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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. My Dear Friends, As has been said in the past, maybe even on this forum, in Thailand, the wearing of shorts is sometimes frowned upon, especially in polite company. Still, in some settings, we must wear our shorts when exercising along mountain paths traversing the many hills where we go to improve our cardiovascular health, and while trying to improve circulation in our legs while attempting to avoid those unsightly blue varicose veins which so embarrassingly show our age to any young women whom we might meet either at the local markets or in the bars around our homes. From the perspective of others around here, the impoliteness of wearing of shorts is only exceeded by the insistence of some of us to wear very, very old shorts, shorts of over 25 years in age, which have been worn at least once per week during the majority of these years. In my case, I have two pairs of shorts, both of which were purchased on the same day in Japan, about the year 1996, a memorable time when I visited the Onsen areas just outside Tokyo. The more secluded Onsen areas there are expensive, and so it is not just a matter of lack of money that I choose to wear my same shorts, year after year, tattered as they surely are. Both you and I have read the many horror stories written by wives and girlfriends decrying the penchant of their partners for wearing, to the bitter end, various beloved items of clothing, such as favorite socks, an old school tie, a discolored undershirt, or some old smoking jacket with holes. My two pairs of shorts, after over a quarter of a century, remain, still, two of my prized pieces of attire. My shorts were lovingly produced of very fine cotton with an extremely high thread content, just like the finest of sheets for one’s bed. So comfortable, and still comfortable after all these years. I would be happy to change my shorts. But I will not change my shorts unless I can find the same quality of cotton I once found in Japan, last century. There must be a good reason why women don’t like their men to wear clothing until is completely wears out. And, I don’t know what it might be. Women are not logical in this respect, though I am not sexist. Sometimes, women have good ideas, too. Am I the only one who has a favorite pair of shorts I have worn for over 25 years, and still loving them? Also, where can I find shorts like these, these days, in Thailand? Once in a while, I dream about returning to the Japan of 1996, and buying another two pair of identical shorts, and then wearing them for another quarter of a century. I will also choose the same color. Best regards, Take Care, Exercise is good, whether walking about town, or up in the hills.
  2. Wow...Amazing Artist! Probably somewhat underappreciated by some, back in the day, I thought. I once listened to this guy on 8-track tape in my MG driving along lonely highways from Philly to Maine, through New York, and every Middlesex village and farm, therebetween. Such a whiter shade of pale, without doubt. And, this tone of his songs sums him up, I think.
  3. I know: I LOVE Celtic Music. Celtic music is what I am on. No need to cutdown on it. Too Great! Also, Dickens...was there ever a greater writer....? Only a very, very few.
  4. Golfing is a sport which, historically, was played mostly by men wearing strange clothes, as you know. For some reason, golfers once dressed up as if they were children, in bright colors, and with glossy corfam shoes. Years ago, while out on the links, almost anything could happen, and often did. Golfing was the time when boys could be boys, and one could blow one’s nose directly onto almost anything, and nobody would consider it impolite. These days, especially here, what were once male caddies have become female caddies. And, these days, golfing is no longer considered to be so blue-blooded a sport. And so, has golfing changed that much? What do guys do on the golf course, these days, besides whacking? I once could hit a ball 240 yards with a five iron, but no more. These days, I rarely even look at a female caddie. What about you? Are you up to par?
  5. OK, guys.... I had not meant to cause any consternation in my postings. However, as you all fully well realize, even in the halls of pristine science, there is always contention and confrontation, and even underhandedness. Here is a good example: You guys all recall Rosalind Franklin, the sexy girl who loved X-rays and X-ray crystallography, right? Well, to my way of thinking, Franklin was a heck of a woman. But, Francis and Crick were so much in love with each other that they did not give Rosy the time of day, and then she died without getting her due. You know, if I could go back to those days, I would have given her a hug and a kiss for what she did. I feel so sorry for her that she died without recognition, and that she died long before her time. Such a nice photo of Franklin. This photo makes me feel sad in several ways.
  6. Watson and Crick. Whether or not they had sex, which is doubtful, they enjoyed a love-hate relationship for most of their lives. Of course, they both hated Rosalind Franklin, but she was a woman.
  7. One only has one love of one's life, and one never forgets that one. Feel for you, for sure. Hope you are now over that one. But, I doubt it.
  8. Before you buy an Ecstasy, why not first try a Hästens? Might I suggest the Maranga, which is the epitome of cloud-like comfort. No need to go for the Eala, which is overkill, in my opinion.
  9. In the end, so obviously, the Scientific Method should be applied to almost all of what we know, including governance, politics, and, what have you. Not sure you know what the Scientific Method might be. And, since you do not, obviously, then for our future world....I feel sorry. Again, I feel sorry for you.... I feel sorry for you for not learning what you should have learned so many decades ago, when you had the chance. Now, it is too late. Therefore... Therefore, anything goes.... And, like Gatsby, we may die as he, shot in the back, while just floating in a beautiful pool, blissfully unaware.
  10. Science is FAR BETTER than Sex. Take my word for it. Please let her know, too. I never got an STD from the study of science. Only pleasure, and no pain.
  11. One of the things I do not understand is why parents do not encourage their children, from a very early age, to watch extremely simple lectures such as this.... Maybe, if they did, then their children would be far happier. Maybe, if they did, then their children would be less focused on fashion, FB, cosmetics, and less easily influenced by peer pressure towards the pursuit of the vacuous lifestyle. The study of Physics is great for all young women, at an early age. F = ma The most beautiful equation.
  12. Personally, I find this topic extremely depressing, and I have dwelled upon it for several days, just trying to make sense of the devastation caused, obviously, to the family involved. BUT, on a far more optimistic topic, can we now shift to thinking about ways in which young children can become encouraged in order to pursue more fruitful pursuits, rather than FASHION, FAME, and FUTILITY? OK. Here, I would like to suggest one of the most amazing things I have ever seen during the time I have existed on Earth. And, I would suggest that young people of age 11 to 19 should become more engaged in science such as this.... rather than becoming enthralled with tattooed men of ill repute. Here you have an image of the same star which was imaged from the WEBB. This is an amazing thing, since the Webb is now in the process of being "tuned" so that this star image will, once the telescope has been rectified, be just one single beautiful image. It's going to be GREAT. And, we have waited so long for this. Many people have devoted their careers to this, in fact. SUCH TRUE BEAUTY, and such a great thing to work toward. Therefore, truly, and comparatively speaking, for a woman to waste her life making biscuits, seems such a tragic waste of a seemingly gifted person. Especially since, seems obviously the case, that she could have done much better, rather than to engage with a man who was nothing more than a lesser shadow of the great Queequeg. Go for the stars, is the best advice for young women. And, for young women, one's best advice might be to steer clear of men who are old, and who are tattooed with lions on their chests. Such a sad state of affairs for one family. Still, despite this sadness, there are so many children and young adults, just at this very moment, who are avidly watching the progress of the Jack Webb Observatory. Let us hope that everything goes well.
  13. Young girls, just as young boys, require guidance in order to mature into fine young adults. Young people, age 19, are not yet adults. Everybody knows this, for sure. And, older men who take advantage of these very young people are predators. Men such as these should be sent to the guillotine,
  14. Anyway, back to the beginning of this topic, which begs the question: IF it meant giving up your own life, for the good of a young child, and her freedom, then would you turn yourself in, just to save a younger life? And, by giving up your own life, then would you not receive redemption in the eyes of the world? Reading between the lines here, which discusses a topic that has already been posted on TV in recent months, what do you think? Should the tattooed predator give himself up to the powers that be, in order to do justice by the very young woman, almost a child, who may have been negatively influenced by the very much older Queequeg with the beautiful tattoos, and his boxing gloves? In the end, there is no way that a young woman of 19 is any match for a man of 30. And yet, both of them were pictured in a boxing ring with gloves on, as can be seen from a photo floating around the internet. This mismatch is just not fair. Time for Queegueg to turn himself in.
  15. I was speaking of girls like Marjorie Morningstar, of course. Girls with stars in their eyes who are not careful enough about the men they meet, especially the slightly older men, who end up doing them more harm then good. Read a book, or two, maybe read a book by Herman Wouk, for example. Read Dostoevsky about power, for example. And then, you need not post a single word....."What?"
  16. So many BOZOS here without an MA, one might guess. Such a sad thing, really, since there is such a plethora of very qualified (unemployed) people floating around without jobs, guys and gals with PhDs, MAs, etc., who might really LOVE to teach in Thailand, at a fairly low cost, one might guess. All you need is the money, just enough to make this happen. Kick out the chaff that exists, and select the good teachers, and only the good. In fact, there are many here who care so much about enhancing education in Thailand, for sure. The BOZOS must go.
  17. Just a question: Are itinerant teachers a good thing, here in Thailand? Do they do more harm than good? What are your thoughts? This is not a question which should be posted in the ED Section of TV, simply because, in the ED Section, one would expect an overly biased response. (In my opinion, teachers from abroad, unless they have spent many, MANY, years here, are just not dedicated enough. Their Prime Directive is traveling the world, and they just do not have what it takes to remain dedicated, over a period of several decades, to devote their lives to teaching in any local school system.) Any teacher who is willing to sign up for teaching on a long-term contract, might be OK. And, then, of course, what great teacher worth his/her salt would be willing to spend 10 years here, and also, what about their background, and their caring? And so, would it not just be better to do away with most of them, once and for all, and just rely on local teachers? Would this not be far better?
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