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Posts posted by Longwood50

  1. 1 minute ago, candide said:

    You obviously did not pay attention to the content of the emails found. It was not about spitting money to be received, it was about becoming a shareholder of the JV. When you create a JV as shareholder, you INVEST money, not receive money. On top of it, the JV has been effectively created and officially registered. Joe Biden was not a shareholder of this JV.

    So all your "if" are pointless.

    I didn't realize that you had such inside information on the entirety of what is on the computer.  

    I suggest we know only a smattering of what is or is not on that computer. 

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

    Yes, and if my uncle had had a penis he'd be my aunt.

    Edited 4 minutes ago by Phoenix Rising

    I was replying to the comment that only Hunter would be in legal trouble and his trouble is limited to only tax evasion.  First off we don't have complete knowledge of what is on that computer.  Secondly, if any of the money went to Joe Biden his troubles exceed just not paying taxes because he would be receiving those monies because of his political position.  There are a myriad of charges that could arise from that. 


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  3. 8 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I suggest you go read up on Chain of Custody and what particular problems it is intended to address.

    Oh, so according to you, if the FBI came into Trumps Mar Largo estate and took information from boxes that it could not be used against him because they could not prove chain of custody from the time the documents left the government

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  4. On 12/25/2022 at 10:44 AM, ozimoron said:

    At best it might lead to an IRS charge for dodging taxes but that's not really the hill the GOP should choose to die on.

    Its so good you know so much about what is on that laptop to make that assertion.  Now let me point out that if Hunter Biden received money that was not declared that would be tax evasion.  If Joe Biden is the "big guy" and he also is found to have taken the money, he is guilty of both tax evasion, extortion, money laundering, and taking a bribe.  

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  5. On 11/22/2022 at 7:59 AM, Chomper Higgot said:

    And in the months this laptop was allegedly abandoned?

    Which part of the experts at least so far have said that the information on the laptop was not planted or altered.  Perhaps you are no computer expert but the fact is there are forensic experts that can tell if any data on a computer was altered or manipulated.  

    Using your logic a murder weapon with DNA on it could not be turned in as evidence because you could not prove the chain of custody from the time it was used in the murder to when it was turned in.  


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  6. 1 hour ago, ozimoron said:

    These very old figures hide the real problem. The rich pay a far lower burden of tax than the rest. For even more shocking figures, read down the article to see what corporations pay.

    These are 2020 figures  DUH 


    A tax on a business is no different than rent, utilities, insurance, wages, advertising etc.  IT GETS BAKED INTO THE PRICE OF THE GOODS AND SERVICES that business provides.  

    Maakro here pays VAT to the government.  You didn't.  But wait, that VAT is added to your bill.

    When you fill up with gasoline, you didn't pay the fuel tax to Thailand the service station did.  So did the business pay or did you. 

    The fact is the top 5% pay more than the bottom 90%  With a standard deduction now $25,900 anyone earning less than that PAYS NOTHING. 





  7. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Actually I agree with "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" as long as the "from each" part is actually done. Problem now in western society IMO is that too many give nothing but still expect to get ( and do get ).

    You are as Reagan described when he said.  It isn't that our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant.  They just know so much that isn't true"

    The top 10% of all income earners paid MORE THAN THE BOTTON 90%.





  8. 24 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    And fossil fuels are completely clean, requiring no transformers, no cables.

    No fossil fuels are not completely clean.  However if you remember I said we are trading one form of pollution for another.  Those who think their electric car is somehow saving the enviorment forget about the fact that 500,000 gallons of water are required to mine just 1 ton of lithium with is enough to only produce 190,000 cell phones.  They are still using electricity which is generated predomintely by coal, natural gas, and nuclear.  The generation of that electricity creates pollution and its transmission likewise has pollution associated with it.  

    So does the drilling for oil, its distilling to gasoline, and its trucking to service station.  However it is a fool who thinks that somehow electric vehicles and the generation of electricity is not without associated pollution. 

    Here is the link 


  9. 11 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Explain what pollution is created in energy transmission?


    1. if you have wind, solar, or hydro electric.  Did you ever consider the pollution created by the construction of the solar panels, wind turbines, or hydro electric dam.

    2. That power is created in a region often far away from the electric power company that has the grid to distribute it to home or business.  Maybe you have not noticed the poles that are strung to hang the electric wires. 

    3. Those poles then have transformers The World Health Organization cautions that those who live within a mile of a high voltage transformer could develop neurological disorders. Exposure to electromagnetic field waves, even weak ones, can impair the brain's chemical balance and ability of the immune system to fight diseases.

    4.  Those transformers have oil which is mostly polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) which is responsible for producing toxicity in humans. Chronic exposure with PCB may cause some toxicity such as hepatotoxicity and neurotoxicity.


    5. Now perhaps again since you didn't notice the poles, you might have missed the wires hanging from the poles. The metal inside those wires is mostly Aluminum Steel which guess what has to be manufacturered and creates pollution to be produced. 

    6. Perhaps you missed it but those electric wires are coated.  That coating is 
    PVC is the most environmentally damaging plastic. The PVC lifecycle -- its production, use, and disposal -- results in the release of toxic, chlorine-based chemicals. These toxins are building up in the water, air and food chain.

    7. Energy from wind, solar, and hydroelectric is generated and if not used it is wasted.  Unlike hydrocarbons that can be stored, excess electricity sent to a power company can only be retained by the use of batteries.  Neither efficient, and extremely toxic to produce. 


  10. 16 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    Seen the price of oil lately? Under Biden's watch? That criticism has sailed.


    Oh you mean the price of oil at $75 to $80 a bargain.  Perhaps economics was not your best subject.  Of course prices of oil go down when you have a weak economy.  So are you suggesting Biden should get credit for the low prices because he tanked the economy. 


    That is like saying the house was full of termites but he exterminated them by burning the house down. 


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  11. 18 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    Since the FY 2020 and FY2021 Federal budgets were passed while Trump was in office, it looks like spending skyrocketed under Trump.

    Oh there is no question that Trump like the presidents before him was no fiscal dove.  However this is like a snowball running down a hill.  The deficits and spending keep increasing.  As to inflation, the only thing you can say is that it was low during the Trump years.  Whether he was responsible for that or it was purely lucky, is up for debate. 
    As to Biden, his spending has outstripped Trump and certainly these huge "stimulus" bills are nothing more than throwing gasoline on a fire. 

    Certainly a major reason for the inflation is the huge run up in oil.  Biden and the Democrats position on oil was a significant factor in the oil price going up.  He killed the Keystone Pipeline, he cancelled some existing leases for oil exploration and placed a moratorium on signing new leases.  That told the oil markets that the USA which was a net exporter of oil would now have to purchase it and it started the spiraling of oil prices up.  Oil goes into almost every product that is produced and certainly is used for every product that has to be transported. 


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  12. 41 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    Does spending money that generates inflation also apply to Trump's $2.5 trillion gift to the rich? Or is that trickle down economics? 

    Now Ozimoron, under which president did the SPENDING skyrocket. It is not a lack of tax revenue we are now approaching 50% for all Federal, State, and Local tax receipts.  It is no matter how much is collected the government spends more.  That creates inflation.  Now the top half of wage earners already pay 97% of the taxes how much more do you want?  Now at the point where taxes become so confiscatory at the top levels that there is no point in being productive, those who previously earned the large incomes have ZERO INCENTIVE to produce. 











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  13. 3 hours ago, ozimoron said:

    Next time someone says the Civil War wasn’t about slavery, show them this

    Try showing them this. Or don't you believe the words of Lincoln who was the person responsible for declaring the civil war as to what his objective was. 

    This letter was written as a response to Horace Greely asking the President to declare emancipation as the reason for the war.  Now if the purpose from the onset was to free the slaves WHY WOULD GREELY IN AN OPEN LETTER ENCOURAGE THE PRESIDENT TO DECLARE IT SO. 

    The fact is the war was strictly on economic and states rights issues.  However killing ones brothers to preserve the tarrifs that protected the industry of the Northern States was hardly as sympathetic reason as freeing enslaved men.  Hence the revisionist history that ignores the facts. 
    While Lincoln waited for his generals to secure a victory, New York Tribune editor Horace Greeley provided Lincoln with an opportunity to test public reaction to emancipation as a war measure. In an open letter to President Lincoln published on August 20 under the heading "The Prayer of Twenty Millions," Greeley urged Lincoln to recognize slavery as the root cause of the war and act boldly with regard to emancipation

    This letter was written as a response to Horace Greely asking the President to declare emancipation as the reason for the war.  Now if the purpose from the onset was to free the slaves WHY WOULD GREELY IN AN OPEN LETTER ENCOURAGE THE PRESIDENT TO DECLARE IT SO. 

    The fact is the war was strictly on economic and states rights issues.  However killing ones brothers to preserve the tarrifs that protected the industry of the Northern States was hardly as sympathetic reason as freeing enslaved men.  Hence the revisionist history that ignores the facts. 

     If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that
    Abraham Lincoln Letter


    Now Omicron unless you can't read, this response very clearly articulates that abolishing slavery was not the cause of the war and the abolitionists later brought up emancipation well after the war was already underway. 



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