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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. And now? Now that life is longer, and still very brutal? And now that we all know plenty of stuff? Do we qualify as being wise, just due to having lived a long and brutal life, do you think?
  2. I do not read Russian, but I wish I did. Even though everyone is upset by current events, still I do not burn my Russian books. What really bothers me is having so many different translations of Russian books. There must be thousands of translations of Russian books, over the years, and which is the best one; one wishes one knew. I have read a few translations of Russian books, and not one can explain current affairs. The thing that disturbs me more than the translations of Russian books is that Putin remains inscrutable, and there is no easy way to translate him. The only thing I know about Putin is that he loves to ride horses. I have never ridden a horse. And, I have never ridden a horse bareback while riding bare-chested. Maybe, this is just something Russian, which I missed in translation. The most powerful man in the world, perhaps, might be the craziest man in the world. Who knows what is in the mind of a man on a horse without a shirt...... Some of you might think Putin extremely sexy, and you would not be mistaken. Putin is sexy, for sure.
  3. All I am saying is that, before the so-called Internet, there was ARPANET. And, during the days of ARPANET, long, long ago, while in Asia, things were not the same as they are now. During the days of ARPANET, men like me were considered rather exotic, by some girls. And, now, those days are long gone.
  4. What I mean is that, if you don't act on your fantasies, while you are young, then, when you reach my age, you just might wish you had. Therefore, if you might possibly think that sleeping with two women is something that you sometimes dream about....then...you should. In my case, I slept with two women for many months. Every day, during those many months, was good. But, of course, I slept with one Chinese woman and one Korean woman, and probably it was this multicultural experience which contributed to my overall positive outcome. In fact, there is nothing better than sleeping with two women, unless it might be sleeping with three. (By the way: I am not just blowing hot wind, here. I am just recalling a true experience I had during a time in my life, when I was young.) Please note: Those two girls were so fine, and so nice, and so good. Really nice women. That was in 1982. We were all the same age, just having fun.
  5. How do you deal with fear of complete annihilation? Do you just laugh at it? Do you laugh in the face of fear? Anyone my age knows about years and years of worrying about the very real prospect of annihilation of our species, or even life in total, except maybe for organisms which live deep below the surface of the planet. Whether or not microbes live deep down there. Who knows. Many years ago, even before Nagasaki, we knew that we were entering the Age of Anxiety. Most people, when faced with an undeniable existential prospect, enter into a state of denial. But for you, those who are able to actually consider the end of Homo Sapiens on Earth, how do you deal with this anxiety-provoking prospect, and this resultant angst? For example, do you watch movies in order to divert your attention from the prospect of impending doom? What defense mechanisms work best for you? Just wondering.....
  6. At the time, sleeping with two women seemed fairly normal to me. We shared a small room for many months. Now that I am old, I recall these experiences of my youth, which don't even seem odd to me, now.. One girl was my GF, and the other was the just a friend. At the time, all seemed fairly normal. Two women seemed right, back then. No jealousy to speak of. I can recommend three choices for sleeping with women or not sleeping with women: aa. Sleep with one woman, and eventually get into trouble due to jealousy, for example. bb. Sleep simultaneously with two women and enjoy talking with each other before bed, and while bedding. cc. Live alone with no woman, and avoid the chitchat. Anyway, if you are young enough, and in Asia, the best thing to do is to find two women willing to sleep with you, and to be your friend. In my case, these two women are still my friend. Regards, Note: However, since this is a true story, and not a fairy tale, something happened to one of these girls, and it is not nice. Sometimes, what seems so good when one is young can end up not so good. Life is like this. I won't say what happened to one of these very nice girls. Still, sleeping with two women is better than sleeping with one, in my opinion. Some say that this is not true. But, anyone who says this is either full of baloney or has never tried it.
  7. Not always... The Dandies on the Links, are just so.....idiotic. Their golfing attire, their cleats on their shoes, and just about everything about them is just so..... Ridiculous.
  8. Maybe the gods did not consider playing golf to be of any importance in this life of ours. Perhaps, the gods wished us to spend our time in other more fruitful ways.
  9. In fact, most of us live our lives as if we expect to live forever. Maybe, this is a good thing. If we were to overly dwell upon our impending demise, then maybe not much would get done. And, also, if we were to become overly concerned with the Doomsday Clock, then, too, we would not be able to move forward, perhaps. Now....it is almost 2525....right? Sorry, I meant, it is almost 2025. Whatever......
  10. By the way, if you do not mind my saying, one can use any good tune for one's purpose. Here is an example: The Republican Party (USA) once used a tune from the Stones for their political campaign, even though the Stones did not agree with its use for this purpose. So.... Anyway, as you know, I was only talking about brown-skinned women, women who are not actually so brown. Personally, I love brown-skinned women. What about you? Would you even be here if you did not? Everybody knows the girls here are just the best. Right?
  11. Jet Black? Stranglers, maybe? And, does it even matter if one might listen to the music and use this music in order to enhance one's love of the skin tone one loves best? Anyway, golden brown is the best, for me, and many who visit here. (As for me, Golden Brown is better than Jet Black. Each to his or her own, of course.)
  12. Keith loved The Stranglers. There is a story behind his love of the Stranglers. A story which I read many years ago. Personally, I love the Golden Brown tune from the Stranglers. I have ALWAYS loved Golden Brown. There has never been even one day when I did not love Golden Brown. If you want to find Golden Brown, then you know you must come here to Thailand. Brown Eyes, and Golden Brown. You can not find this combination anywhere else but here. Never a frown here. All smiles.
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