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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. If you are asking me to continue with my daydream and the novel I would write, then I would write some sort of fantasy about a westerner, two Thai women, and their journey to a small pristine island, suitable for cycling, an island which might originally have been part of Ruuchuu-kuku, where they befriended a Miyako-jima woman, and also, eventually, her friend from Tamara, and invited both the Myako-jima woman and her Tamara friend, to become a member of their small group, living by the sea in a stone house, protected from wind and waves. The novel itself would be written in three or four languages, English, Thai, Japanese, Shuri-Naha, as well as a smattering of Tamara, one of the most endangered languages, as you know. If I had time on my hands, I would write this fantasy novel about a westerner, two middle-aged Thai women, and another woman from Tamara. (Please note that some say Tarama, and others say Tamara. This is an endangered language, obviously.) Just beginning from this basic premise, I would flesh things out, easily. I wish I could write more about this, yet I fear becoming boring. The most distinctive feature of this novel is that up to four, maybe five, languages would be used to write this novel, with absolutely no help to the reader, other than an extensive glossary at the end, sort of like A Clockwork Orange, by Anthony Burgess. Yet, this novel would be long enough, maybe over 1000 pages, so that, by the time the reader had finished the final page of this novel, then the reader would be adequately fluent in all five languages. At least, this is my dream. Never say never, because I am sure this is possible. One only need to have a dream and believe.
  2. This is another good topic. Why do you, the outside observer, find it difficult to tell if a Thai person, I mean a Thai person immersed in the Thai culture, might be showing signs of depression. Let me answer this topical topic, topical, especially, during this period of the pandemic, a time of greater stress for everyone. OK. The real reason you find it difficult to know if a Thai person is depressed is this. There is quite a bit of social stigma against showing negative feelings, such as depression. This means that most people feel motivated to put on a happy face. Even if you were to ask a Thai person if they might be "feeling down today", they will deny it, adamantly. There is significant group pressure to NOT "bring the group down" by expressing negative thoughts or showing signs of a negative mood. I would even go so far as to say that it is impolite to try to pry into someone's private space by asking the question, "You seem a bit down today. May I talk with you about it? Can I help you feel better just through providing you with an opportunity to express and discuss what might be making you feel down, today?" Anytime you do this, as you take the approach of a westerner, you will never help the situation, as you might have intended with your good intentions. Let this be a lesson to those who marry a woman here. The western rules do not apply here in Thailand, in this case. I have read so many accounts from TV writers who are fresh off the boat from a western country, and run up against this depression thing, in their significant Thai others, and still find it hard to understand the dynamics of what is happening. I am not fresh off the boat. And, although I am always celibate, yet, even I can understand this easily understood dynamic. I am too busy to be a therapist for western guys with Thai GFs and wives. Also, I could not deal with the daily drama. Instead, I have chosen to just post these few words for your consideration. Best of luck to you. And, in my opinion, celibacy can't be beat.
  3. My advice to anyone, any farang, I mean, who chooses to live in Thailand: In order to avoid as much stress as possible, and to enjoy this paradise to the max, then... aa. Never drive. Period. I never drive. I always use either Grab or my own driver. In my opinion, Thai drivers, the good ones, are excellent. I never, ever, drive in Thailand. The reasons for not driving oneself are almost infinite. bb. Always be celibate in Thailand. Never drive in Thailand, and always be chaste, without exception. You would not believe how many problems and how much needless risk I have avoided just by steering clear of driving and steering clear of screwing for screwing's sake, without true love. Let this be a lesson to you, as well. Am I joking? NO!
  4. After slopping around in SEA for a while... and after observing what goes on here for a while, and thinking awhile? If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of ccrapp, but I don't feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth. Let me just say that this topic is near and dear to my heart, especially during this period in my life. Therefore, to answer this good question posted above, honestly speaking, here is what I would do, if I could: aa. I would put an ad on a few websites, seeking a Susan or two, preferably two nice young women of about ages 38 and 39. bb. Next, I would marry both of them, and both Thai women. But I would not marry both in Thailand. I would marry one in Thailand and then another in a different country. cc. And then, I would buy airline tickets for all three of us, bound for Miyako-jima. Miyako-jima is a pristine island with beautiful scenery, and remote. Miyako-jima is the perfect place for cycling, as well, which some of you might already know. No cars, mostly, the island is perfect for cycling. And, one never fear that one's shopping bike might be lifted. dd. I would buy a small house with three bedrooms, and a hot tub big enough to fit three while stretched out floating comfortably together. ee. Together, me and my mates would cook all the best Thai food with ingredients grown on our small property. In Miyako-jima, the peppers are HOT, and the spices are spicy. ff. During the summer months, we would sit together and enjoy the occasional typhoons which often pass by. Even the super typhoons would be our pleasure. The infrastructure on Miyako-jima is almost completely impervious to typhoons, and the internet stays up and working even during the fiercest winds and waves. Super Typhoons have always been something for me to look forward to, and I enjoy a locale where I can see about five or nine each year, from June through the beginning of October. gg. While not doing our typhoon watching, I would be writing something, maybe some sort of primer for learning Thai or English. Or, I might even write a novel, or two. It really would matter nothing to me if no one were to read it. I could write about my experiences in Thailand, or my experiences on TV, or almost anything, really. hh. I have a lot more to say about how grand my life would definitely be, just me and my two Thai women, on Miyako-jima. I love that place. I love the culture there. The beauty of the flowers there is magnificent. The infrastructure is totally up to snuff, too. ii. Most guys might not be able to hack living on such a remote island. Yet, with two Thai women to cook for me, and provide me with massages all day, and with an internet connection which is fast and never goes down, I would be OK. jj. Is this just an idle daydream? Would I ever really do this? Honestly? YES! ====== I really wish I could write more about this daydream, and the beauty to be found on Miyako-jima. However, I fear that, the more I ramble on, the more I may become less enchanted with my life here in Thailand. Sometimes, it is not so good to speculate, overly much, about just how green the grass is on the other side of the South China Sea, of the Taiwan Strait. Truly, Miyako-jima would be paradise for me, if only I could bring with me two good specimens from Thailand. I cannot live without Thai food, for sure. Also, I love Thai women...BIG Time. (I like this topic.)
  5. You "passed on"? And then, the Filipina nurse revived you?
  6. When you say "horror show", did you actually mean horrorshow, like in Nadsat? Because, in Nadsat, the term horrorshow means 'good'. Please be very careful when slinging around these terms. Thank you.
  7. Although I have no experience with Thai wives, Culturally speaking, and generalizing a bit, I would say that... One Taiwan wife = Five wives from the Philippines, maybe six. One American wife = One-third of a Chinese wife. One HK wife = two Chinese wives. Three Philippine wives = One American wife. One Kowloon wife = 0.8 Hong Kong wives. Therefore, please solve the above equations to arrive at the correct answer.
  8. Huge is not the problem. However, as hairy as you say you are, then, why not get waxed?
  9. Still, after death, fortunately, we will feel no regret for not having exercised. This is the beauty of the after-life. No regrets.
  10. Anything but that shade of green is preferable. And, once you pin the hog, then you can roast and eat him, too. Reminds me of the Hitchcock film, "Rope", In so many ways.
  11. Why exercise, anyway, Knowing that we all must die, Sometime?
  12. This is not you. You just copied this infamous image from the internet, without proper attribution, which is another sin in itself. But I can tell you that, whoever was wearing this green thing, in public, if we had any sort of just world in Salem, he would be first put in stocks, and then housed in a cage, no more than one cubic meter in volume, and kept out in the noonday sun. And then, we would offer him redemption while relaxing on a pillory. Otherwise, take off that green thing, anoint yourself with olive oil, and be prepared to wrestle.
  13. No way. This is too green. And, too disgusting. And, too hairy. And, we have seen this type of thing, before, during a holiday in Thailand, which was disgusting behavior. Personally, if I might be so bold to say, I dislike men.
  14. No. I mean that they should just work in the salt mines, underground. Working in a salt mine has always been seen as associated with slave labor. Therefore, let the preppers go underground, and may they work like Roman slaves in the salt mines. Each to his own. Although I do not understand their logic, yet I welcome even the thought of it. Just knowing that preppers will be UNDERGROUND in holes gives me some satisfaction.
  15. As I have already mentioned, the least we can do on this forum is to be both respectful and polite.
  16. Re WW3: "The lucky ones will be those who die more quickly." This is not a joke. Chomsky stated this. He is correct. Therefore, if you do not like the PREPPER people, then, at least, you know that they will be the ones to have it most difficult when WW3 breaks out. The preppers will be the last to die, and, consequently, they will be the ones to suffer most. And, in my humble opinion, it is the preppers who DESERVE to suffer most.
  17. In fact, and this is so true, the older we get, the more our skin becomes more tender and sensitive. And this causes us to shed as much clothing as possible during the day. Naturally, if you are on the HK or London underground, then you must wear more than an apron. Or, don't you. The HK underground will definitely kick you off unless you are fully clothed.
  18. Sometimes, in Pattaya, the girls always say, "I don't care about World War Three. I just want to die in the arms of my lover from America." And, maybe they soon will. Logically speaking, these Pattaya bar girls and hookers are behaving more logically than the rest of us. At the very least, when the world ends, a significant number of them will die in the arms of their beloveds. So much happier than the rest of us.
  19. WW3 is always a possibility, every minute of the day, 24/7. This is the way it has been since before you were born. What more do you need to know? Need to know more? Sometimes, I must laugh. Because, young people, ages 30 to 50, always ask, the same questions: Is there such a thing as reality? Yes. In fact, there IS such a thing as REALITY, and reality does exist. There are physical consequences which are governed by Physics. This is NOT a Joke. Only in several countries, do people think that Chomsky is a joke. Anyway, it ups to you to have your opinion. Ups to you!!!!
  20. Anyway, if this topic is about finding good clothes in LARGE sizes, I would say that the best place to shop is in the USA, on line, and ship to Thailand. Atlanta might be a good place to shop. Atlanta is an upper-class city with huge people. But, if you really need BIG, then maybe Mississippi, if you can even spell the name of this state. OR, if you wish that distinctive hillbilly style, then you can find some loose clothes fit for elephants in Alabama. It's up to you to decide where to shop. Just remember: Sugar is Bad. Exercise is Good.
  21. I really do not know why some guys are so worried about this topic's question, the proper fitting of clothes. I mean, really, I have been living most of my life with clothes that do not fit. When I left the West for the East, I gave up on clothes that fit me right. Nothing fit. My shoes did not fit. My collars never fit. My trousers did not fit. The only thing that really fit for me, snugly, was the bit that really counted. This is why, even though your clothes might not fit right here, still... After you turn out the lights, and you lie down together, and you slip it in... Then, the two parts that fit will become most important to you, at least for an hour. I know, some guys who have never come to Asia might wonder if things fit right, over here. In fact, they fit fine. I have, in fact, never experienced a poor fit.
  22. Blind Faith is now age-restricted???? Such a Mixed Up Muddled Up World we now live in...
  23. I knew there were others like me of similar persuasion. We are living in a very hot climate, getting hotter by the year. And, therefore, why not just be comfortable when there is no one to see. Just go naked inside one's own house. Do what you like!
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