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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Honestly speaking, if one desires a decent shower, using the full flow setting on our showerheads, and hoping for maximum steam in one's shower area, just as we all once enjoyed while attending Ivy League schools, back in the day, when we were young bucks and rowing, then, for sure, we should buy, at least, 12,000 watt water heaters for use in mild climates, such as we have here in Thailand. There is REALLY nothing like a lot of steam in a well and beautifully tiled room in order to start one's day, and set one up for a hearty breakfast. Everybody knows this is absolutely true. Really, it is true.
  2. By the way, even 8000 watts is still not enough, if you wish to have a nice luxurious shower at 6 AM, during the cold season, in the north of Thailand. Also, as I said before, when the weather is cold, lying in bed with one's loved one, even making love is not fun. Everybody here, as far as I know, dislikes the cold, in the mornings, no matter how exotic it might be. And, even 18 degrees, here, culturally speaking, is considered to be frigid weather. Hope you have 12,000 watts, and hope your machine is a STIEBEL ELTRON.
  3. My Dear Friends, Here it is again, the Cold Season. And now, this week, we are having a cold snap. Can we begin a poll about Water Heater Watts? aa. How many watts is your water heater? bb. No matter how many watts, is it ever enough during a cold snap? When it gets really cold, during mornings, then people here just refuse to take showers, I guess. So, how many watts do you have? As far as I know, most showers are fitted with water heaters of about 3000 watts to 4500 watts. Yet, in my opinion, 4500 watts, during a cold snap, is only fit for washing hands in a sink, and not for showering luxuriously while shampooing. How many watts do you have connected to your shower head? One can never have too much hot water in the Cold Season. By the way: Was it not Donald Rumsfeld who installed about 12 showerheads in one shower stall, at government's expense, in order to be hit from all sides by hot water, while showering? Actually, as I recall, maybe it was Cheney. Anyway, for me, 10 degrees C is really cold. Minus 50 degrees C, for me, once seemed to be rather balmy, when I lived up north in Canada for a spell. Not surprisingly, after acclimatizing to SE Asian weather, for over 40 years, 10 degrees C gives one the shivers. No matter how "cold" the weather turns in Thailand, very few of us resort to wearing gloves. Well, sometimes people wear gloves here. But, the wearing of gloves is not due to the weather, mostly. Some people have a 6000 watt water heater. But, 6000 watts is not enough, still. Even 8000 watts is not adequate for a decent full-flow shower in the early mornings, during the Cold Season. What we really need is a water heater with an output of about 12,000 watts. However, in order to use this, then your normal electrical connection might not be up to snuff. So what about yours? Do you have a piddling little water heater? If so, then do you dread taking a shower in the mornings, during cold snaps? Just asking.
  4. OK. Obviously, you should do the things that improve your life. I cannot speak for what might or might not improve your life. However, generalizing, those who live in Thailand will, in most cases, benefit from learning passa Thai, one might imagine. I cannot understand how learning Thai might not lead to more empowerment, for example, for farang, in Thailand. I could be wrong. If so, if I might be mistaken in this, then....my apologies.
  5. My Dear Friends, You might wonder. You might be nonplussed. You might ask, for example, HOW do I improve my existence in Thailand, substantially, if only I were willing to put in the effort. Or, maybe you are not one who is willing to improve your life, substantially, being satisfied to lazily drink your youth away at bars, talking to younger things always accosting you, the ones who cannot provide you with sustenance of the soul, but only temporary stimulation. As you know, years ago, I gave up seeking pleasures of the flesh. And, since then, I have become a much happier man, fuller of excitement for ethereal things. In fact, I have become uplifted and resurrected, after shedding my seamier past, and after turning over a new leaf, thereby nurturing my better side, leading to a new sunnier horizon. OK. Here is what you must do if you really wish to feel at home in Thailand, and if you want to live here in a way that will make you happiest. Believe me, because I do know this advice is true. Superficial short-time just will not do it for you, in the long run. aa. I have been studying passa Thai, for a long while. However, beginning at the start of this recent hiatus caused by the bug, I stopped, unfortunately; my heart, in quarantine, just wasn’t in it. Also, there was no longer anyone to talk Thai to, too. So, I wasted two years of Thai language learning, during the past two years, just because I became unmotivated, maybe you might say, down in the dumps, from the perspective of being motivated to learn almost anything, including language learning. bb. But now, knowing that this is the year of the Tiger, somehow, I am beginning to feel more invigorated. Maybe this is the result of my several vaccines, plus, the sound of fireworks beginning to sound overhead. cc. During this New Year, I hope that you will reaffirm your dedication to continuing your learning of passa Thai, because, both you and I know that language is a tool that all must use in order to be considered human. dd. Two years ago, when this recent thing hit us, I did give up my language learning. I now realize that I was a complete idiot in doing so. I just wasted TWO YEARS during which I could have made such good progress. Yet, such is the pity, my heart was not in it. ee. I want to say two things: 1. To all the guys (also women) who have, like I, given up learning passa Thai, day by day, during the past two years, …. Let us Get Going, again, and try to make up for lost time in our language acquisition goals. 2. To all the guys who are over 50, maybe even over 70, there is NO age at which good progress at language learning cannot be made. If you are breathing out CO2 and inhaling O2, then you are probably young enough to learn passa Thai. ff. Truly, it has been stated that, if you wish to enjoy your stay in Thailand, to the fullest, then there is no better way to accomplish this, other than to put more effort into improving your mastery of the Thai language, both spoken and written. So, don’t be lazy if you want to reap very significant rewards. gg. Well, anyway, originally, I just had this very short Lunar New Year’s wish for both you and me. I hope that some of us will make some sort of binding and enduring Lunar New Year’s resolution to work far harder, this year, to improve our Thai language skills, and thereby improve ourselves, as Human Beings, beings with the gift of language, unique among all primates, and to not “let down” our lessor cousins, the primates who look up to us, as speaking beings. There are truly so very many everyday benefits which result from learning to speak and read the Thai language. Learning to speak an L2 is not easy. Yet, if you plan to live in a new country, then the effort is worth it, and is repaid, manifold. Not to mention, there are actually many of us who enjoy learning a new language, even a dead language, just because we love languages. In posting this topic, I sincerely hope that I will provide motivation for myself, and, equally, YOU, to redouble your Thai language-learning attempts during this impending year of the Tiger, which is such an auspicious year, almost as auspicious as the year of the dragon, though not quite. I mistakenly thought that 2022 might be the year of the dragon, but it is not. 2022 is the year of the Tiger…. Don’t waste your time, this year. IMPROVE your Thai language skills; your time will not be wasted. Absolutely. This is my wish for all who read these words.
  6. Those who love classical music, one must posit, are those who are also more introspective and thoughtful, and, maybe, even more hail-fellows-well-met. My hope is that some good moderator here might PIN this type of classical-music discussion on the Farang Pub forum, because...doing so would provide something interesting for me to look forward to, each day. Also, if this were to happen, then each morning, I could look through the suggestions, and listen to suggested classical music choices, and doing this might improve my life, markedly, over tea or coffee with my eggs. Really... I hope this happens. Thank you.
  7. Yes. This was a sincere posting. Let us hope that the poster soon finds his best way to return to Thailand, enjoy his life, and contribute in his own way to the people who live here. The best way to feel GREAT (or better), is to contribute while in an environment that causes one to feel truly happy. Happy people, those who are both content and forward thinking, contribute most to our society. (I really do hope that this poster will find a way to return to Thailand, given that he seems justifiably smitten with this wonderful place. Thailand, for so many, is a haven for those who love Asian culture at its best.)
  8. I, in all honesty, NEVER complain about life in Thailand, having lived in many other countries.. What is there, really, to complain about, except maybe for BEING ALIVE, if you want to complain about THAT! Yes, in truth, sometimes I actually DO complain about being alive, and wish I were dead, instead. And then, I look outside my window in Thailand, and see my friends, the Thai Myna Birds, and their antics soothe my soul, and convince me to go on with being alive. Life is NOT Easy, as we know.... Yet, as we also know, Life is better lived in Thailand. Thailand is a true blessing to everyone, especially troubled souls. I Love Thailand, absolutely, I do, after living in many other countries, for many decades. Thailand is truly the best, in my humble opinion.
  9. OK!!!!!!! I will certainly listen to this, within the next 2 days. Thank you!
  10. This Topic, especially as it is posted here on our Farang Pub Forum, can be very helpful to all those who intend to come to Thailand for retirement, and/or who plan to stay in Thailand for years, maybe even until the day they die. When I first arrived in Thailand, I was not able to walk. and could only move from room to room with the aid of a wheelchair. I had to think of something that might keep me busy while I recuperated in this beautiful land of helpful and gracious people, good food, and pleasant weather, not to mention this land of the Thai Myna bird, an avian specie possessed of uncommonly complex linguistic ability. The reason I am RETURNING to this topic, after a few days of posting-quiescence is becuase I really wish to encourage older people, like me, to NEVER fear the language acquisition adventure which is available to all of us old ones who are willing to put in the time, in order to achieve great success in learning an L2. In fact, anyone between the ages of 50 and 70 can most DEFINITELY learn passa Thai. I know this to be true after having witnessed this happen, many times. The more important requirement for success in learning Thai is.... TIME ON TASK! In addition, in order to learn to speak passa Thai, then you should be willing to learn Thai script, which will also benefit you during your days, months, and years in Thailand. I mean, if you love Thai food, then you need to be able to easily read a Thai menu, which you WILL be able to do, maybe after one or two years of passa Thai learning, and Thai-food eating. Therefore, My Dear Friends, my most important advice to you is to NOT waste your Golden Retirement Years here, in Thailand, without learning to READ and Speak passa Thai. Passa Thai is not an easy language, and I think it is a bit more difficult than learning Mandarin Chinese. Still, passa Thai is easier than several other languages, and there is really NO DOUBT that any guy or gal, worth his or her salt, can fairly quickly (within one to three years) learn to comprehend simple spoken Thai, and also be able to speak simple Thai, and, what I consider crucial, be able to read Thai script at a fairly high level, meaning the level taught by university classes at Year Two in their Thai language curriculum. Dumb and Ignorant as I may be, yet, I do know a thing or two about learning languages. Trust me, that if you are between the age of 50 and the almost impossible age of 75, you will STILL be able to make good progress in learning Thai, month by month, if only you possess the will to put in the TIME ON TASK. Passa Thai is, in my opinion, quite a beautiful language. Good Luck to ALL, in our Thai-language-learning endeavor which so many of us share in common!
  11. Does one require a work permit to carry another's leather bag around in the hot Sun, for free? I think, definitely, NOT. But, am I mistaken in my judgement about this? Please elucidate.... Tks!
  12. Please Note: aa. I really wonder why this topic cannot be pinned, and maintained well, on the Farang Pub forum. bb. Because, I am sure that there are many here who might find this interesting. cc. In other words, we already have two topics pinned for music selections from two other genre of music. And, maybe now is the time to PIN one more music topic on the Pub Forum. dd. This is only my strong suggestion and wish. I LOVE classical music, and have for over 55 years. And, for me, classical music has become more important and interesting, and helpful to me, the older I become. Hopefully, some moderator will PIN and Maintain a Thread and Discussion, such as this. Tks!
  13. Such a GREAT and Overdue Topic! I hope this topic lives LONG, because, it will be interesting to add to this thread, from time to time. aa. I love JS Bach, in all cases. bb. Verdi, I love, too, even though Verdi is second-fiddle to JS Bach, who is a true god, never to be trumped. cc. OK... In answer to the original question, which is a difficult question: I would need to say that Rostropovich playing JS Bach, on Cello, cannot be duplicated. Also, JS Bach's cantatas are amazing. dd. So, here is Rostropovich with his fantastic cello, curtesy of YouTube. (Thank you, again, for this great Topic.) Over several years, I must have listened to this entire thing, maybe 200 times (conservatively speaking). One never tires of JS Bach.
  14. WOW! Very beautiful piece of craftmanship! I just ==WISH== I had an abode beautiful enough to house such a treasure. Unfortunately, where I am living, though not a pauper's place, by any means, such a treasure as you picture would stick out like a sore thumb. Let us all keep in mind that beauty is important for our common wellbeing. Thank you for the image which makes me both nostalgic and sad in some ways.
  15. Please keep in mind that we humans feel happiness because we smile, not the obverse, just as we feel scared because we run. One might also argue that we, thusly, feel greater happiness living in the land of smiles, being forced to smile every day, interacting with the locals. Truly, Thailand is a miraculous country and culture. I DO believe this. I do. What about you? Concerning appreciation of British humor, this is something enduring that one takes with one, even into the bush, and sometimes, also, into places where it is most needed.
  16. My Dear Friends, Somehow, while clicking on the internet, I came across something that I had forgotten, a true gem of days gone by, when humor was both silly and interesting, and satisfying, deep down. What I mean is that British humor is something to be savored by everybody, with half a brain, or more. Personally, I grew up on British humor through books, as well as through film. Maybe, British humor shaped me a bit. You know, humor is something which is not easily shared between different cultures. And, also, humor is something that is not easily shared within a culture between members of the same culture who are not humorously aligned, particularly. Still, I say, humor is like music, and music takes many forms, and also, in my humble opinion, one should not believe that one form of music is inherently somehow "superior" to the next. In Thailand, for example, culturally speaking, humor is different than humor of another country. However, this definitely does not mean that humor in Thailand is any less subtle or refined, for sure. Yes, perhaps, but not assured, that it is often the case that Thai people do not understand various genre of foreign humor, as has been discussed, so many times, in past posts on TV. You see, I do recall what others have written on this forum, during the past many years, concerning the differences in humor, such as the understanding of "jokes" told by farang, and the understanding of them by people growing up in Thai culture. One truism that I keep in mind, especially when studying differences in humor, cross culturally, is that there is FAR more diversity between people in any given country than there are differences between the "average" person, country to country, and far more diversity within a country, compared to generalized differences between countries. Each to his own, concerning forms of humor. Personally speaking, just stating my preference, I do love this Peter Cook & Dudley Moore skit. Perhaps, this might provide a chuckle to you, as well. Peter Cook and Moore must have brought much pleasure to many around this world, even in Thailand. We should not look at Thailand's populace as being monolithic in any way, ever. Stereotypes quickly and naturally fall by the wayside when one finally ceases to be a tourist, and begins to know the people amongst whom one lives. As I say, just for my own enjoyment, I have always seemed to gravitate to British humor. Sometimes, gallows humor, as well. Humor, among humans, is universal, and most diverse. Like music, it is just too difficult and improper to assign a valuation to one form or another. Anyway, I hope you find this Cook and Moore selection, linked here, mildly diverting...... Best regards...... Take care......
  17. I don't know how much you know about Mexico. However, I once raced, at breakneck speeds, in 1990, for 5 hours, through Tabasco, down near the border of Belize, and mostly across the Yucatan Peninsula, where you would see almost nothing but almost totally unclothed natives, while driving a Mercedes, chasing two faster Toyotas. The guys in the Toyotas were maniacs of speed.. Every time I would inch up on them, they would just go faster. Toyotas are faster than the 420 SE Benz, for sure. This was a very hair-raising ride, and foolish, on winding roads through the jungle. No cars coming or going on this highway, for hours, 33 years ago. Just three cars together, racing as fast as we could go, for hours on end, through the Yucatan, on an extremely lonely road. Very few (basically zero) hospitals in that area back in 1989. On the way from Naples Florida, through Mexico City, to Belize in a Benz, at a time when there were zero Mercedes in Mexico City, and this was just a couple of years after the earthquake there. Lots of excitement. I would not repeat it. The food in Mexico is wonderful. The water in Mexico, the drinking water, is terrible.
  18. Aspergillosis is not serious, presumably like you. There are various cures available for both seriousness and aspergillosis, according to how both illnesses present upon reaching your clinic for treatment. The asparagus and cabbage treatment is sure fire. Day One: Eat nothing but asparagus Day Two: Eat nothing but boiled cabbage Day Three: East nothing but asparagus Day Four: Eat nothing but cabbage Day Five: Eat nothing but asparagus Day Six: Eat nothing but cabbage Day Seven: Gorge Only on mouth-watering decent Stilton, and nothing else.... After two pounds of prime Stilton, on the seventh day, you will be cured of all ills. Such a beautiful cheese. Not to be wasted on the likes of those who don't truly fancy a Stilton cheese. It has been many years since I tasted Stilton. And, it has been even more years since I tasted what some consider to be the essence of a woman. After you move from HK, Stilton is hard to get. After you give up Stilton, then it is easier to give up women, too. From my experience, if one gives up womanizing, then it is easier to lose weight, just from everlasting pining after them.
  19. Thankfully, a new Wordle will be available each day! Interesting concept. Probably one might become completely engrossed in this, for better or for worse. Something for a rainy day, for sure.
  20. Dear Jingthing, After reading your good posts for almost a decade, all I can say is that NPR is something that we might both share in common, among very few other things. You are somewhat of an enigma to me, for one. Let's see if you, probably much less likely than I, will still be posting in the year 2032, by the time the Thwaites glacier is just a distant memory. The water is rising. NPR is a shadow of what it once was. The Himalayan glaciers are melting, which could, conceivably, affect the rice harvest in the not too distant future. NPR has become bastardized during the past many years, probably due to lack of interest among the public, and lack of funding. NPR, as it now stands, is nothing like what we once believed it stood for. Anyway, who cares, now.
  21. My Dear Friends, Soon, we will emerge from this pandemic into a New Brave World. And, I am thinking about ways in which I can recover from two years of unwelcome indolence and the resultant weight gain, concomitant staying-at-home blues, as well as generalized feeling of missing out on two years of my life. What I need is to get out on the links, see the beautifully manicured fairways, not to mention the sandraps, and even raking them. To make this short: I will caddie for you, for free, if you give a large donation to some good cause, maybe. This is something to consider. What would you offer to a good cause, in this case? (Please Note: At my age, I can only carry your clubs, minus your bag. You would need to keep your bag in your cart.) What is a caddie? What is a caddy?
  22. You know, My Friend, these days, my heart belongs to the Farang Pub, only. The reason I enjoy the Farang Pub is that this forum is the one from which all wisdom, not to mention goodness, flows. Truly, I say unto thee, I shall never stray from the Farang Pub, again. Posting, too much, on other places, might risk my total undoing. Therefore: Lessons learned, I am always cautious, polite, and empathetic in my postings here...which.....is the way life actually SHOULD be, anyway. Take care.
  23. Have you ever experienced, in your wife, a lack of responsiveness, anytime the weather gets cold? Maybe she begins with goosebumps in the afternoon. And then, by the time you are ready to sleep, she is just not ready to have a go. You cannot understand it, simply because you are used to very cold weather. Yet, for her, 18 degrees C, is cold, and she just becomes dry, and wishes to sleep through the cold. How many times has this happened to me during several recent decades. Probably, given my postings during this past decade, you might mistakenly believe that I have never been with a woman. And, you might discount my experience living with women. Actually, I know quite a bit. And, I can tell you that...when it gets cold....then, women are more likely to become frigid. If it were otherwise, then there would be far less frolicking in steaming hot tubs during the winter months. Sure, maybe I may have become bitter, just because I am not willing to go walking on walking street in Pattaya. And, these days, I would never be willing to fall in love with a bar girl, even if she were a regular from the most famous bar in Pattaya. Cold weather is incompatible with decent (or indecent) lovemaking. And so, just a word of advice, if you might wish lovemaking which you will never forget... Then, a. Buy some sort of portable electric room heater, 4000 Watts, minimum. b. Choose a room with a very HOT hot tub. c. Buy some food and snacks that you know she likes. d. Tell her that you love her, and that she is extremely beautiful. Other than these four points, I am not sure what else can be done, when the weather is cold and rainy. Regards, Please Note: During winter months, or cold months, when the weather gets cold, ......
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