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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. OK. Let us further stipulate, for purposes of this discussion, that China had improved its anti-satellite missile capability, and had destroyed all GPS satellites in low-Earth orbit, high-Earth orbit, and everywhere. Or, let us contemplate the very real possibility that increasing space junk had wiped out all satellite communications. Then, in this case, under these conditions, can we please just reply to the question posed in the posting, above? Happy New Year to you. And, Happy New Year to everybody on TV. Best Glob
  2. Here is my New Year's Question, my Dear Friends, one about which I have been puzzling throughout lockdown in 2021.... Let us say that one, be he a "musher" or a "butter boy", finds himself or herself suddenly plopped down in BKK, then just how long would it take for an expert carriage driver, a true hack, to easily learn the lay of the land, in minute detail, and even better than most locals? And further, let us stipulate, for argument's sake, that this driver had already had 25 years intensive experience on London's roads, during which time he/she had developed the part of the brain, significantly, which makes learning maps, as well as other spatial skills involving orientation, far easier. Being a scientist at heart, one who loves questions involving learning, and one who misses my time at university researching mazes by running white furry things through them, I am interested in this question. London hackney-carriage drivers are always polite, and always know where they are going, even if you might not. Maybe this is one of the greatest things we have left, from the old world, the more gentile world, a world I miss. The brain is a very plastic thing. After 25 years driving in London, then would not BKK be a piece of cake?
  3. This price, I DO know. Last year, broccoli was 50Bt. per kilo. And, the broccoli was from China. So, my question was... Why has broccoli tripled in price so fast? I love broccoli, as I am sure you do, as well. Thank you.
  4. Although it was not I that first broached the Straw Dogs tangent here, I cannot but feel thankful that somebody did. This film is sort of on topic. This film was, in 1971, a first of its kind. A first of the home break-in films which are now so popular. And, a first for extreme violence in a non-gratuitous way, Maybe, even the precursor to Kubrick's violence in A Clockwork Orange. But the most interesting for some viewers is the filming location, as done over 50 years ago. And one more thing, of course is this woman: This actress was perfectly cast alongside of Hoffman. There can be no remake of this film which could measure up to the 1971 production. Good things never come round again.
  5. These days, almost everything one consumes in America originates from corn. Even the milk one drinks is from corn. And so, one might say, we truly are... the children of the corn......
  6. Speaking of Straw Dogs.... Once you find your perfect girl.... Then you gotta protect her from others who might also want her. Very stressful:
  7. Most of us have read the true account, Sailing Alone Around the World, by Joshua Slocum. If not, you can read it for free on Guttenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/6317 The most interesting fact is that Slocum, a very skilled seaman, went to sea once more, and never returned. Everybody, hence, has wondered about where he went, and why he chose never to return. https://www.nytimes.com/1975/01/12/archives/the-legendary-slocum-sailed-alone-after-a-successful-start-slocum.html The above link is to the article of January 12, 1975, by Walter Teller. If you can access this article, then you will not be disappointed. But, what this NYT article does not mention is the theory that Slocum may have sailed to the coast of Thailand, fallen in love with someone, and then may have decided to never leave. This theory is entirely plausible. It has happened to others, for example, such as those like you. Slocum may have fallen in love with a Thai woman, probably half his age. This is the best explanation for his disappearance from The Western world. If you have not yet read Slocum's book regarding circumnavigation, singlehanded, then you are missing out on an amazing account. What better use of your time can you think of? Regards, Glob Note: If you have not yet read this account, then I wonder why. On Amazon, you can buy this book for big bucks. Or, on Gutenberg, you can read this account for free. Sailing Alone Around the World by Joshua Slocum
  8. And, why would you cut your toenails? Toenails are now too far away to be cut, or to even be thought about, often.
  9. Does this include sugar from corn? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corn_syrup#:~:text=2 Uses-,Commercial preparation,chemist Gottlieb Kirchhoff in 1811. Judging by some guys in the deep south of the USA, I guess some people use a whole tank car of corn syrup, per year, and think nothing of it. Maybe you love ice cream Maybe you love sugary drinks Maybe you love ketchup with sugar But, all I can tell you is that..... Lips that touch sugar shall never touch mine.
  10. "Also, all the townies decide to go driving in the country" I wish you knew what "townies" actually are.
  11. Not really. If you wish my true thinking about American breakfast cereal consumption, this can best be summed up in this video...which...all children should read, all children young and old. This is a gift from Santa....
  12. YES! I totally AGREE. Leftovers are the very best tasting, the morning after. Why? Well, the flavors tend to enhance after a few hours, and this is why leftovers often just taste better. Porridge is wonderful, too, of course. Completely agree with you. (However, I am not sure that I agree with you that steak, bacon, etc, causes bowel cancer, in moderation. I think that the available data just does not yet demonstrate the connection, yet.) Enjoy your porridge! Far better than cold cereal with milk, and a ton of sugar, for sure.
  13. The main problem with American-style Kellogg's breakfast cereal fare is that it turns out to be mostly just another way of consuming huge amounts of sugar in the morning, which is harmful to children and adults, alike. The ads on TV are unstoppable and ever-present, and almost as harmful as cigarettes, one might guess. Instead of breakfast cereal in the morning, here is what i do: I broil a large chicken breast, with crispy skin, which is quite tasty. (20 minutes in a convection oven) I steam a large chunk of broccoli. I consume the above with a large bowl of steamed rice. All washed down with a large glass of Chinese tea. This makes a nice breakfast. I would prefer a leg of lamb, but lamb is expensive here. ==== Has anyone noticed that the price of broccoli has risen by threefold during recent months, from 50Bt. to 150Bt? Why is broccoli so expensive these days? Anybody know?
  14. These days, class is a thing of the past. And, so why is Pie and Mash still among the favorite dishes popular with the former working class on the beaches of Thailand? Comfort food should never be shunned, even in polite company. Eels are expensive in Tokyo, for example. Pie and Mash is dynamite food. However, can anyone explain why people in Thailand eat breakfast cereals, such as those loved by John Harvey Kellogg? Kellogg was a very irregular guy overly fixated on regularity. Even the sound of his name makes me feel queasy during breakfast. Kellogg is a case of one of the rare men who actually deserved Freudian psychotherapy. Just the thought of his cereals is enough to spoil one's good breakfast meal. Ham, bacon, beefsteak, sausage, fried eggs, with tea or coffee, and fried potato pancakes, is the best breakfast. Kellogg was a nitwit zealot who destroyed many generations of fine breakfasts for millions of the gullible.
  15. So far, I have not found one. Maybe this is just a matter of my own form of confirmation bias causing me to never find even one.
  16. Neither drunk, nor completely suffering from dementia, I am STILL very worried about my cognitive decline during these long days of extended social isolation, for sure! In fact, we are just beginning to see peer-reviewed research, these recent days, concerning the true impact of the Wuhan Virus on society, in so many ways. For example, social isolation in mice and men demonstrates that the impact of social isolation can cause atrophy of glial cells, etc, etc, etc.... We should take this seriously, because, in fact, this WuHan virus will continue to cause deleterious effects for generations to come. Mark my words, my friend. The important research on this significant topic has only just begun. Please stay tuned.
  17. My Dear Friends, Anthony Hopkins, a man from Wales, is my kind of actor. Although I did not get much out of Hannibal Lecter, I was smitten by his performance in the film, The Remains of the Day. And now, although he has not topped this film, he has turned in another similarly stunning performance, towards the end of his own life, in the film, The Father. This is a film which spooks us even more than his Hannibal character. After watching Hopkins in his Father film, I think I will never be the same. So, what do you think about this film? Will you ever rest again so easy? What will happen to you if you suddenly lose your mind when you least expect it? I don't know about you, but I am thinking about taking out some extra Dementia Insurance. At the very least, I will think about doing some planning for this impending disaster. There are some good places in Thailand which cater to those with dementia, I have heard. For sure, I would not wish to return to the West, after being deep into my progress along the dementia track to no where land. There are better options here in Thailand, I would think. Too early for me to worry too much about this, at the moment, thankfully. However, this performance from Hopkins is one of his best. I have always admired Hopkins.
  18. Fire bugs are a bane on society. Hanging is too good for them, as you know. So much misery can be caused by just one fire bug. And, so much pleasure can be gained, just from being kind. Human behavior is irrational, in so many cases. However, on TV, at least, I find that most posters are better than on other sites. At least, we have several commonalities, and core interests, and this is the way it has always been, even from the establishment of this wonderful forum. Wishing you and your family a better year, after this New Year Holiday. Regards, Glob.
  19. This evening, beginning at about 10PM, I began noticing a resurgence of fireflies swarming, about 100 or more in my area. For me, the Lampyridae, the Lightning Bug, has always been a source of amazement, as it is for all children. Last year, I did not see them. Now, they are back, again. Maybe this is a sign of hope on many fronts. Maybe, seeing this bug means that I will, in the relatively near future, find a woman to share my pillow, off and on, like this flickering fly. Anytime I see fire flies, I always feel comforted.
  20. For example: Do you recall, so many years ago, when you read the great book, Great Expectations? Probably, while reading this book, you worried that Pip and Estella would never, ever hookup. But, in spite of the impossible situation, they were united happily, in the end. This is what I mean. After so many years of sleeping alone, who is to say that I, or someone like me, someone like you, will not again find solace in having a good woman to share your bed, before it is really too late.
  21. My Dear Friends, Recently, meaning during the past few years, and especially during the pandemic, I have begun to suspect that my days of Wine and Roses, and Pillowtalk, are days of the past, never to return. As one who loved being under the covers with a woman, any kind woman, if I were never to have this experience again, I find this realization difficult to bear. Looking ahead, I cannot envision any opportunity coming my way, one in which I might pull the sheets up over me, and find another person, a woman, sharing this cosy place beside me. So, what do you think? Does the seemingly impossible ever become possible? It is not a question of being woody, at least for me. I know this because, in the mornings, even while staring down the shadow of death, my staff is still hard enough to comfort me. No doubt, I am not the only one here who often thinks in this vein. Will we ever, once more, enjoy pillowtalk? I really do not know. But don't give up because, stranger things have taken place in our lives. We were meant to share our beds; this is a natural part of being caring human beings. So, what is your opinion? Will I ever share my bed, again? Will you? Good question, I think, for someone like me. Best regards, Glob
  22. Just to say, I have searched in all the same old places. And, almost in every case, the birds are tough. I once thought that free range chickens might be more delectable. But then, I learned that these birds can pick up and eat things that may not be desirable. Finding a tender chicken is not easy. One of the causes of rubbery chicken is overcooking the meat. Not all chicken is the same thickness. And so, not all chicken should be handled evenly. Probably, the worst is to have a rubbery chicken. Also, woody chicken can be a problem. If your chicken seems to be too woody, then avoid it. The severity of woody chicken increases as the chickens ages. Too much wood is not good for chickens. Should you find an overly woody chicken, then you can still solve the problem. Grab your meat mallet and go to town. https://greatist.com/eat/rubbery-chicken According to this article, in terms of tough chicken, there are no problems that cannot be solved using your meat mallet. No doubt.
  23. For our children, the successful launch of the Webb will mean much. Even more than peaches on the beaches. I had been worried that the French guys could not pull off the successful launch, but they did. I listened to the countdown in French, and then the Webb flew without a glitch. The French guys did a phenomenal job. Amazing. What does this mean for us in Thailand? Need you even ask? I have never walked on a beach in Thailand, not even one time. Maybe I do not know too much about suntanned women with string bikinis. Still, I do know something about peaches. Watching the tension and the cooperation between the guys in Guyana in the fishbowl, during launch, this provided me with a bit more hope than I had had, just before tuning into this major step forward for our next upcoming generation of young scientists. Because, it is truly necessary for our children to see major examples of international cooperation such as this. We do not launch major scientific projects for ourselves; because these major science experiments take 30 years. We get old and die before these pivotal experiments become fully online. We do these things for our children, strange as this might seem. But, not strange, really. Well, anyway, please check ignition, and may God's love be with you. Does anybody know? is it fission or fusion which creates heavier elements during reactions in our Sun and in other stars? I heard, somewhere, that we are made of stardust, Seems pretty unbelievable. Trump believes this. Joni Mitchell also believes this...
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