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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. But when you say some drink to remember..... Then.... There is only one song:
  2. STILL: Your words, as usual, are spot on. Unfortunately, what you say is true.
  3. And, yet... You have already internalized, so much, both Americanisms, terminology, and Pop Culture. DEFCON you say? Where in the world did you come up with this terminology? Dr. Stangelove? Or, are you a secret member of SAC, hiding out, downunder?
  4. BS does not stand up, under scrutiny, to the Scientific Method. Anyway, Known Truths are always just an approximation of reality. Maybe you should invest in a BS Meter.
  5. The evolution of this Topic is just another perfect proof of the existence of Entropy. Digression is often informative. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is forever immutable.
  6. Expats should first learn English. Obviously, English is a more difficult language to learn, compared to passa Thai. Baby Steps!
  7. No! Again, Sir, you have got things bass ackwards! It is only the Aussies who still maintain such a high opinion of Americans... So sad, really... The only remaining question might be whether or not Americans should feel flattered.
  8. I suspect that Australians know only as much as Americans are willing to tell them, at any given time. Still, no matter what Prism might be, Peter Lorre was an amazingly versatile actor, while he was alive.
  9. I would further submit that guys from Australia don't know how to tell a joke, unless it might be a very lame one. Maybe a joke about some billabong, or some Coolibah tree. You say that Australians know what dry humor and satire might be. However, in fact, you guys, down under, are just too polite to understand satire. You guys are just too polite, sir.
  10. I suspect Twain is unintelligible to guys where you live, simply because, in Australia, you don't have even one river wide enough, long enough, deep enough, to float a decent-size riverboat.
  11. The beauty of the Internet, and sites like The Pirate Bay, is that you can play whatever you like. But, if you must put this interview out here, you probably have never even watched, "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman". And, even if you watched Louise Lasser, would somebody from where you are from, even understand satire if it came from above the equator? I have watched Australian TV, and I do not understand it. Therefore, no hard feelings... TIT FOR TAT, my friend. You watch yours, and we thinking people will watch ours. No worries.
  12. Yes. I recently watched his performance in a 45-minute television episode of Kraft Suspense Theatre, "The End of the World, Baby", with Gig Young. One might say that Peter Lorre was the spice that spiced up the films he appeared in. And yet, he was often thought of as being second fiddle, which he was not.
  13. Peter Lorre, through sheer force of will, turned himself into a superstar on film. Peter Lorre was both ugly and from Austria. Arnold Schwarzenegger was both ugly and from Austria. .and eventually was elected governor of a major state on the west coast of the USA. Both men overcame their ugliness, same as Balzac, to go down in history as two of the more famous of ugly men. And, if either one visited Pattaya, they both would have been called handsome. How ugly, maybe, might one need to be, in order to not be called handsome in Thailand? Maybe this ugly?
  14. Dear Friends, Who was Peter Lorre? Who is he, REALLY? Peter was a small man in stature, but he stood Ten Feet Tall, in my opinion. From where did he originate? Why was he such an iconic figure in film? Strangely, when he began in film, he was unable to speak English or Thai. Lorre had a presence about him which overcame qualities about him which might have stopped lesser men. Maybe it was his bulging eyes. Peter Lorre died at age 59. But, for a time, he was married to this girl: A story like this could only happen in Hollywood. What is real, anyway, unless one sees it, and validates it, on the silver screen? So, what does Peter Lorre have to do with Asia? Think Mr. Moto. Think, political correctness, as we always do, on this great forum. Such Nostalgia. Thank you, Mr. Moto. Thank you, Mr. Moto. Everybody loves the real Asia. Regards, Gamma
  15. I have always known that you are a philosopher with a twist. And, what makes your twist worth reading, and worth reading often, is that your twist is positive. You never write directly, but only obliquely, which is the only way to write, IMHO. I would not say that you are speaking in riddles, here, for sure. And, as you say, any mishap, worth its salt, should be lifechanging. Regards, Gamma
  16. Neigh! Exceedingly even tempered, I know. Now, please open your mouth so we all can calculate your worth. Take care, my friend!
  17. Schizophrenia and resultant hallucinations and/or delusions. It's bad.
  18. A word to the wise about visiting some restaurants in China, namely a few I frequented at universities. During just one semester, I fractured five teeth in China, eating at a university cafeteria. a. When the rice comes into the kitchen, the staff do not properly wash the rice. b. Sometimes/fairly often, there exist small pebbles mixed in with the cooked rice. c. When you chomp down, hard, on a small pebble in your rice, you can be assured of fracturing a tooth. d. Obviously, biting down on pebbles cannot be good for dental prostheses, either. e. By the way, I must apologize for spelling the word inplant/implant, both ways. The proper term is, of course, implant, obviously, because it is implanted in the bone. f. Just be careful when in China, or maybe other places, when eating suspect rice. Just one tiny pebble can fracture a tooth, and then cost you about....say....Bt.20,000, or more, depending. g. Feel free, while in Thailand, to eat as much rice as you want, without fear. Thai cooks use properly sorted rice. And they are careful when they wash the rice, as well. h. ALWAYS eat Jasmine Rice. But, I would never eat the Jasmine Rice from India. And, Champagne comes from only one place in France, too. j. I have heard that Xi might pass some law to rid Chinese rice of pebbles. Edicts from Xi always turn out well.
  19. Your comment is entirely correct about fluoridation, and people around the world should take heed. But, I also wonder what it is that makes people from Australia so even tempered, and likeable. Is it the pure water that you mentioned in your comment?
  20. Well, then what is your opinion of contrails?
  21. Years ago in Asia, I brushed with racist toothpaste. It got my teeth sparkling white. My teeth even had a shine.
  22. Let this be a lesson to all children. Your teeth will outlive you if you religiously practice recommended dental hygiene throughout your lives. Personally, I require two dental implants And, once I get the inplants, then I will purchase various colors of prosthetic teeth to attach to each inplant. Gold for China. White for America. Silver for the UK. Red for when I chew betelnuts. And, so on.
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