youth, I think. There are young women, just young girls, in fact, which go on social media and then get in way over their heads, simply because they have not been provided with the tools necessary in order to protect themselves. Am I making sense? What I am talking about is INNOCULATION Theory in order to protect young women in this day and age. My Dear Friends, I know that most of you believe me to be an unthinking imbecile…right? And, in most cases, you would be completely accurate in your assessment. But, let’s take this Inoculation Theory, which I mention, which, probably, most of you have not heard about, and look at it more closely: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inoculation_theory#:~:text=Inoculation%20theory%20is%20a%20social,of%20a%20stronger%2C%20future%20threat. What I am saying is that….We need to teach our young women well, when they are young. And, we need to provide them with the skills that might protect them from entering into toxic relationships on social media which might destroy their young lives. Sorry for posting this post which, I think, is not drivel. I feel sorry for women, both young and old, who are taken in by hucksters. Such a sad thing for them and their families, I imagine. And, I do not know why I care about this so much, except that…. truly, for a young woman to be taken in as a result of the mere naivete of her youth, and then to pay a huge price, is just so very sad. Predatory behavior is central to our natural world….and also natural to Rascals in Paradise, too. There are predators in our world, and they prey on the naïve, and often do not pay the price for this. Predators need justice dealt swiftly and hard. I hope that all men who prey on women get what they deserve, and they get it good and hard, and fast. Glob Note: There is something similar, in the Bothers K. where a man of wealth has the opportunity to prey upon a young and vulnerable woman, as you know. But, in the end, he does not act on his baser instinct. Or, maybe I got it mixed up, and it was the book, Dr. Zhivago… Note2: Years ago, we thought that young women should be protected, and not preyed upon. But, these days, maybe, we are not so meticulous in recognizing the fact that our women should be protected from harm, and also from themselves, on social media.
  11. In addition to screening for COVID, as you say, perhaps all incoming foreigners should be administered the Mental Health Inventory, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_Dynamics_Inventory#:~:text=The Health Dynamics Inventory (HDI,change over time and treatment.&text=It has multiple applications for,care medicine and integrated care.
  12. Would you trade positions with a tree, if you could live until the end of Human history? We do know, down deep, that the odds are very much against seeing Human life persist for another few years....right? Here is a tree which has lived a long time. Would you trade places with a tree, in order to live a long time, if this also meant that you would never walk again, after having your feet turned into roots? Sometimes, questions such as these seem so fruitless to consider.
  13. Sometimes I worry that Earth's moon will escape its orbit before I die. If this should happen, before I die, then..... Earth will become completely destabilized. The crops will fail. Humans will collectively fall into a long-lasting state of depression. As we know, the moon is moving away from Earth at the rate of about 3.8 cm per year. Still, maybe, if we are lucky..... Elon Musk will find a way to tie the Moon to Earth, forever, using some sort of tether. Still, I just wish this were not necessary.
  14. Or, on the other hand.... A unique perspective from some guy up in Canada:
  15. Actually, an important topic. When I was 18, I thought I would not live to see the turn of the century in 2000. When I was 60, I thought I would not be able to hang a wet towel from my erection in the mornings. Both of the above should not have been a worry for me. Now that I am older, I am still not yet old enough to write my will. Randy Newman is now 78, and he will always be randy. The older we become, the more invisible we may be..... Sorry... What was the topic, again?
  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_verification_in_sports#:~:text=Chromosome testing was introduced by,be inconclusive in identifying maleness.
  17. Do you recall the book, Gone with the Wind? In this book, Ashley featured rather prominently. And, in the news account I read recently, the same was the case, in this case. Teach your children well before you allow them to leave for Asia.
  18. Why did I write this post? As I said, I found myself feeling disturbed by a recent news account on a local news site, a case of a young woman losing her head after coming to a setting very foreign to her, and probably with not much support or guidance. And then, these feelings seemed to have dredged up additional instances of injustices which I have read about in the past. In addition, the Tinder-based culture, and the fact that criminals are able to travel around Asia, unimpeded, once they obtain a passport, is something worrying for parents of young people, pretty much obviously. Things remain happy and exciting in this new land, until things go wrong. Tinder is the grease which allows young people to easily hookup with others from a multiplicity of other cultures. Also, apps such as Tinder allow young and curious women to meet up with men hailing from backgrounds that no mother might relish. Sometimes, one might find out too late, meeting up with the improper stranger on a Tinder-type app can lead to unanticipated and unwanted consequences. And, even if a dating app might not be involved, then, sometimes, once a young and impressionable woman meets up with the wrong dark and handsome stranger, then ..... the young woman finds herself taking a detour, for life, behind bars. There are hucksters, aplenty in SE Asia, maybe, and these manipulators are usually not born here, but born in the West. They move to the East, SE Asia, and Asia, simply because they find the East the new West. Many years ago, these hucksters, due to lack of education, had no knowledge of Asia. Yet, now they do, since smartphones and the internet are almost free. Years ago, one would seldom find farang here tattooed up like an oriental carpet. Many decades ago, just about the only guy who was tattooed up like these carpetbaggers are, now, was Rod Steiger in the film, The Illustrated Man. Who does not enjoy having one's skin look like an oriental carpet, hand-tied, anyway?
  19. You are the enlightened one. It takes time to reach this level of understanding.
  20. My Dear Friends, As you know, James Michener once, long ago, collaborated on a book he titled, Rascals in Paradise. I first read this book which I found in a used book store, about 30 years ago, while living on some contested island. I have not forgotten this decent book. And, ever since, this book has colored my opinion of the foreigners I meet, wherever I go, no matter where I go in Asia. Fairly recently, I read a news account, probably apocryphal, of some older guy who influenced a much younger girl, just a kid, basically, which landed her in a word of hurt, absolutely, doubtlessly due to her naivete. And then, I began to think about the dregs of the dregs, though still only a small percentage of the whole, who wash up in Asia or SE Asia, only to cause havoc, just as Michener would have loved. Of course, in fact, Michener was always a righteous dude, and an upstanding citizen. Yet, Michener, like all talented writers, probably loved good stories of things gone wrong, similar to Somerset Maugham’s love of the same. In this young girl’s case, I think, it might have been like John D. MacDonald’s novel, later turned into a film, two films in fact, starring Robert Mitcham and also Mr. Taxi Driver….. I mean, I think this girl that I read about might have met up with a Cady, which just might have destroyed her life. There are many rascals in paradise here and there, throughout Asia. Girls hook up on Tinder with guys coming from around the world. Local girls here meet, on Tinder, with handsome men of sometimes ill repute, and these hookups lead to heartbreaking crashes affecting themselves and their families. In this fairly recent case I read, it just might have been the case that an older man manipulated a very young girl....probably similar to the way Cady did it in Cape Fear, for example. In my case, I have never lived in a neighborhood in Asia which was not just as good as the neighborhoods in which I lived in my home country. I have no complaints, and only have good things to say. However, for young girls, and less cautious girls than the norm, things can get very rocky, in a minority of cases. Outside of Cape Fear, there is nothing to fear if one sends one’s daughter into a structured environment with adequate supervision. However, when things go wrong, then…sometimes….one might encounter a Max Cady, rather than a Gregory Peck. And then, you get this.... There are many questionable guys from overseas wishing to get into paradise, here in Asia. All come from very diverse backgrounds and cultures For young people, probably it is best to stay at a university environment, and just study for a year or two, before striking out on one's own. Otherwise, one might run into a character, or two, such as Cady, with "My time is Not yet" written on his skin, sort of a Queequeg with no heart. Best, Glob Note: If one plans to exist in an area of a foreign country, one in which there is a high influx of travellers from all corners of the world, then it is best to remain circumspect and cautious. This just makes sense. Because, as Michener wrote, there are Rascals in Paradise. Note2: Personally, tats are not for me. I would never tat my hands, for example, though some do. If I did get a tat, I would write the names of all my GFs, about 23, on different parts of my body, just for fun.
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