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Everything posted by Longwood50

  1. Who is Bob Smith and how would I find him.
  2. I have talked directly to Oppo. They use Colos OS on Oneplus phones in China.
  3. It is my understanding that there is an international version, a Chinese version called Color OS and Oxygen. The Chinese version comes with Color OS so somebody flashed the phone I bought to Oxygen. Oxygen does not allow remote access. Color OS does. Oppo which has several brands including Oneplus has a download that indicates it will flash the Oxygen OS to Color OS. I have downloaded it. Everything works great until you plug in the phone to the computer using a USB cord. It says phone not connected. However when I go to my file explorer the phone shows as an external drive. It is clearly labeled as oneplus 12. I can open the internal storage on the phone and view the files. So it definitely is connected. There has to be something that needs to be changed in the phone settings so that the OTS update program from vivo recognizes the phone.
  4. I don't think that is technically true. My phone says in the error message that it is Chinese. I think that the phone was flashed to Oxygen OS and that originally it came with Color 12. The problem with the international version is that it does not allow software updates. This Oxygen OS does allow updates since I have already received one notice of a download.
  5. That is possible but I used the new USB cable that came with the phone. The PC recognizes the phone. It is in the device manager, and it shows in My PC as an external. In terms of the bootloader. I did what the instructions said. I went into developer mode and enabled USB debugging. That is the only instructions the program provided. So, I don't think it is a bad cable. I think for whatever reason the program just can't pick up on the phone being connected.
  6. Yes it has oxygen on it. I need to go to Color 12 os. I found the transfer program but it does not recognize the phone as connected. The pc says it's connected but the conversion program says phone is not connected.
  7. I purchased a phone on Shopee. I assumed it would be operational in Thailand. I now find it has Chinese operating system and it must be flashed to a different operating system. I am in Pattaya. Before everyone suggests going to Tuk Com in Pattaya. I have been there and to the OPPO service center. Oneplus is a vivo, OPPO, brand. The service center refuses to do because it is not a phone purchased in Thailand. The 5 Tuk Com stores all found it easier to just say no. The software conversion is available online but I need a technician to install. Does anyone know someone skilled with flashing operating systems on cell phones.
  8. No not true. If you order from Shopee or Lazada items shipped from overseas go through customs and larger items through the port. They are delivered to your home. You can have the overseas shipper arrange door to door but it is much more expensive than having the item shipped to the port and you being responsible for final delivery.
  9. I have a couple of small tables coming it to the port. I am wondering how to get the tables from the shipping port to Pattaya. I see lots of listings on Google for those peple who are taking containers in. I only have a coffee table and console table. I am sure there are services who do it but can't find one. Can anyone suggest a service or p;lace to look.
  10. Asking a Thai for a recommendation is like trying to nail Jello to a wall.
  11. I am building a new home and have a well. The water is cloudy so I know I need a filter for that. Before investing in a filtration system, I would like to have the water tested. I have run into the cheap labs that for 500 baht do virtually nothing and those that start at 7,000 baht for a routine battery of tests. I have tried Google Yes many times. It is worthless in Thailand trying to find. Does someone have the name of a lab that they know charges a reasonable fee to test for the following: I am located in Pattaya but can mail anyplace. pH, Turbidity, Color, Total Iron, Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Sulfate, Chloride, Fluoride, Nitrate, Total Hardness, Non Carbonate Hardness, <removed>, Arsenic, Cyanide, Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Selenium, Standard Plate Count, Coliform Bacteria, E.Coli
  12. Install wall outlets, lights, fans, put in load center
  13. I am in Pattaya. I am wondering if anyone in this group can recommend a good electrician and a good plumber to finish installing fixtures and outlets in a nearly completed home.
  14. I would normally agree that is the way it should work. I am told however since I am building the home in a company name I am supposedly responsible for the wage withholding. My accountant said, that my contractor is required to withhold 3% from all of his sub contractors and pay it. I in turn am supposed to withhold 3% from him. I commented that is impossible. I can't obtain their names and ID's. I would also have no idea what he paid them. If I withhold 3% of what I pay my contractor, he is shortchanged since he would be charging me more than what he is paying his subs.
  15. I am building a new home. I have been told by both my attorney and my accountant that by law I am supposed to withhold 3% and pay withholding for the labor. I understand the law I am questioning from a practical standpoint how that actually works in the real world. I am supposed to pay the government 3% for the labor and file with the ID's of the persons I am paying the withholding for. So hypothetically if I get an invoice from my builder and it says 100,000 baht for labor am I really supposed to get the ID cards from every worker and file with the government. Also, I have used companies such as SCG to perform certain tasks like the roof and truss. Do you really withhold and get ID's from their workers also. From a legal standpoint I understand the law. However from a practical standpoint can someone say how it works in reality. I just can't imagine how actually doing so would be feasible.
  16. Yes, I agree. Now it should be that the prime minister gathers the heads of those ministries together and decide on a cohesive and coordinated policy.
  17. At the same time they are proposing a tax to enter Thailand. Not that it is a huge amount but you would think that you either are adopting policies to encourage tourism or those that are intended to curb tourism but not both at the same time.
  18. I see so many different brands and models. I am building a home and will need upwards of 50 wall outlets. Plus wall toggle switches and dimmers. There is a large price difference. What would be a good brand and model. Also do you buy a more premium model for the kitchen area where you likely will get a higher electric draw from cooktop, stove, and microwave
  19. 97 - 95 equals 2. That is the difference. High performance cars require high octane. In the USA 89 is considered regular and 91 premium. Here 91 is regular and 95 premium. Unless you have a high performance car 91 should be all that is required to meet your engine requirements. Check your owners manual or inside your gas cap often tells you the minimum octane needed.
  20. From 2020 until about 2022 Covid dominated the news. We got death counts second by second and Nostradamus like predictions of the impeding end of human life. I said at the time. It is a virus. The world has never been able to stop the spread of virus infections. This one was no different. We are now finding out that the "cure" or "prevention" with the vaccines as should be expected had its own unintended negative side effects. In the end Sweden who did absolutely nothing had lower cases per million than neighboring Finland, and Norway who were widely praised in the beginning for their tight Covid precautions. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
  21. For two years the media headlines and TV news were essentially "chicken littles" with the sky is falling. All because of Covid. Now suddenly nothing has changed. No one is worrying about where to get their next Covid shot. Few if any are wearing masks. there are no restrictions to travel due to Covid. The result. Covid was just like any other infectious disease. Some people will get it, others will not. Some will have severe health complications from it, others wont' But now the media is silent. I guess it is a good thing we shut the economies of the world down for two years and bankrupted millions of businesses and people to end up exactly where we were pre-covid.
  22. Some days I see what is happening around me and believe I am surrounded by idiots. Then upon further reflection I realize that it is not just on some days.
  23. Actually not. If I had wanted to ask an attorney I would have. I put on here because I don't have an attorney.
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