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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Dear Sir, If this film, IYHO, is NG, which I respect, then, just out of curiosity, how were you affected by Eat, Drink, Man, Woman? Films are a cultural thing, as we all know, and what goes over well for one culture seems lacking to those from a different culture. I grew up in one culture, which is to say that I identify with Ice Storm, The Big Chill, and Five Easy Pieces for that matter. Some books appeal to some, and not to others. Anyway, thank you for taking a look at Ice Storm.... Next time, I hope I can find a better film for you, and I will do my best. Take care, Man!
  2. This is my FAVORITE bird, of all time, anywhere. This bird is even smarter than I, if that is even possible. This bird once kept me company for seven months, at a time when I could not walk, and could only roll. Bar none, this bird is the greatest in the Land!!!!
  3. The problem with the Nobel committee, these days, is that, although it is attempting to become relevant and pertinent, yet it will never catch up to where it should be, these days. The Nobel committee is hindered and hobbled by archaic thinking, and maybe even biases which the world can no longer tolerate. What the Nobel committee should do if it wishes to regain a fraction of its former relevancy is to: Jump Down, Turn Around, and pick a bale of cotton. Only through manual labor, such as cotton picking, can the Nobel committee recover from its past selection failures. Maybe, being in a country where the culture has been homogenous for too many years, then the Nobel committee should remove their bow ties andf formal dinner jackets, and, instead.... They should Jump Down, Turn Around, an pick cotton. Maybe they should pick a bale of cotton. So, please jump down, turn around, and pick a few days of cotton, every day
  4. BALONEY... Muddy Waters is even more influential than you might think. He done got no Nobel prize. Muddy Waters is Black. No Nobel for Muddy. What a joke. Muddy is just a Rollin' Stone, ...... Poor white boys copy Muddy, but he don't get no prize. What a Joke. Even the Stones gave credit to Muddy. Don't joke around, please. The Nobel is a complete JOKE. Everybody knows this. Not only for Literature from Muddy Waters, but also for Science. The Nobel is a complete Joke. We need a Nobel Prize for stupidity, awarded to itself. (The IgNobel Prize is not bad, though.)
  5. Like a Rolling Stone? Well, .....CONGRATULATIONS!!!! He must have been a true genius, then.....to put four simple words together. Dylan was a joke.... Get over it. FORTUNATELY, after the Nobel screwed up in 2016, at least they got back on track and awarded Ishiguro. And, I guess you might have liked The Remains of the Day, just as everyone else. The Nobel is a joke. Yet, not so much a joke as was Dylan.
  6. Just another error by the Nobel committee. Dylan was their greatest travesty in the history of the Nobel. Just one single painting, is so much greater than ALL of what Dylan ever did... Next time, for Literature, we should ask the committee to stick with literature. Dylan was a self-important trumped up clown, with a few decent songs to his name.
  7. Dylan could not hold a candle to Janis Joplin, and, of course, neither one deserved a Nobel. Dylan did not define a generation. These days, no one cares about Dylan, except maybe Dylan. Anyway, not easy to get a Nobel if one is not Male, Pale, and STALE.
  8. Have you tried to keep a brass bed polished, over an extended period of time? Too much daily polishing, unless you have a servant to do this work for you. Dylan, from your link, seems to require dental work. Dylan's greatest hope was to be considered a poet. In the end, he has become the greatest Nobel failure of all time. At least, he will go down in history for this, if for nothing else.
  9. Sometimes, a diatribe against some app, such as TINDER, might be justified. Just because, if one has a daughter, or one knows of someone who has a daughter, or if one wishes to lash out at TINDER or FB, for causing harm, just for profit, then this might be justified. FB and TINDER, are both the same. FB and TINDER both were not what we had envisioned when we hoped that the Internet might improve our world. No need to say more, maybe.
  10. Children need to be protected. The definition of a child, obviously, in the majority of cases, is a young person up to the age of 25, We are not talking about some person like Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Gods love chimneysweeps.
  11. All that I am actually saying is that apps, such as TINDER, should be restricted for use, and should be exclusively used by the types of people who frequent the Farang Pub, people like us. TINDER cannot hurt anyone here in the Farang Pub. Yet, when a very young woman goes on TINDER, sometimes bad things can happen, just due to naivete. Alternatively, when I go on TINDER, nothing bad happens. Do you see what I am driving at?
  12. Anyway, I cannot get my mind off a recent story in the local news. A story which concerns a young woman who may have been led astray by a much older man, one who was very manipulative. And so I say, TINDER is good for old guys like us. But, young women, who are not even 25 years old, are no match for these TINDER apps, nor any match for 32-year-old men. Young women, at least before the age of 25, really must be protected. I do believe this. And, internet dating sites, in my opinion, should be banned. This will never happen. Therefore, we must just accept the fact that some damage will happen due to the present state of what exists in our world.
  13. As for me, if I were to go on TINDER, then there is no way I could be hurt by this due to naivete. And so, maybe it is best that the TINDER app should be restricted to use by those on the Farang Pub, since we are not overly naïve, in my opinion.
  14. I am not after anybody on TINDER. However, what bothers me most is that I do know fairly innocent young girls who toy with TINDER. And, seeing them take this risk is quite disturbing to see happen. That is all. You are correct.
  15. I am not a prude. However, too much debauchery becomes boring, after one gets one's fill. Are we Men, Mice, or Bonobo? Your guess is as good as mine.
  16. TINDER is sort of a new concept, an app which allows handsome people to hookup with handsome people, instead of resorting to the backrooms, the alley, the trusty woods. Do you use TINDER to hookup, even if you might be over 65? And, if you are over 65, using TINDER, how much in and out do you get? And, if you get enough in and out, how long can you keep it up before you get tired, and just finally...call it quits. TINDER is a strange beast, an app that might be OK for very old men, but certainly not so good for very young women. Anyway... Any thoughts about TINDER? And, any thoughts about TINDER if it was your lovely and beloved daughter who might be using TINDER? What has this world come to? Your guess is as good as mine. I really do not understand this app. Or, maybe, I understand it just too well. NG, is my first thought. Some day, the pendulum will swing back. But, perhaps, by then, no man will still be alive.... In the year, 2525. I knew it. TINDER. TINDER was predictable. Aldous Huxley told me, too.
  17. Also, why would any man or woman wish to anoint themselves with sweet smelling oils, now that we have hot showers? Not living in the desert, we have access to soap and water. Personally, I just love the smell of a woman, a woman in her natural state, just the smell of her is something I truly love. There is no need for fragrances, provided the woman (or man) is healthy. The smell of a woman is like french-fries: Whom amongst us, smelling a french-fry, can help but take a bite?
  18. I just read a topic here concerning fragrances. In my opinion, one of the worst things that can happen to one is to have a roommate who both sprinkles JADE EAST, and also listens to Dylan's Lay, Lady, Lay, over and over, while smelling himself. This happened to me in 1965. This roommate stunk up the whole room with Jade East, and also with Dylan, a highly overrated artist, if you could even call Dylan an artist, even though he did get the Nobel, which signifies absolutely NOTHING. No doubt, my roomate must have been an up-and-coming Ladyboy, for sure. Nice guy, however, except he was heavy with the Jade East fragrance. Also, the Chinese characters in this ad are not so good. Maybe, Real Men were not meant to sprinkle fragrances on their bodies? You can, if you wish. It's up to you. Best.
  19. Sometimes, when one thinks of Norman Mailer, then one's mind begins to stray to the likes of Norman Bates. Whether or not you might feel this way, at least hopefully, tomorrow morning, over coffee and toast, you might enjoy this Cavett interview. Although Dick Cavett was born in Nebraska, some say he actually hailed from Wales. He had a barb to his tongue. Enjoy.
  20. My Dearest Friends, aa. As you may know, some guys here prefer to have something interesting to wake up to, in the mornings, besides listening to their wives, in Thailand. bb. And so, sometimes I feel great angst for them, and some sort of responsibility to provide a diversion from their wives, while drinking their coffee in the mornings. Please believe me, I do feel this heavy burden, rather often. cc. And so, you can imagine how happy I was to find this wonderful confrontation between Cavett, Gore Vidal, Norman Mailer, and some extremely intelligent old bag from the New Yorker, a woman I have always found smarter and more refreshing than most men. dd. When this Dick Cavett show first aired, I was somewhere between Ras Tanura and Danang. And, it was just two days ago that I finally found this great debate, complete with headbutting, after missing it the first time in 1971. ee. Dick Cavett was from Yale, and maybe also from Wales, but I am not sure about the last part. Or, maybe he was from Nebraska. ff. Seems as if Cavett is still alive, today. Amazing, and more power to this wonderful man. gg. I do not wish to get sidetracked here. The New Yorker lady, smart as a tack, who appeared with Mailer and Gore is was Janet Flanner. hh. Well, anyway, back in the day, watching the Cavett show was truly stimulating and amazing. And, did you know that Cavett was/is an introvert? Huge anxiety before each broadcast, according to him. ii. So, anyway, if you are interested, over your coffee, tomorrow morning, then you might further investigate this interview, including the headbutting of Mailer on Vidal, and so many other interesting things. Because, in Thailand, is it not nice to have something to research on the Internet while one exists in the jungle of SE Asia, over coffee, in the mornings? jj. When I first read TV, I did not realize I had so much in common with souls here, until someone suggested I go to the Farang Pub. And, I am so happy for this advice. kk. There is no doubt that some of you, over coffee, tomorrow morning, will thank me for this gift, this link, which I will post below. Anything we can do in order to distract ourselves from this ennui in the jungle is always so very welcome. LMNOP: Best to all of you, guys who wake in the mornings, and enjoy good coffee, read the London Times, and the NYT, as well. If you do not like this link, then, so solly, because, in my opinion, it is priceless. Very best, Regards, Glob Note: Enjoy your coffee, tomorrow morning. As you know, I care about you, like brothers. Note2: If this Cavett thing, this kind of entertainment, is now behind us, then what might we have to look forward to? And, if there is just pabulum, then what is the point of rolling out of bed, unless one might have some very young thing from Pattaya? (Far better to be stimulated intellectually, rather than sexually, in my humble opinion, any day)
  21. You are so right. There is really no point in doing so. And, cheating on one's spouse causes such great harm to another person. Enjoy Ice Storm, if you please. I am sure, with your sensibility, you will enjoy it. Tks for your thoughts.
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