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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Maybe, reading between the lines, you might understand that I would give my left nut to have the Far Eastern Economic Review rag, resurrected, as it once was, in print form, and to enjoy it with a cup of tea. Some things are gone, and gone forever. Just like our first taste of you know what.
  2. Actually, a fairly unique photo with lights pointed at the camera. How did you find this, anyway? Nice.
  3. No doubt. Or, they might also be retired from Far Eastern Economic Review. HK is not what it once was, one guesses.
  4. My Dear Friends, Have you ever written down, in your own words, just why it might be that girls, 23 to 43, this sweet spot, are the ones that turn us on, most? This sweet age group has nothing to do with sexuality, not even physical attractiveness. Mostly, my guess is that this has more to do with hormones. For example, after age 43, women seem to become tougher and harder. And, before age 23, their hormones are affect their thinking, too much, and mostly they just want to build a nest, and, young girls, mostly just want to have fun. Girls, less than age 23, just want to have fun. So, anyway, I have put much thought into this topic, and I can tell you that....girls, who want to have too much fun are not right for me. And, older girls, after the age of 43, also, are no fun, at all. I would never marry a woman older than me, for this very reason. When I look back, I realize that, probably, the best age for women, from a true man's perspective is...age 40. 40, I would say, is the sweetest. We can never recover our own youth, and we can never again partake of young girls, as we once did when we were 16. Such angst we feel at this loss, I would guess, for most of us. And yet, there is still hope if you can find a girl who is both fun and forty. Or, maybe you might find a woman who has curls like Robert Plant once had when he was young and shirtless. No matter how old we become, our potential for a sexually satisfying life remains...if only we might believe, like Dorothy, as she traversed the yellow brick road, just another metaphor for life. Anything is possible in this life. You just gotta believe....and then, make a wish. Yes, my friends, age 40 is the best, by far. No matter what age you might be. I know it.
  5. Regarding Ivy League girls... I never tried to get into their pants. AN pub is not a long fall, in my opinion, nor a fall in any respect. I actually really LIKE TV. TV is a longstanding forum which is second to none in this part of the world. I am not obsessed with TV. Neither am I obsessed with much of anything. Also, let me tell you something about being at an Ivy school, and about Asian women at Ivy schools.... OK? Most Asian women, classmates of mine, at school, would never pay you the time of day in the lecture halls. Maybe this is why I came to Thailand. Because, here in Thailand, sometimes, Asian women are far less offputtish than their counterparts were in school. Bookish women are very difficult to get to know, even though, I can imagine, they still have the same needs...and they still lubricate, just like a non-bookish woman. All women lubricate when approached by a real man from the Ivy League. They just can't get enough of us. Dylan knew this, too.... I have always felt Dylan to be nothing more than a whining dog. Dylan was a poet in his own mind. Probably the most overrated pseudo-artist of this past millennium. While listening to Dylan, one finds it too difficult to contain utter laughter. What a dog.
  6. In death, some say they will enjoy harp music. And some say they will listen to this... While we are alive, I prefer to associate with happy people. This guy seems happier than most.
  7. Is it 3 in the morning where you are? Nice! Did you ever happen to think that it might not be 3 AM in other parts of the world, even while it might be 3 in your house? ==== What is your Time Zone, anyway? 3 AM? It is not yet 3 AM in Thailand. Therefore you must be somewhere between Japan and Moscow. All I know is that it is not yet 3 AM in BKK, at the moment. My guess is that you are either in Hanoi or Singapore. Correct?
  8. I rarely talk. And, I would tell you that I am a humble person, unless, and if it were not for the fact that, by telling you that I am humble might prove me to be less than humble. I have great respect for those who are truly humble. Humility is a state which only those having great learning and wisdom ever attain, I would immagine. Additionally, humility is a cultural thing. Those in America find it less easy to practice humility in their daily lives, just simply due to what is perceived as being most admirable. For example, have you ever seen a humble basketball player? What about a humble American Wrestling Federation guy? The passion for humility in the AMF is probably nonexistent.
  9. Is there any point? Yes, there is. Points sitting way up high. I was a little too tall, could've used a few pounds Tight pants points, hardly renowned She was a black-haired beauty with big dark eyes.... Time goes by.... Those days are gone. Now, these days, things are getting saggy. I wish it were not so. Time flies. Even summertime is not what it once was, back in the day. These days, nothing is as exciting as it once was. Even the mystique of a BJ one had never had is no longer something that we can look forward to. These days, we have become so jaded that we have, pretty much, no more to look forward to. Other than, maybe, some sort of nuclear explosion, or, perhaps, an EMP, and electromagnetic pulse even in our upper atmosphere. I am looking for a new thing, just like you.
  10. Years and years and years ago, I came to the realization that not all men were created equal. Not all cars were built in the same way. Some cars, like the Pinto are not the same as the Benz. You can choose to drive a Pinto, if you wish. You might think that all cars are created equal, too. But, they are not. Get real. Begin thinking like Randy Newman, please, and stop the PC, please.
  11. I have never found it particularly odd that guys who have graduated from premier schools seem to gravitate to the Pub forum. After all, being in Thailand, and similarly being alienated from intellectual stimulation, it is only to be expected that smart guys would eventually find us here, on the Pub. Might I even say that this Pub forum has become rather somewhat of a fraternity for the intellectually gifted members of the Farang society in Thailand. Schools such as Harvard are basically slouch schools compared to CalTech, of course. I wish I could just meet someone from CalTech on this Pub Forum, in fact. CalTech is a boutique school reserved for the super smart, as probably everybody knows. Still, even smart guys sometimes feel the need to get down and dirty with lessor mortals such as we. The reason I have posted this is because..... My landlady. She did not graduate from a school like the University of Toronto, or McGill. Instead, she attended a backwater school, and I find her mostly obtuse in all respects. I don't know much, but I find it frustratingly difficult to communicate, in any meaningful way, with those who just don't "get it". I mean...so much wasted time....trying to explain the very obvious. Patience is so important when speaking to those who might be on a very different intellectual level. All of humanity has intrinsic value. However, some of humanity just gets it. And, some do not. Maybe you have noticed this, too.
  12. Hi My Friends, Personally, I do know some guys on this forum who graduated from Princeton. You might be surprised how many guys here are from the Ivy League. So, might it be possible to begin a thread in which we can discuss Ivy League things? Because, very recently, somebody asked about class on this forum. Personally, I do not care much about class, having none. Even a touch of class, I would not know. Still, I am curious to know how many guys here graduated from schools such as Brown, Harvard, Dartmouth, Cornell, etc, because I do know of a few. I just do not know how many. So, if you are an Ivy Leaguer, and if you post on the Pub, or just read this Pub forum, then would you mind speaking up, and telling us how much you enjoy reading this great forum? Feeling Great,
  13. So, anyway. As I have said before, and I will deign to say again, IMHO, there is only ONE guy on this Pub forum who actually cares about writing well. I think you know him by his Cowboy name. This Cowboy, in my opinion, is not really a cowboy, but probably someone who lives in Malaysia, and somebody who has been fairly well educated, and somebody who has a decent sense of humor. Maybe a rather nice person, as well. Maybe he might go by various names, here, too. As you know, even though this Pub forum is filled with blight lights, in the literary sense of this phrase, I would say that the Cowboy, when he really puts his mind to coming up with a creative and unique turn of phrase, is capable of outdoing us all. Of course, we all know that this is true. Maybe he is becoming tired, these days, due to Omicron, as are we all. In the end, and after so many years of mediocre writing we have witnessed here, I just wish that the cowboy will not give up this ghost writing, or, maybe this forum will become a bit less interesting, as a result.
  14. Eisenhower loved golfing, even so much that he would wear his golfing shoes while walking on the hardwood floors in the White House, not caring much for the damage he did with his cleats. All great men have their foibles which are forgivable. Twain visited many places. And then, he wrote some humorous thoughts about Travel Agents, as you probably know. Those were the days. Those were the days when some still cared about things like miscegenation.
  15. I would hope for a woman who does not come on too strong. One who does not wish to thrash me about on the massage mat. One, also, without a Y chromosome, if possible. Thank you. Glob
  16. Yes. Sorry. I meant: On both counts. I did not mean on both accounts. I would have corrected the error, if the time limit for corrections had not expired. Thank you.
  17. Truly an affectation, as you say. However, if one needed an affectation, then why would one choose such a difficult-to-maintain affectation, such as has Boris. IF his hair were in curls, then would it not be more easily maintained, each day? But, in order to get the same unkempt look, day after day, with each hair arranged in exactly the same way, this must require a great deal of effort. It is one thing to wake up in the morning with unkempt hair. But then, after showering in the morning, and drying one's hair, then to try to put it back in place, in an unkempt way, as if one had just risen from bed, ....think of the time this must require. Have you ever read any essays written by Mark Twain? Obviously, you have, and pardon my asking. Clemens was famous for poking fun at pomposity. Do you think Boris uses some sort of gel? If one wishes to serve in government, one should be tall and have good hair. Has there ever been a bald US president? Also, has there ever been a female US president, even though most females are not bald? So many interesting questions, and so few qualified enough to answer them. One more question is... will women, fairly soon, supplant men in the leadership roles in most important sectors of society and education? yes...they will.... Does this mean that we might begin to find peace in our world, when women take over? Difficult to say. I pray for peace. I pray for a piece of a--s. My prayers, on both accounts, will never be answered. Fortunately, life is short. No need to dwell on such things, for long.
  18. In fact... One of the most difficult challenges in Thai is to learn... a. Days of the week b. Months of the year. c. And, especially, how to tell time in Thai. For one thing, the Thai clock is very strange to foreigners. The easiest way is to just use the 24h clock, and nalika. Or, use the more correct way, which is to use NungTomeKrung for 7:30 PM. One of my favorite tunes, even today, is a song about time.... Maybe you have heard this song, too....? Just a song, a sad song, as you say, about time....enjoy....
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